Dietetic and Clinical Nutrition Program
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Sana'a University
It is one of the departments that make up the Faculty, and its importance comes from the fact that, in recent years, scientific research has shown that good nutrition plays an important role in maintaining health and helping to recover from many chronic diseases. Clinical nutritionists are responsible for nutritional care and translating the science of Nutrition skills that help provide the maximum possible amount of healthy medical nutrition .
National leadership and global reputation in the field of Dietetic and Clinical Nutrition .
We are committed to preparing qualified graduates in the field of therapeutic nutrition and dietetics who possess various scientific abilities and clinical skills of international standards .
Excellence andcompetition.
Team work.
Initiative and creativity.
Job opportunities for graduates :
There are many job opportunities for graduates of the Therapeutic Nutrition and Dietetics program, the most important of which are the following:
1- Clinical nutritionist in hospitals and medical care centers that provide medical treatment to patients as part of the medical care team .
2- Working in universities and medical centers specialized in the field of food science and nutrition.
3- Social development, media, motherhood and childhood centers, and charitable organizations.
4- Working in local, regional and international bodies, fitness centers and nutritional consultations .
5- Establishing food specifications and legislation, specifications and standards in the Ministries of Industry, Trade, Customs, Health and the Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology.
6- Nutritional education and education in the Ministries of Education, Health, and Labor.
7- Working in consulting companies concerned with studies, consultations, qualification, application and granting of conformity certificates .
8- Food analysis and quality control in laboratories, customs, the Ministry of Health, Industry and Trade, and university laboratories.
9- Planning meals and food services in maternity and childhood centers, homes for the elderly, charitable organizations, civil and military catering, various food production institutions, international relief institutions, airlines, hospitals, hotels and various feeding institutions .
Study Plan :
First Year – 1nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
UIS 111 | Islamic Culture | 1 |
UEN 112 | English Language I | 4 |
UAR 113 | Arabic Languages I | 1 |
UNC 114 | The Arab-Israeli conflict | 1 |
AMS 111 | Introduction to Health Sciences | 2 |
AMS 112 | Biology for Health Sciences | 3 |
AMS 113 | Physics for Health Sciences | 3 |
Total | 15 |
First Year – 2nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
UEN 121 | English Language II | 4 |
UNC 122 | National Culture | 1 |
UIT 123 | Information Technology | 1 |
AMS 121 | Nursing Care | 3 |
AMS 122 | Chemistry for Health Sciences | 3 |
AMS 123 | Microbiology | 4 |
UAR 221 | Arabic Languages II | 1 |
Total | 17 |
Second Year – 1nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
UEN 211 | Medical Terminology | 1 |
UCS 212 | Computer Science & Medical Informatics | 1 |
AMS 211 | Anatomy | 4 |
AMS 212 | Physiology | 4 |
AMS 213 | Biochemistry | 3 |
CND 211 | Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition | 3 |
CND 212 | Food chemistry and analysis | 3 |
Total | 19 |
Second Year – 2nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
AMS 221 | Basic Pathology | 2 |
AMS 222 | Basic Pharmacology | 2 |
AMS 223 | Medical Ethics and Patients Safety | 2 |
CND 221 | Public Health and Nutrition | 2 |
CND 222 | Introduction to dietetics | 3 |
CND 223 | Food microbiology | 3 |
AMS 225 | Biostatistics | 1 |
AMS 226 | Anatomy Applied | 2 |
CND 224 | Nutritional Biochemistry | 3 |
Total | 20 |
Third Year – 1nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
CND 311 | Assessment of Nutritional and Health Status | 3 |
CND 312 | Food Preparation and Processing | 3 |
CND 313 | Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle | 3 |
CND 314 | Meals Planning and Dietary Requirements | 2 |
CND 315 | Community Nutrition | 3 |
CND 316 | Inborn Errors of Metabolism | 2 |
CND 317 | Pathophysiology and Clinical Management of Diseases | 3 |
AM 311 | Psychology | 2 |
Total | 21 |
Third Year – 2nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
CND 321 | Medical Nutrition Therapy I | 4 |
CND 322 | Nutritional Epidemiology | 2 |
CND 323 | Nutrition and Immunology | 2 |
CND 324 | Food Service and Management | 3 |
CND 325 | Obesity and Weight Management | 3 |
AMS 321 | Research Methods | 2 |
Total | 16 |
Fourth Year – 1nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
CND 411 | Medical Nutrition Therapy II | 4 |
CND 412 | Nutrigenomics | 2 |
CND 413 | Clinical Professional Dietetics Practicum I | 4 |
CND 414 | Pediatric Nutrition | 3 |
CND 415 | Sports Nutrition | 3 |
Total | 16 |
Fourth Year – 2nd Semester | ||
Course Code | Subject Name | Credit Hours |
CND 421 | Medical Nutrition Therapy III | 4 |
CND 422 | Clinical Professional Dietetics Practicum II | 4 |
CND 423 | Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals | 3 |
CND 424 | Graduation Research Project | 3 |
CND 425 | Seminar in Current Topics of Nutrition and Dietetics | 2 |
Total | 16 |