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Master's Thesis
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Sana'a University
M | Title | blender | Specialization | the university | Class | General | number of pages | private number |
1 | ocular disorders of contact lens use. | Sameha Abdulrahman AL-eryani | Ophthalm.. | Cairo university | MSC | 2000 | 153 | 1 |
2 | ascertain ment of residual hearing in severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss in children by using abrmlr and speech profile assessment | Amal Mohammed Abao Aldaumaini | Pediatr.. | university of alexandria | MSC | 2001 | 102 | 1 |
3 | genitourinary tuberculosis. | Walid Ahmed Hussein AL-asbahi | Surg…. | Ain Shams University | MSC | 2001 | 175 | 3 |
4 | assays of some enzyme activities for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. | Haider Morshid AL-mamari | Chemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2001 | 91 | 1 |
5 | Phytovhemical etudy of some plants belonging to families acanthaceae and compositae , growing in yemen | Amina Mohamed | Pharma | university of alexandria | MSC | 2001 | 181 | 1 |
6 | Measuring the level of BCL2 protein and telomerase activity in acute leukemia | Dhikra Ali Abdel Wahed Al-Aghbari | Microbioloyg | Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University | MSC | 2001 | 164 | 2 |
7 | evaluation of the sealing abilities of different materials used to repair furcal perforations (in vitro study) | Wafa Hassan AL-aajam | Dental… | cairo university | MSC | 2002 | 74 | 1 |
8 | isolation of trigonelline from iraqi fenugreek seeds and studying its effects on blood glucose level and lipid profile in normal and alloxan-diabetic rabbits . | Adeeb Abdou Nasher AL-hakeemi | Pharma | university of baghdad | MSC | 2002 | 107 | 3 |
9 | a new ex-vivo model of endothelial damage/dysfunction:application to hypertension in pregnancy. | Eman A.Y.AL- yemeni | Medicine | university of birmingham | MSC | 2002 | 89 | 1 |
10 | sporozoites and sibling species of malaria vectors . | Samira Mohamed AL- eryani | Microbiology | landon school of hygiene and tropical medicine | MSC | 2002 | 102 | 3 |
11 | antifungel activity of nystain,miconazole and fluconazole incorporated into four denture liners (in vitro study) . | Fuad Ateik Ali AL-sanabani | Dental… | university of baghdad | MSC | 2002 | 95 | 3 |
12 | intestind parasitic infections among the residents of orphanages in alexandria | Salah Abdulgalil Ahmed Haidar AL- qobaty | Microbiology | university of alexandria | MSC | 2002 | 112 | 5 |
13 | maxillary and mandibular dental arch dimensions and forms in asample of yemeni population aged (18-26) years with class I normal occlusion. | Nabil Muhsen Mohamed AL- zubair | Dental… | university of baghdad | MSC | 2002 | 121 | 2 |
14 | apreliminary study of effect of radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in post hepatitic "c" cirrhotic patients | Monsour Ali Hezam | Epidemino… | ain shams university | MSC | 2002 | 279 | 1 |
15 | evaluation dei‘influence de ia respiration suries mouvements des organes,de iatumeur,et du volum du poumon aucours du traitement par ia radioth‘erapie externe des cancers bronchiques. | Abdul Hameed Kubas | annee universitaire | MSC | 2002 | 195 | ||
16 | investigation into the plasma levels of homocysteine as acoronary risk factor in khat chewers . | Fuad Mohamed Ali al nood | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 101 | 8 |
17 | the optimum time for fetal immunological beneficial effect in response to the timing of maternal tetanus immunization . | kaima abdullah hamood frass | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 99 | 1 |
18 | comparative study between the efficacy of three drugs of low-risk evidence based therapies (vitamin B6,vitamin E and calcium) in the management of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). | eman abdullah ali hashim | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 119 | 2 |
19 | role of color doppler ultrasonography and computed tomography in the diagnosis of thy roid nodules. | mohamed ahmed ed delai | Diseases | suez canal university | MSC | 2002 | 115 | 5 |
20 | assessmant of the total antioxidant capacity of regular kaht chewers. | walid saeed abdo | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 161 | 6 |
21 | epidemiological study of dengue fever in yemen. | mohamed abdel fattah mosa al hoot | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 99 | 9 |
22 | shigellosis among diarrhoeal patients in sana'a-yemen. | nabil saad harmal | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 130 | 10 |
23 | campylobacter species among diarrheal human cases and poultry in yemen. | emad abdulrahman mohamed al badri | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 106 | 13 |
24 | tnvestigation of the alkaloids of two ephedra spp wildly grown in iraq | khalid abdullah ali al kadi | Pharma | university of baghdad | MSC | 2003 | 59 | 5 |
25 | effect of cls-retinoic acid on bcl-2 and some mitochondrial enzymes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia | lutifi abdel salam abdelrab al maktari | Biochemistry | university of alexandria | MSC | 2003 | 94 | 10 |
26 | prevalence of human cytomegalovirus in yemen. | mohammed mohammed ahmed al samawi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 90 | 7 |
27 | maternal mortality in sanaa hospitals, yemen. | abdullah ali alrukeimi | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | university of khartoum | MSC | 2003 | 181 | 6 |
28 | the use of transperineal ultrasonography for clinical assessment of abortion . | intesar abd al rageeb | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 120 | 3 |
29 | isolation of candida species from pregnant women. | gamil taher ahmed abdul mughni | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 93 | 14 |
30 | the determination of antibiotic resistance among nosocomial pathogens. | najlaa ahmed al shami | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 104 | 12 |
31 | evaluation of the epidemiological situation of malaria after control measures in afocus of arecent epidemic of the disease in hilla city and predicting the possilble recurrence of transmission. | abudul basit ahmed fadhi al ghoury | microbiology | mustansiriyah university | MSC | 2003 | 118 | 8 |
32 | bacteriology of eye infections and the antibiotics susceptibilty for the isolates in sana'a-yemen. | eyad yousef mohammed bieibet | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 96 | 11 |
33 | etiogy of urethritis among yemeni patients . | abdulrahman .y.al haifi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 79 | 17 |
34 | calcium metabolism in healthy khat chewing yemeni pregnant women. | Amal mohammed hassen Ba- nafe | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 71 | 14 |
35 | the prevalence and degree of resistance of plasmodium falciparum to the frist line drugs | abdulilah hussein al harazy | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 118 | 21 |
36 | tnf-related apoptosis inducing ligand ((trail)) expression in childhood. | adam abdullah yousaf ahmed | Diseases | ain shams university | MSC | 2004 | 125 | 10 |
37 | kesan infeksi parasit usus terhadap status mikronutrien ((vitamin A dan zat besi)) pada kanak -kanak orang asli di selangor,malaysia. | hesham mahyoub sarhan al mekhlafi | Microbiology | universiti kebangs- aan malaysia kualalumbur | MSC | 2004 | 124 | 15 |
38 | thyroid function in young pregnant women in two regions of yemen . | salwa abdulla ali zaid | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 100 | 13 |
39 | comparative studies on the diagnostic accuracy of parasite-dna detection techniques for malaria (acridine orange technique and polymerase chain reaction) against giemsa-stained blood smears as the gold standard. | mohammedabdul khalid mohdy | Microbiology | universiti kebangs- aan malaysia kualalumbur | MSC | 2004 | 149 | 16 |
40 | assessment of self-care practices among patients on maintenance hemodialysis | abdul hameed ali lutf | Nursing | university of alexandria | MSC | 2004 | 166 | 1 |
41 | Aetiology of urivory tract infectious in patients with diabetes melhitus in san'a | mohammed abdul aziz ahmed al-awadi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 66 | 18 |
42 | the effct of the minimal occlusire endotracheal tube caff pressure on trached leakage in mechanically ventilated patients | khaled mohammed ahmed al-sayaghi | Nursing | university of alexandria | MSC | 2004 | 119 | 2 |
43 | laparoscopic appende ctomy in yemen (comparative study) | nabil abdo ali othman | Surg… | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 94 | 5 |
44 | growth retardation in sickle cell anemia and thalassaemia syndrome among children in yemen | salwa ahmed mohamed sallam al-madhigy | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2005 | 180 | 15 |
45 | dominant species of dermatophytes in yemeni patients in sana'a city | mohammed abdul ealah mofaddal | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 70 | 19 |
46 | antifungal activity of the methanol extracts and essential oils of cinnamomum species. | bushra abdul karim moharm | Pharma | universiti kebangs- aan malaysia | MSC | 2005 | 191 | 11 |
47 | cryptosporidiosis among diarrhoeic children in rural and urban communities:A comparative study. | salsh abdul galil ahmed haidar | Microbiology | university of alexandria | MSC | 2005 | 195 | 22 |
48 | formulation and evaluation of alow dissolution drug in soft gelatin copsules with solubilized and emulsified core adjuvants. | abdul wali ahmed saif hameed | Pharma | cairo university | MSC | 2005 | 229 | 8 |
49 | the effct of the khat chewing on serotonin level in khat chewers pregnant women in yemen . | yosra ahmed al eryani | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2005 | 89 | 16 |
50 | ocular effects of qat. | ahmed ali al asbahi | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2005 | 143 | 10 |
51 | effect of physical exercises on cardiac autonomic reflexes and on some biochemical parameters. | wadee awad mubaruk bakran | Phesio… | suez canal university | MSC | 2005 | 134 | 1 |
52 | the effct ofqat chewing on electrocard iographic tracing in healthy male individuals | belquise abdullah al tahami | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2005 | 144 | 9 |
53 | diagnostic value of urinary ck20-rna and vegf in bladder cancer. | ekram fadi mohammed al eryani | Biochemistry | ain shams university | MSC | 2006 | 243 | 20 |
54 | effect of khat on some aspects of renal function | ali abdullah al mehdar | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 101 | 14 |
55 | the effect of some antimicrobial agents on digoxin pharmacokinetics. | mona omar salim al kathiri | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 142 | 13 |
56 | assessment of therapeutic efficacy of some yemeni medicinal plants as antimalarial drug for plasmodium folciparum"an in vitro study". | mohammed abdullah m.al shawsh | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 93 | 27 |
57 | study of breast cancer in yemeni women as determined by tumor marker analysis. | muneera shaher abdulljabbar | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 71 | 19 |
58 | prevalence of antibodies to mumps virus among clildren in sana'a -yemen. | naelah abdull aziz a.al yousefi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 67 | 26 |
59 | brucellosis in human assoclated with animals in sana'a -yemen and in laboratory prepared antigen for antibody detection. | abeer abdul mahamood mohammed nasher | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 83 | 23 |
60 | evaluation of the immune response to hepatitis B vaccin in different age groups of vaccinated individuals in the city of sana'a -yemen. | tageia abdul karim al moyed | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 87 | 31 |
61 | clinical pattern of malaria in clildren in hajjah province, yemen. | hassan ali sheiban | Pediatr.. | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 199 | 6 |
62 | evaluation of serum growth hormone and leptin in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia . | laila ahmed s.bahobeishi | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 103 | 17 |
63 | the endemicity of hepatitis viruses for selected groups population in sana'a- yemen and a modification trail for the haemagglutination test in the detection of hbsag. | adeeb abdul alim ahmed | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 146 | 30 |
64 | nitric oxide and antioxidant defense mechanism in plasmodium malaria. | najeeb mohammed kassim alraimi | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 64 | 18 |
65 | prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis b and c viruses among blood donors. | ibrahim a.m.amer | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 73 | 33 |
66 | prevalence of enteric fever among patients suffering from pyrexia in sana'a and the value of widal test. | anis rageh mohammed al maleki | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 122 | 25 |
67 | sulfa-doxine/pyrimethamine) for plasmodium falciparumin some endemic malarial regions in yemen .an in vitro and in vivo study. | abdel kodose m.h.al kebsi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 134 | 32 |
68 | lead toxicity on endocrine testicular function in an occupationally exposed population. | abdul majid mohammed ali al mutawakel | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 83 | 21 |
69 | opevalence and risk factors of hepatitis b virus infection in hadhramout valleg ,yemen. | abdul qader m.a. al sagaf | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 49 | 24 |
70 | the effect of cyclosporine a and other immunosuppressive drug on some immune response parameters among renal allograft recipients. | arwa mohammed nasser othman | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 82 | 29 |
71 | parenterally transmitted hepatitis viruses among patients with chronic liver diseases in sana'a city:a sero -molecular and epidemiological study . | abdul raqib mohammed abdu thabit | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 89 | 28 |
72 | apharmaceutical study on methocarbamol. | mahmoud mahyoob mohammed ali al buryhi | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 239 | 12 |
73 | prevalence of conventional liver autoantibodies in patients with liver diseases in sana'a city . | yasser ahmed mohammed thabet | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 98 | 36 |
74 | carriage rate of salmonella typhi among food handlers and the multi- drug resistance of the isolates in sana'a city . | yasser ahmed abdo al madhagi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 74 | 37 |
75 | Analysis of serum proteins of lymphoma cancer patients. | Amal Abdullal sultan Al Magrani | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 71 | 23 |
76 | prevalence of disseminated cyptococcosis among immunocompromized and immunocompetent individuals in sana'a city. | mohammed salah al shaghdary | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 85 | 38 |
77 | sero-prevalence of herpes simplex virus ong women who attended some antenatal and gynecology clinics in sana'a city . | roaa mohammed yahia al saiyaghi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 78 | 39 |
78 | evaluation of the immune response topolio vaccine among children less than 15 years in sana'a city -yemen . | mona mohammed magad | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 73 | 35 |
79 | the effifcacy of oral and rectal misoprostol in management of the third stage of labour . | asmaa mohammed abu taleb | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 112 | 5 |
80 | transdermal nitric oxide donor for prevention of preterm labor in high risk group . | saba mohammed shuga'a al deen | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 130 | 4 |
81 | the effect of khat administration on free radicals metabolism and antioxidant status in rats. | ekram fadi mohammed al eryani | Biochemistry | ain shams university | MSC | 2001 | 172 | 3 |
82 | the effect of lactoferrin on the sensitivity of burkholderia cepacia to rifampicin. | issam abdulla al shami | Microbiology | university of manchester | MSC | 1998 | 83 | 1 |
83 | the effect of khat chewing on neurotransmitters secretions . | nawal ahmed al henhena | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 95 | 22 |
84 | isolation and identification lipids of catha edulis leaves from different regions in yemen. | ghaleb ahmed m.qahtan | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 71 | 7 |
85 | recent trends in diagnosis and management of esphageal tumors. | waleed mohammed abdul galeel gilan | Surg… | ain shams university | MSC | 2006 | 137 | 7 |
86 | determination of the presence of salmonella spp and other food- borne pathogens in different types of food . | rabab ahmed mansour abo asba | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 82 | 40 |
87 | the study of maternal and fetal factors affecting the placenta surface area. | radyah mohammed abou talib | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | sana'a university | MSC | 2003 | 96 | 7 |
88 | the prevalence of strep-to coccus pneumoniae and staphylococcus aureus colonization among healthy children in sana'a -yemen. | bashir abdull gallil al nobhi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 86 | 34 |
89 | carnitine in epilepsy. | arwa ali ghaleb al harazi | Pediatr.. | ain shams university | MSC | 1999 | 174 | 8 |
90 | investigation the anti-inflammatory activity of caralluma penicillata . | nabil ahmed ahmed al baser | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 114 | 15 |
91 | assessment of anticardiolipin antibodies and interleukin 2 receptor (il-2r) in patients with coronary heart diseases. | abdul aziz hayel ghaleb | Microbiology | university of alexandria | MSC | 2000 | 99 | 41 |
92 | effect of khat on theophylline pharmacokine pharmacokinetics . | dalia abdul majeed ali muslot | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 91 | 16 |
93 | phormacology and therap-euties concordance and alwan contradiction . | asma ahmed alwan | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 107 | 17 |
94 | urinary tract infections among preqgnant women in sana'a city . | fuad ali bazel al-qubati | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 95 | 42 |
95 | adiponectin, leptin and c-reactire protein in type 2 diabetes and obesity . | zaid hezam abdul kareem al hamoubi | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 131 | 24 |
96 | modulation of il- 4 level by fludarabine and its relation to apoptosis in chronic hymphocytic leukemia . | mohammed abdel wahid yousef ali | Microbiology | university of alexandria | MSC | 2007 | 70 | 43 |
97 | Design and synthesis of some substitued acridine derivatires of anticipated antimicrobial activity . | jalal hamoud abdullah | Pharma | cairo university | MSC | 2007 | 113 | 18 |
98 | the effect of catha edulis on plasma heptin and non -esterified fatty acids. | waleed ahmad qasem al dubai | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2001 | 88 | 25 |
99 | the detection of extended spectrum b-lactamase (esbl) produced by klebsiella pneumoniae and escherichia coli at major hospitals and laboratories in sana'a city ,republic of yemen . | talal y.al kahtani | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 82 | 44 |
100 | dimethoate interference with alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase tests. | nahla saeed ibraheem al wajeeh | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 84 | 27 |
101 | Assessment of FAS And p53 protein in Hematological Malignancies | Mutea Ali Mhammed Iskander | Diseases | ain shams university | Msc | 2004 | 216 | 15 |
102 | Dietary practices Amorg postpartum women | Nada Ahmed Ismail | Narsing | Alexandria university | MSC | 2007 | 100 | 5 |
103 | Screening of possible sources of legionella pneumophila and legionnaires disease cases in Sanaa city | Nabil Mohammad | Microbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2007 | 88 | 45 |
104 | Human Immunodeficence virus Among prisoners and other selected Groups in Yemen | Fouad Kaid Mohammed Obady Mahady | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 100 | 46 |
105 | leptin and lipid Metabolism Related Hormones in chronic Renal Failure | Ghreeba Abd Alrhman Mohammed Abd Alwhab | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2004 | 99 | 28 |
106 | Measles Maternal Antibody levels and Vaccine Efficacy Among Infants in Sanaa Yemen | Nadia Ali Bataweel | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 67 | 47 |
107 | Prevalence of and risk factors for bacterial vaginosis amang women attending gynaecological clinics in Sanaa city | Najah Ahmed Ghalib Ammer | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 84 | 48 |
108 | Ellucidation of steps necessary for Rational Drug therapy using digoxin Among Yemeni Heart failure patients | INTIDHAR Mubarak Ali Awad | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 211 | 19 |
109 | synthesis and BIOLOGICAL Evaluation of some Benzopran Derivatives | Tawfeek Ahmed Ali Yahya | Pharma | Cairo UNIVERSITY | Msc | 2007 | 126 | 20 |
110 | Clinical and radiographic evaluation of chin implants using solid silicone implants | Al-Qasim Abbas | teeth | Damascus University, Faculty of Dentistry | msc | 2007 | 146 | 5 |
111 | Evaluation of olive oil Effect on serum Glucose and lipiids level in Diabetic patients | Ebtihag Abdulkader Ahmed Kamal | Pharma | sana'a university | Msc | 2008 | 92 | 21 |
112 | Ascreehing study of Aeromonas species as a causative agent of diarrhoea in sanaa-Yemen | Fatima Hassan Amed Al-Wathaf | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 67 | 50 |
113 | Recent trends in diagnosis and management of Acute Burns | Faiza yehea El-sormi | Surg… | ain shams university | MSC | 2008 | 199 | 8 |
114 | Hematological Evaluation of visc | Ghada Awadh Gobah | Hematology | Aden University | MSC | 2007 | 124 | 3 |
115 | Hematological parameters and bone marrow aspiration in patients with splenomegaly | Aida Jaffer Ali Ahmed | Hematology | Aden University | MSC | 2007 | 145 | 4 |
116 | the preralence of listeria monocytogenes infection among abortive women in Hodeida city and its rela tionship with dairy products | taha kayed Ahmed | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 61 | 51 |
117 | Epileptogenic potential of khat | Shawqi Hussein Nagi | Pharmacology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 162 | 22 |
118 | A study of the Effect of ozone therapy on Hepatic functions in Experimenta lly Induced Hepatic lesion in male Albio Rats | Sadek saad mohamed Abdul Moghny | Physiology | Al-Azhar university | MSC | 2007 | 130 | 2 |
119 | STREPOLYSIN O antibodies in Sanaa School children with or without history of strepococcal infection | Arwa Ali Abdullah AL -amrani | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 77 | 52 |
120 | The Relatianship BETween Dermal pressure Ulcers occurrence Oxygenation and perfusion in Mechanically VENTILATED Patients | Abdulrakib | Narsing | Alexandria university | MSC | 2007 | 80 | 6 |
121 | Plasma levels of Interleukin-6 Homocystine C-Reactive protein and in type 2 Diabetic pateints | Lobna Abdullah Hussain AL-Kebsi | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 172 | 29 |
122 | The prevalence of treponema paludum AmongSelected Groups in Sanaa city | Maha Rowhan Abdu.Al-maqtry | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 76 | 53 |
123 | Vitamin D deficiency rickets in Yemeni Children | Ahmed M.Al-Awdi | Pediatric | Khartoum university | MSC | 2007 | 174 | 9 |
124 | Plasma apolipoprotein A-1 apolipoprotein B and C- REACTIVE Protein in type 2 diabets and Cardiovascular diseases patients | Saleh Al tayeb saleh Mohammad omer Shaikh | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 136 | 30 |
125 | Evaluation of staining techniques for Detection microsporidia spores n Faecal specimens | Abdulsalam mohammed Qasem Al-mekhlafi | Microbiology | Universiti Kebar gsaan Malaysia kualalumpur | MSC | 2008 | 101 | 54 |
126 | Toxicity induced by the antibiotic Gentamicin in rats and the combined protective role of vitamin E and selenium, a study by light and electron microscopy. | Amin Abdullah Mohammed Al-Dais | Histology | King Saud University | MSC | 2008 | 247 | 1 |
127 | The Response of C- Reactive protein to Different infections in Sanaa Yemen and the Evaluation of C-Reactive Rotein Agglutination Detection Test | Naif Mohammed Al-Haidary | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 72 | 55 |
128 | Molecular typing and antimicrobial sensitivity of mycobacteria isolated from yemeni tyberculous patients | Anas Ahmed Hussein AL-Mahbashi | Microbiology | Univarsity of Khartoum | MSC | 2008 | 126 | 56 |
129 | Metabolic syndrome in non diabetic individuals | Abdulsalam Mohammed Yahia AL-shami | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 110 | 31 |
130 | The role of cyclosporine and tacrolimus in biochemical changes in kidney transplanted yemeni patients | Ibtesam Abdullah Hussein Mohammed AL-akwa`a | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 97 | 32 |
131 | Evaluation of antimalarial drug therapy in yemen and its correlation with glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase in plasma | Abdulrhman Mahyoub Ali Ana`am | Pharma… | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 158 | 24 |
132 | Prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis B virus among military personnnel in yemen and the evaluation of Hbv vaccination programme | Mohammed Ali Yahya Abdullah Atif | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 70 | 58 |
133 | The prevalence of a cute rheumatic fever among children aged 5-15 years attending pediatric and ent chinics in ibb hospitals | Eihab Abdulrhman AL -herwi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 78 | 59 |
134 | A study of hepatoprot ective effect of phoenix dactylifera (date palm ) and its interaction with sil yemein | Omar Abdullah AL-chikhwis | Pharma… | sana'a university | MSC | 2007 | 84 | 25 |
135 | Angiogenesis in laryneal carcinoma and preinvasire lesions | Amal Mohammed Shediwaha | Diseases | Ain Shams University | MSC | 2005 | 166 | 17 |
136 | Effect of catha edullis on the activity of certain serum enzymes in breast cancer patienys | Faieooz Mohammed Mohsen Atroosh | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2006 | 87 | 34 |
137 | The clinical significance of highly sensitive C-reactive protein test for patients with acute coronary | Abdulghani Ali Lutf | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 78 | 60 |
138 | Inducing of clindamyci resistance in erythromycin restant, clindamycin susceptible and methicllin resistant clinical staphylococcal isolats | Fawzi Mahoub Nasr AL-emrany | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 60 | 61 |
139 | Validity of leucocyte counts to diagnose and predict the severity of bacteria infections | Samah Abdulkarim Saleh AL-aug | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 67 | 62 |
140 | Anti-helicobacter pylari Ig G seroprevalence rate in asymptomatic children and adults in sana`a | Adel Nasser Ali Meftah | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 58 | 63 |
141 | Seasonal incidence rate for human genotypes of rotavirus in yemeni children in taiz city | leena Mohammed Qa`ed AL-areqi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 86 | 64 |
142 | The detection of chlamydia trachomatis antigen and antibodies in sexually active women in sana`a city | Belquis Shareaf Ahmed AL- huraibi | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 91 | 65 |
143 | Evaluation of the anti- inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of costus arabicus | Ali Mohammed S. Arragawi | Pharma | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 88 | 26 |
144 | An epidemiological study of dengue fever in al-rahedah town, taiz governorate | Abdul nasser Alezzi A.R. AL- hemiary | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 86 | 66 |
145 | Prevalence of autoimmue thyroid diseases in yemeni people with goiter | Gamila Mohammed AL- hadid | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 75 | 35 |
146 | Effect of qat on some immune response parameters among qat chewers in sana`a city - yemen | Khaled Abdullah Yahia AL-baadany | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 65 | 67 |
147 | Serum immunoglobulin classes (IgG,IgM, and IgA) concentrations among healhy adults in sana`a -yemen | Khairallah Abdulkarim Algha | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 66 | 68 |
148 | Prevalence of hepatitis G virus infection among chronic hepatitis B chronic hepatitis C and HIV patient in sana`a yemen. | Ali Abdullah Mohammed AL-somainy | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 66 | 69 |
149 | Serum vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma with or without portal vein thrombosis | Adel Rageh Ali AL-sayani | Medicine | Ain Shams University | MSC | 2007 | 189 | 5 |
150 | Hepatitis E virus among pregnant women in Taiz -Yemen | Ahmed Abdullah Mansoor Ahmed | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 63 | 70 |
151 | Bacterial sepsis among children inTaiz city , yemen. | Ali Omar Mohammed AL-nashamy | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 70 | 71 |
152 | Immunity &susceptibity to hepatitis B virus (HBV ) among medical students in both sana`a and taiz universites | Adel Mohammed Abdulgabbar Kaid | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 77 | 72 |
153 | Evaluaion of cholinesterase enzyme level in spraymen in malaria vector control in tehamah region | Ahmed Abdullah Mahdi AL- dar | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2008 | 108 | 36 |
154 | Seroprevalcnce of anti - blastomy cosis antibodies among yemeni people | Fouzi Abdulaziz M.Shamsan | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 84 | 74 |
155 | Prevalence and bioty ping of B -haemolytic streptococci among patients with sore throat in hodeidah city | Zaidoon Abdulsadik Juma`a | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 79 | 75 |
156 | The prevalence of hepatitis D virus among hepatitis B virus sero -positive patients in sana`a yemen | Sameeha Abdullah Hussein AL-akwa`a | Microbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 71 | 76 |
157 | Lipocalin-2 and adiponectin in obesity and type2 diabetes | Boshra AL-Absi | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 152 | 37 |
158 | Study of interleckin -2 level in schistosomiasis with or without hepatitis B viral infection in sana`a city - yemen | Monia Ali Mohammed AL- Areeqi | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 102 | 39 |
159 | In vitro screening of the ability of certain new drugs to penetrate the blood brain barrier | Bothaina Hamoud Al-Anisi | Pharmaceutics | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 43 | 28 |
160 | A critical reference review of the different World Health Organization classifications for non-infiltrating papillary tumors of the lining of the bladder. | Hikmat Jabr bin Jabr | Diseases | suez canal university | Msc | 2007 | 92 | 19 |
161 | Management of Tibial plateau fractures | Abdulrahman Abdulla | surg… | assiut univer sity | Msc | 2009 | 147 | 9 |
162 | Trends of pharmaceutical industry in yemen in the field of maternity and childhood | Mona Abdullah AL-TAHAMI | Pharmacology | sana'a university | Msc | 2008 | 161 | 30 |
164 | Association between cystic echinococcosis and class II white blood cell antigens in Yemeni patients | Abdel Baset Ahmed Fadl | parasitology | Suez Canal University | M.D | 2008 | 161 | 1 |
165 | The relationship between carcino factor A, cortisol, and type 2 diabetes | Kefah Hassan Ali Al-Huraibi | Biochemistry | Suez Canal University | Msc | 2008 | 119 | 43 |
166 | Dlagnostic and Theraputic RoLe of Endosonogra phy ln Gastrolntina Dlseases | Zaid mutahr Alezzi | Medicine | Cairo UNIVERSITY | MSc | 2009 | 235 | 7 |
167 | Differences in genetic mutation of TNF-alpha and interleukin-10 in rheumatic heart disease. | Arwa Abdel Karim is a joker | pediatrlcs | Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Girls' Medicine | Msc | 2009 | 221 | 10 |
168 | EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF HIV-1INFECTION By PZY ANTIGEN DETEC TION AMONG-ANTI -HIV SERO NEC-ATIVe Blood DONORS IN SANA,A YEMEN | Abdullh Ahmed Ahmed | Microbiology | SAna'a university | Msc | 2009 | 66 | 77 |
169 | Bactrial prfile of septicemia IN Neonatal vnit at AL-Thowra Hospital San’na | Amal Abdul -Karim mohammed | Microbiology | SAna'a university | MSC | 2009 | 66 | 78 |
170 | Aetiolgy and epidemiology of resbiratoy tract ln fections am ony pilgrims To mak kan | Hussein AL-Zahar | Micrbiology | sana'a university | ICD | 2009 | 52 | 79 |
171 | prevalence of Rubella virus Antibod ies among women ln reproductlve age ln AL-mahweet go vernorte- Yemen | Amatalkhaleg AbduIah Jubaran | Micrbiology | Sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 55 | 80 |
172 | prevalence of cytoegab -vlus ln renal allograft Trns plant lndivduals ln sana’a Yemen | Ghuzlan saeed saeed moghram | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 63 | 81 |
173 | prevalenee of meticillin-reslstant staph yLococcus a ureus among patients wiTh skin and soft Tissue lnfec Tion at AL-Thawean hospitaL lN lbb city | Rashad sulen mahmad Aii AL-khamlany | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 74 | 82 |
174 | prevalence of hepatitis B-and C vlrusesamong Trans fusion dependent hemolytic and mity patientn ln sana،a city- yemen | Ahlam Aii mohammed Asa،ad | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 81 | 83 |
175 | Detection of group B-streptococl colnlzatiov ln pregnant and hov pregnant women ln taiz city yemen | Essar Abdulaziz Hasan Aladmi | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 60 | 84 |
176 | The Refence values of CD4 andCD8 Lymphocy tes count among HIV Patients and Heal Thy lndividuals ln yemen | Waleed Qassem Abdulmageed | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 88 | 85 |
177 | Prevalence of vibrio para haemolytcus and olher vibrio species ln sea food ln yemen | Ekram Mohammd Salih AL-Awdi | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 66 | 86 |
178 | Effect of co-exlsing diseases on blood pictures of patients wilh- pulmonary Tuberculosis | Adel Aii Ahmed Said AL-shamiry | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 85 | 87 |
179 | The PREVALENCNE RATE OF ASYMPTOIC URINARY TRACT INFECTION AMONG SCHOOL FEMALES CHILDREN IN SaNA،A، CITY YEMEN | Akwa،Abdulah AL-Akwa | Micrbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 81 | 88 |
180 | ASSOCITON OF SCHSTO SOMIASIS With VIRAL HEPATITS INFEC- TIONS IN SELeCTED- GOVERNOR ATES،YEMEN | Laila salim Aii Abdullah Aliwah | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 104 | 89 |
181 | Prevalence of Rabies among selected- domestic and wild animals in yemen | Ameera Ahmed Aii Sunhope | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 79 | 90 |
183 | ANTimicrobial activites of selected medleinal plants from yemen | Reem Mohammed Nasher | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 61 | 92 |
184 | Association between chronlc Helicobacter pylori lN fection and coronart disease ln cidence ln sana،a-yemen | Nabila Mohammed AL-Moalmy | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 73 | 93 |
185 | Effrct of Hydroxyurea dryg on fetal Hemogloin production ln patients will sickle cell Disease ln sana،a Hospitals | Mona Mohammed AL-Khawlani | Biochemistry | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 110 | 44 |
186 | prevalenee and RISK Factors of Resplratory syneyial virus lnfections Among children undel one year of Age wilh Respira tory tract ln fection ln sana،a city | waddah othman Abdu mohammed | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 47 | 94 |
187 | Detection of anti-mala rial 19G antibadies and an tigenic components ln sera from malaria Hodiedan-yemen | Aii Jamaly-Hussien AL-Hawery | parasitology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 103 | 3 |
188 | Prevalence of HIV،HBV and HCV among blood donors ln Dhamr city yemen | Mohammed Abdul wahhab AL-kholani | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 67 | 95 |
189 | Prevalence of enteric adenovirus among ln fant and young children suffering from acute gastro anteritis ln sana،a | Khaled Mohammed Ahmed Aii AL-Jamrah | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 48 | 96 |
190 | The Relation Between ma nnose Bindirg Lectin (CMBL) and Rheumatic Heart Disease ln sana،a city | Hilal Aii youssef kaeid AL-Hakemi | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 57 | 97 |
191 | Expression of auto antibodires markers among systemle Lupus Erythematosus patients ln sana،a city-yemen | Najla Hussein mohsen Dhaifallah | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 90 | 98 |
192 | prevalence of hopatitis B vir us among women ln The reproducctive age and possibility of vetical Transmissl ON TO The Fetus ln sana،a city-yemen | Ahmed Salem mubarak Badaam | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 74 | 99 |
193 | Efficacy of Artemether- Myrrh com biration schitosoma mansoni ln Experimen tally lnfec ted mice | Rashad Ahmed Abdul-Ghani | parasitology | Msc | 2010 | 121 | 4 | |
194 | prrvalence of cytomega- lovirus antibodies preg nant women and newporns in The main hespital ln jeblah city | Abdullah molhan mohmmed | Micrbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 61 | 100 |
195 | Acne vulgaris: lsolan،typing of cau sative agents severitg of clinical prosentation and factors affrct Their occurrence in AL Hodeidah city | Shehap Aii Ahmed salah | Micrbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 50 | 101 |
196 | Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alfa(TNF-) in obesity and type 2 diabetes. | Asmaa Abdul Nasser Hussin Musar Faker-Aidclin | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 152 | 45 |
197 | Measurement of Total and specifie lgE among patients wilh Atopyc Dermatitis and controls in yemen. | Sameer saleh Abdul Hassan AI-malhani | Micrbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 83 | 102 |
198 | The EFFECT OF calha Edulis As Afactor on The incidence of Autoimmune hepatit is Among khat chewers. | Ibtisam obad Aidroish | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2009 | 94 | 46 |
199 | occurrence of cryptosporidium parvum among immunocompromisedl patients in Lbb city-yemen. | Eglal Ahmed Abdo Qasem | Medicine Microbio logy | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 63 | 103 |
200 | The prevalence OF Diabetes mellitus Type 2 in Taui 2 city. | Khalil mohammed A-Azeem mohammed | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 111 | 47 |
201 | Prevalence and types of Glucose-6-phosphate clehydrogenase defieency in yemeni Blood donors and The role of modulated cytokine responses. | Fakiha Abobakr omer Bazara | Biochemistry | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 96 | 48 |
202 | prevalence of E.coli ol57:H7 as diarrheal -causing bacteria among chilodren admitted to hospitals in lbb city. | wadee Abdullah Abdu wahid AL-shehari | Micrbiology | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 83 | 104 |
203 | Evaluation of prazi Q uqntel Efficacy Among patients wilh schistosomiasis in HAJJA governorate -Repudlic of yemen | Talal saied Ahmed Naji | parasitology | sana'a university | MSC | 2010 | 74 | 5 |
204 | Thyroid cland Dsorders in patients wilh Hepatitis cvirus Tnfection | Radwan Hamoud Aii Ahmed | biochemistry | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 48 | 49 |
205 | Prevalence of streptococcus pyogene intections among children and yourg aclultsinmatran Aden caty | yaoser mansour mohammed matran | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 47 | 105 |
206 | EVALuatior of Bacte mg.4g60 melhod for The Detectuon And Drug susceptibit ity Testing of mycobacterium Tuberculosis complex | Khaled Aii Abdulkader AL-Rbase | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 75 | 106 |
207 | Assessment of zine and oTher Elements Levelo in seminal plasma wilh sperm Quality in Heallhy khat chewes | Fahmy mourshed Abdullah shaher | biochemistry | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 80 | 50 |
208 | Determinatior of kidney stones components in yemeni parients in sana،a city-yemen | Ebtisam Ahmad Alsadiq | biochemistry | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 73 | 51 |
209 | Pre valence of staphy locuecus aureun in fection amarg chiabetic foot patierts in samaa city yemen | Badie Aii Abdullah Noaman AL-Areqi | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 82 | 107 |
210 | Association of Hapatitis C Virus infection wilh type II Diabetes Mellitus in sana،a city-yemen. | Essam Aii Hassan AL-Shuga،a | Biochemistry | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 104 | 52 |
211 | PREVALENCE OF RUBELLA VIRUS ANTIBODIES AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN AND NEW BORNS IN THE MAIN HOSPITAL IN JEBLAHCITY. | Abdul Baset Saeed Mohammed Abbas | Micrbiology | sana'a university | Msc | 2010 | 60 | 108 |
213 | Effect of IF channel inhibitors on left ventricular diastolic function in autoimmune cardiomyopathy | Nashwan Rajeh Al-Maiki | Medicine | Ain-Shams University | Msc | 2009 | 122 | 8 |
214 | Activity of the enzymes alkaline phosphatase, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transamase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in the serum of subjects treated for black seed. | Samira Mohammed Ali Saleh Al-Ashwal | Biochemistry | sana'a university | Msc | 2009 | 111 | 53 |
216 | The role of the nurse in maintaining a healthy, natural environment in primary schools in Alexandria | Afrah Mohammed Abdullah Al-Dhabhani | Nursing | Alexandria University | Msc | 2010 | 108 | 9 |
217 | The spread of Pseudomonas bacteria in soil and surface water in Yemen and its relationship to human infection | Samir Mansour Al Kabari | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2007 | 85 | 110 |
218 | Exaggerated promotion of medicines in Yemen | Issa Mohammed Abdul Wahed Al-Shuja | pharma cology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2009 | 141 | 31 |
219 | Immune response to hepatitis B vaccine in children under ten years of age in Sana'a, Yemen | Namim Mohammed Al-Dhahaji | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2009 | 88 | 111 |
220 | The effect of khat on some liver function indicators | Saddam Yahya Hassan Al-Shahari | pharma cology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2009 | 123 | 32 |
221 | Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus among blood donors in Sana'a city, Yemen | Mahmoud Saleh Mohammed Al Majzoub | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 50 | 112 |
222 | The prevalence of hepatitis E virus among community members in Lahj Governorate | Jazem Mohammed Jazem | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 54 | 113 |
223 | Pattern of intestinal parasite infection and anemia among school children in rural and urban areas in Ibb Governorate - Yemen. | Fayez Eid Al-Wahhab Abdo Qasim Al-Khawlani | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2010 | 119 | 114 |
224 | Comparison of changes in carbohydrates for type 2 diabetics between those who store and those who do not store them | Mohammed Ahmad Mohammed Ahmad Al-Qasha | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 81 | 54 |
225 | The tuberculin test and its relationship to tuberculosis among health sector workers in the city of Sana'a | Abdul Rahman Mohammed Hussein Al-Maamari | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 72 | 115 |
226 | The incidence of gestational diabetes among pregnant women in Amanat Al Asimah | Jamal Othman Dabwan Saif | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 69 | 55 |
227 | The effect of different methods of pregnancy on the profile of serum lipids and the level of antioxidants among women | Fouad Ahmed Abdo Mohsen | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 98 | 56 |
228 | The prevalence of brucellosis among humans in three selected areas in Al Dhalea Governorate - Yemen | Arafat Abdo Talib | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 78 | 116 |
229 | Evaluation of the whooping cough vaccination program, coverage rate and immune status among children in the city of Sana’a - Yemen | Hana Hassan Mahyoub Al-Wafi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 45 | 117 |
230 | The relationship between human leukocyte antigen and Yemeni patients suffering from end-stage renal failure associated with high blood pressure. | Haitham Abdel Wahab Abdel Razzaq Masoud | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 69 | 118 |
231 | Prevalence rate of hepatitis B and C virus among kidney failure patients in Al-Thawra Hospital - Ibb City - Yemen | Majid Mohammed Abdel-Wahab Hassan Al-Mazjaji | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 64 | 119 |
232 | The prevalence of HBC antibodies among hepatitis B surface antigen (HBV) negative blood donors in the city of Amran - Yemen. | Hoda Ali Hussein Al-Kayyal | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 88 | 120 |
233 | The effect of some risk factors on the immune response to hepatitis B virus vaccine among the immunized population in the city of Sana'a - Yemen. | Rajia Hamoud Qarman Al-Mekhlafi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 61 | 121 |
234 | Asymmetric dimethyl arginine: a recent indication for endothelial damage in cases of hyperthyroidism. | Mohammed Abdel Qader Mohammed Al-Nuzaili | Biochemistry | Ain-Shams University | M.D | 2010 | 107 | 57 |
235 | Experimentally studying the effect of ozone administration on the functions of damaged liver and kidneys in male albino mice | Sadiq Saeed Mohammed Abdul Ghani | Physiology | Al Azhar university | M.D | 2010 | 173 | 3 |
236 | Factors for the spread of diarrhea among children under the age of five presented to Al-Sabeen Hospital | Mansour Abdo Salah Al-Taj | Community medicine | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 106 | 4 |
237 | The relationship between the levels of cystatin C and creatine in the sera of patients with chronic renal failure and type 2 diabetes in Yemen. | Bushra Abdullah Abdo Al-Mikhlafi | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2010 | 107 | 58 |
238 | The impact of the community contact network on the use of reproductive health services in the Yemeni countryside | Ali Farea Al-Amiri | Community medicine | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 94 | 5 |
239 | Knowledge, attitudes and applications of service providers towards people living with HIV in public hospitals in Sana’a. | Mohammed Abdullah Manea Al-Emad | Community medicine | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 119 | 6 |
240 | Bacterial urinary tract infection among kidney transplants in Yemen | Adnan Shui Abkar Balghaith Jandas | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 67 | 122 |
241 | The original spread of hepatitis C virus in three selected areas of Shabwa Governorate - Yemen | Ibrahim Mohammed Ahmed Nahshal | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 67 | 123 |
242 | The effect of cigarette smoking on the rate of microalbuminuria among diabetics in Yemen | Nabila Ahmed Ahmed Abdo Al-Tari | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 77 | 59 |
243 | Seroprevalence rate of syphilis and malaria among blood donors in the city of Sana'a - Yemen | Nasser Mohammed Ahmed Al-Amari | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 76 | 124 |
244 | The prevalence and identification of Staphylococcus lucidonensis and its susceptibility to antibiotics in various clinical samples in Sana'a city - Yemen. | Mohammed Qasim Abdul Rab Alawi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 70 | 125 |
245 | Seroprevalence rate of anti-blastomycosis among HIV-positive patients and kidney transplant patients in Sana'a city. | Sami Mohammed Abdo Hassan | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 62 | 126 |
246 | Viral infection among dialysis patients in Sana'a city | Mohammed Yahya Masawi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 83 | 127 |
247 | The role of the factor (9-19-CA) in destroying Beta cells in type 2 diabetics | Radha Ahmed Taj Al-Din | biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 100 | 60 |
248 | Association of Epithetin-Barr virus with cancer in Yemen | Bushra Ahmed Ismail Al-Akwa | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 82 | 128 |
249 | Cardiac troponin T level in patients without myocardial dilation in Sana'a city hospitals | Adel Hadi Ali Al-Ashwal | biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 73 | 61 |
250 | The effect of smoking on male hormones in coronary artery disease patients, Yemen - Sanaa city | Ahlam Ahmed Zaid Al-Hababi | biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 101 | 62 |
251 | Seroprevalence of parvovirus B19 among pregnant women, aborted women, and females of reproductive age in Sana'a. | Dina Mohammed Ahmed Al-Ashqar | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 72 | 129 |
252 | Evaluation of a rapid antigen detection test in the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis in children | Wahib Mohammed Ali Ahmed Al-Qudsi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 71 | 130 |
253 | Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus in three selected areas in Shabwa Governorate | In the name of Mohammed Ahmed Al-Faraji | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 57 | 131 |
254 | The relationship between insulin-like growth factor-I and vitamin D in breast cancer patients | Kolb Saleh Al-Sharqi | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 109 | 63 |
255 | The effect of zinc level on the level of leptin and interleukin (2) in plasma at khat stores | Mashor Ahmed Abdullah Farea | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 89 | 64 |
256 | The effect of smoking and khat on the serum level of thyroglobulin among men | Mahfouz Ahmed Hazza Abdo | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 91 | 65 |
257 | Estimating the level of remethoate in the blood of patients with non-inflammatory liver disease using gas chromatography | Mohammed Ahmed Abdullah Hajar | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 125 | 66 |
258 | Enteric adenovirus in children suffering from intestinal infections in Hodeidah city | Naglaa Mohammed Mustafa Al-Dourani | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 59 | 132 |
259 | The effect of smoking and khat on the level of estrogen in women before and after menopause and its effect on calcium and fats | Mukhtar Abdul Qader Al-Burahi | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 84 | 67 |
260 | Risk factors for breast cancer among Yemeni women in Amanat Al Asimah | Zeinat Saeed Saleh Al-Diachi | Community medicine | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 95 | 7 |
261 | Pelvic imaging in the diagnosis of tubal factor in infertility | Fayza Abdul Karim Mohammed Sabra | aobsterics and Gynecoiogl | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 62 | 10 |
262 | Factors associated with the fetal-maternal outcome of placenta previa | Dima Ismail Abdullah Mohammed | Obstertics | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 11 | |
263 | Bacterial vaginosis as a risk factor for premature birth in Al-Sabeen Hospital - Sana'a - Yemen | Ghada Mohammed Ahmed Noman | Obstertics | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 68 | 12 |
264 | Study of the effect of filtered hemoglobin on the level of interleukin-6 in chronic hemoglobin disease. | Ali Abdul Karim Ali Shaiban | Medicine | Cairo University | Msc | 2011 | 73 | 10 |
265 | Seroprevalence of brucellosis among humans and animals in selected areas in Shabwa Governorate | Mohammed Awad Salem Ajra | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 55 | 134 |
266 | Profiling the immunodeficiency virus among infected people in the city of Sana'a - Yemen | Yasser Ali Hussein Massawi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 44 | 135 |
267 | Treatment of hydatid liver cysts at Kuwait University Hospital in Sana'a | Abdul Ilah Abdul Karim Mohammed Shujaa Al-Din | Surgery… | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 67 | 12 |
268 | Vital indicators between stored patients and patients with acute myocardial infarction and their outcomes | Samar Ali Abdul Haq Al-Haidari | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 93 | 68 |
269 | Serological prevalence of leptospirosis among people most susceptible to infection in Al-Hudaydah Governorate, Yemen | Widad Dawoud Mohammed Rahim | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 62 | 136 |
270 | Formulation and evaluation of oral and rectal ketamine pretreatment in children | Bassam Abdo Ali Al-Shaibani | Pharmacology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 145 | 34 |
271 | Evaluation of the levels of selected minerals in the milk of Yemeni women in the city of Sana'a | Entsar Mahmoud Abdullah | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 65 | 69 |
272 | The effect of zinc level in plasma on the activity of some hormones and enzymes in men stored with khat | Ashwaq Hassan Mohammed Al-Alfi | Biochemistry | Danaa University | Msc | 2012 | 70 | |
273 | The effect of antiretroviral drugs on the CD8:CD4 ratio among HIV patients in Yemen. | Mustafa Salem Mohammed Al-Laswas | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 79 | 137 |
274 | Evaluation of the coproantigen system as a method for identifying Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica in Yemeni patients in Sana'a Governorate. | Samia Ali Ahmed Al-Jabri | parasitology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 101 | 9 |
275 | The relationship of Chlamydia pneumoniae antibodies to acute myocardial infarction | Rola Taher Mohammed Qasim | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 75 | 138 |
276 | Soluble interleukin-2 receptors in the serum of pulmonary tuberculosis | Ashwaq Yahya Hassan Al-Hababi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 66 | 139 |
277 | Thyroid functions in Yemeni children with mental retardation | Abdullah Al-Khader Ali Asaad | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 89 | 72 |
278 | The prevalence of urinary tract infections among the elderly, bacterial causes, factors contributing to infection, and the sensitivity of isolates to antibiotics | Firdous Omar Abdul Karim Abboud | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 82 | 140 |
279 | Status of tetanus immunization and factors affecting the vaccine among women of reproductive age in Sana'a - Yemen | Mona Saleh Hadi Magali | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2012 | 63 | 141 |
280 | Rate and methods of household infection with hepatitis B virus in Sana'a city - Yemen | Nawal Yahya Hassan Al-Shahari | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2012 | 58 | 142 |
281 | Identification of antibodies to the HBC antigen among blood donors negative for the hepatitis B surface antigen in Sana'a city. | Walid Abdel-Wasi Salam Qassem | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2012 | 66 | 143 |
282 | Efficiency of dialysis in relation to kidney function tests in the dialysis center in the city of Hodeidah | Manal Abdel Majeed Ali Musalat | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | msc | 2012 | 85 | 73 |
283 | Seroprevalence rate of measles and rubella antibodies among women of reproductive age in Al Dhalea Governorate - Yemen | Anwar Abdullah Saleh Talib | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2011 | 81 | 144 |
284 | Prevalence and risk factors for hepatitis B and C viruses among blood donors | Ibrahim Abdullah Mohammed Amer | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2006 | 72 | 145 |
285 | Prevalence rate of parvovirus B19 among children with anemia in Sana'a city | Nawal Ali Tabqa | Microbiology | Sanaa University | msc | 2009 | 68 | 146 |
286 | Salmonellosis among diarrheal diseases in the city of Hodeidah - Yemen | Walid Abu Bakr Youssef Jaafar | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2011 | 147 | |
287 | Prevalence rate of hepatitis C virus among health workers in Sana'a city - Yemen | Hossam Mohammed Taha Al-Maqtari | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 75 | 148 |
288 | Carriage rate of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria and its biological classification among health workers in three selected hospitals, Sana’a - Yemen | Ghada Hussein Ali Al-Falahi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 85 | 149 |
289 | Association of Candida albicans and non-albicans yeast with vaginitis among pregnant and non-pregnant women in Sana'a city - Yemen. | Samira Mohammed Mahdi Al-Hatami | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 64 | 150 |
290 | Genetic diversity of hepatitis C virus in patients with chronic viral hepatitis in Yemen | Sami Sultan Ahmed Abdo | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 80 | 151 |
291 | Susceptibility to German measles among women of fertile age in the city of Al-Shehr, Hadhramout Governorate | Sami Ibrahim Abdullah Bamkhtar | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 72 | 152 |
292 | The prevalence of various bacterial and fungal infections in the mouth among those attending dental clinics in the city of Sana’a. | Amira Abdullah Mahdi Mohammed | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 153 | |
293 | The diagnostic value of Betstead circovirus 3 antibodies in Yemeni patients clinically diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. | Hamza Mohammed Ahmed Al-Sanabani | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 81 | 154 |
294 | The effect of bacterial isolates from the tip of the embryo transfer catheter on pregnancy outcomes by ICSI | Nujoud Ahmed Hussein Jameel | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 42 | 155 |
295 | The spread of enteric rotavirus among infants with diarrhea in the city of Ibb | Ibrahim Abdo Mahyoub Al-Hubaishi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 72 | 156 |
296 | Seroprevalence of human T-cell immunoglobulin virus among blood donors in Sana'a, Yemen | Haifa Abdulmalik Ahmed Aljabri | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 64 | 157 |
297 | The incidence of germs causing sewage infections associated with catheters and the extent of resistance of bacterial isolates to antibiotics | Taghreed Hussein Ali Al-Falahi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 77 | 158 |
298 | Association of cardiolipin antibodies with antiphospholipid syndrome among aborted women in Sana'a. | Khadija Mohammed Dabwan Ahmed | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 61 | 159 |
299 | Levels of serum complements III and IV among patients with bronchial asthma in Sana'a city, Yemen | Mahmoud Ali Ahmed Al-Azab | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 95 | 160 |
300 | Antibacterial activity of black seed oil against drug-resistant bacteria from clinical isolates in Sana'a city | Khaled Ahmed Musleh Al-Hashra | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 62 | 161 |
301 | C-reactive protein and its relationship to bacterial infections, vital imbalances, and malignant tumors | Abeer Ahmed Ali Abdel Dayem Sufyan | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 70 | 162 |
302 | The rate of burden of Neisseria meningitidis among Yemeni children, risk factors and characteristics of isolated strains | Dhikra Jamil Ismail Sheikh | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 53 | 163 |
303 | Detection of influenza virus among hospitalized cases suffering from severe acute respiratory disease (SARI) in the city of Sanaa, Yemen. | Dina Abdul-Jabbar Abdullah Al-Adimi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 65 | 164 |
304 | Hepatitis C+B virus and immunodeficiency virus infection among hospital cleaners in Sana'a | Walid Hassan Mohammed Al-Marani | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 84 | 165 |
305 | Association of Helicobacter pylori infection with serum levels of vitamin B12 | Mohammed Abdel Wahab Al-Hakimi | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 79 | 166 |
306 | The prevalence of hepatitis B virus among patients with chronic hepatitis and healthy individuals in the city of Sana'a, Yemen | Ismail Mohammed Al-Dabis | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 62 | 167 |
307 | Antidote to streptococcal condition o Natural rates among children from the age of five to fifteen in the city of Sana'a | Salem Abdullah Salem Al-Ammari | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2012 | 60 | 168 |
308 | Household contact in the transmission of hepatitis B virus in Rasan - Abyan District | Ali Nasser Mohammed Gibran Al-Yafei | Microbiology | Sanaa University | Msc | 2013 | 58 | 169 |
309 | The role of myofibroblasts in the biology of colorectal cancer | Nassim Younis Salem Saqran | Diseases | Sanaa University | Msc | 2014 | 128 | 21 |
310 | The importance of expression of nerbilin-1 in acute myeloid leukemia | Mutee Ali Mohammed Iskandar | Diseases | Ain-Shams University | Md | 2011 | 232 | 22 |
Doctoral Dissertations
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Sana'a University
M | Title | blender | Specialization | the university | Class | General | number of pages | private number |
1 | Objectiveclinical and anthropomorphic evaluation of reduction mammaplasty by the superior pedicle te chnique . | Jamila Ali AL-Sanabani | Surg…. | Faculty of Medicine, Sana'a University | Ph.D | 2000 | 249 | 2 |
2 | critical evaluation of children with stone disease combined retrospective and prospective study. | Morshed Ahmed Noman Said | Surg…. | Faculty of medicin mansoura university | Ph.D | 2000 | 140 | 1 |
3 | high resolution computed tomography findings in lung parenchymal diseases of yemeni patients. | Abdulmalik Ahmed Nagi Qais | Diseases | University of khartoum | Ph.D | 2001 | 97 | 2 |
4 | gically induced corneal astigmatism comparative study between midlmbal incision and scleral tunnel incision in conventional extra capsular catarct extraction. | Ibrahim Hassein Othman AL-wazir | Ophthalm.. | suez canal university | Ph.D | 2000 | 153 | 2 |
5 | occurrence of parvovirus b19 in blood donors and its persistence in adult arthritis. | Dheya Abdul Hafeedh Sharaf AL- danani | Microbioloyg | university of alexandria | Ph.D | 2002 | 155 | 4 |
6 | prevalence of trachoma among third year primary school pupils in al-mahweet town and directorate (yemen). | Mutahar Yahia AL- shaeer | Ophthalm.. | sana'a university | Ph.D | 2002 | 97 | 3 |
7 | diagnosticul primar in cancerul de prostata avansat. | Essam Mohammed AL-rabea | Diseases | university of romania | Ph.D | 2002 | 130 | 3 |
8 | upper gastrointestinal morphological changes and gut contamination in childhood constipation | Abdulla Mansour Bin El zoa | Pediatr.. | university of romania | Ph.D | 2002 | 235 | 2 |
9 | apharmceutical study on sustainment of action of certain antlallergic drug | Ahmed Mohammeed Othman Ahmed | Pharma | ain shams university | Ph.D | 2002 | 303 | 4 |
10 | study of some biochemistry factors and p53 tumor suppressor gene in chronic viral hepatitis c patients with or without schistosomiasis. | Rashad Ali Abdo Thabet | Biochemistry | university of baghdad | Ph.D | 2002 | 161 | 5 |
11 | the pathogenesis of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus infection . | Issam AL- shami | Diseases | university of manchester | Ph.D | 2002 | 234 | 4 |
12 | management and drugs for diabetie nephropathy in yemeni patuents . | Mohamed Awad | Pharma | university of khartoum | Ph.D | 2002 | 60 | 2 |
13 | the assessment of plasmodium falciparum response to chlloroquine in al-hodeidah governorate republic of yemen . | Mohamed Taha AL-maktari | Microbiology | university of alexandria | Ph.D | 2002 | 246 | 6 |
14 | effects of khat on thyroid function with possible in duction of thyroid autoantibodies | fairouz kaid ahmed al shawafi | Biochemistry | university of khartoum | Ph.D | 2003 | 120 | 9 |
15 | normal yetiskin insan beyinlerinde hacim analizi :manyetik rezonans goruntuleri ile degerlendirme. | khalil awadh murshed | ECG | university of selcuk | Ph.D | 2003 | 165 | 1 |
16 | glucose insulin index as simple measure of insulin resistance in obese diabetics . | mohamed ahmed omar bamashmos | Medicine | cairo university | Ph.D | 2003 | 209 | 2 |
17 | sleep patterns in egyptian children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. | arwa ali geleb al harazi | Pediatr.. | ain shams university | Ph.D | 2003 | 291 | 3 |
18 | laparoscopic cholecystectomy - benefits and risks. | saleh ateg saleh al salamy | Surg…. | university of romania | Ph.D | 2003 | 193 | 4 |
19 | predictive values of some atherogenic risk factors in young workers occupationally exposed to vinyi chloride or heavy metals. | ebtesam mahdi saleh al zabidi | Biochemistry | university of alexandria | Ph.D | 2003 | 263 | 11 |
20 | phytochemical study on selected plants grown in yemen and lebanon | Amina Mohammed saeed el shaibany | Pharma | beirut arab university | Ph.D | 2004 | 205 | 7 |
21 | phtochemical of sickie cell gene in yemen | hafiz abdul hamid al nood | Hemato… | university of wales swansea | Ph.D | 2004 | 155 | 1 |
22 | histopathology and immunohisto chemistry of the prostate carcinoma and preneo ptastiic lesions | ahmed joubran kaid al arami | Diseases | universitatea de medicina si farmacie caroi davila bu- curesti | Ph.D | 2004 | 192 | 9 |
23 | eraluation of the role of low molecular weighheparin in patients with ischaemic stroke | rashad abdulghani abdulrab | Diseases | ain shams university | Ph.D | 2004 | 203 | 7 |
24 | genetic, autoimmune and metabolic markers as predictors of type 1diabetes in siblings of patients . | asma ghaleb al sherei | Pediatr.. | cairo university | Ph.D | 2004 | 181 | 5 |
25 | evaluation of the effect of pulsed due laser on chronic psoriatic plaque using vascular endothelial growth factor as aparameter | noor salah mohammed awad | Diseases | cairo university | Ph.D | 2004 | 232 | 8 |
26 | impact of functional disability on life-style for patients with arthitis. | mohammed mohammed ali al akmar | Nursing | university of baghdad | Ph.D | 2004 | 223 | 4 |
27 | assessment of quality of life for infertile men . | abdul salam mohammed naji dallak | Nursing | university of baghdad | Ph.D | 2004 | 191 | 3 |
28 | Biological effects of laser radiation:fundamental and applied studies on microorg anisms | nageeb ali ahmed kalala | Microbiology | alexandria university | Ph.D | 2004 | 162 | 20 |
29 | the clinical findings in heart failure and its correlation with plasma adrenomedullin among yemeni children. | hala abdul wahed al kherbash | Pediatr.. | cairo university | Ph.D | 2004 | 268 | 4 |
30 | effect of antihypertensire drugs on the levels of antioxidants in the essential hypertensive patients | ahmed ali abdul ateef | Biochemistry | university of baghdad | Ph.D | 2004 | 220 | 12 |
31 | synthesis and eraluation of novel nonsteroidal antinflammatory ahents with selective potential cox-2 inhibition properties | sadik ahmed sarhan al-mikhlafi | pharma | university of baghdad | Ph.D | 2004 | 117 | 6 |
32 | faculty of medicine and surgery | ibrahim al-mahbashi | Diseases | univerity of rome la sapienza | Ph.D | 2004 | 47 | 6 |
33 | b-thalassemia:clinica, terapia e prevenzione studio condotto presso il centro di studio e cura delle thalssemie dipartimento di pediatria della unirrta "la sapienza" di roma | abdul rahman al-hadi | Hemato… | university of rome la sapienza | Ph.D | 2005 | 69 | 2 |
34 | effect of health education program among adult diabetic patients greater than (40) years old in sana'a capital of yemen. | nabil ahmed ahmed al rabeei | Diseases | university of pune , india | Ph.D | 2005 | 213 | 11 |
35 | factors determining nutritional status of school children in yemen. | khaled ali mohsen al gendari | Epidemin.. | university of alexandria | Ph.D | 2005 | 167 | 2 |
36 | variceal eradication impacts on portal hemodynamics and portal colopathy . | mansour ali hezam | Medicine | ain shams university | Ph.D | 2005 | 479 | 4 |
37 | ilfenomeno dino-reflow neipaziente con infarto miocardio acuta e ilsuo trattamento. | nabil al qamish | Diseases | universita roma "la sapienza" | Ph.D | 2006 | 82 | 12 |
38 | prevalence,immunopathogenesis and antioxidant status of children with acute respiratory infections dueto respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus and risk factors for disease severity in yemen. | nagla'a nasr addin alsonboli | Pediatr.. | university of liverpool | Ph.D | 2006 | 296 | 7 |
39 | A comparative study of three automated systems with the manual system, the balanced forces technique used in preparing root canals. | Wafaa Hassan Al-Ajam | Dental | Damascus University, Faculty of Dentistry | Ph.D | 2006 | 188 | 4 |
40 | dipartimento di otorinnolar-ingoiatria,audiologiae foniatria "giorgio ferreri" | wael hamoud ali al ansi | Surg… | university degli studi roma "la sapienza" | Ph.D | 2006 | 108 | 6 |
41 | cellular reactions of cis-dichlorodiammine platinum (ii) with metall othionein:investigation of their role in modulating drug efficiency. | munira dugkish | Biochemistry | university of wisconsin -milwaukee | Ph.D | 1996 | 128 | 126 |
42 | computed -axial tomography (c.t) versus mediastinoscopy in assessment of operability of bronchogenic carcinoma. | faker ali ahmed | Diseases | cairo university | Ph.D | 1998 | 313 | 1 |
43 | enzymatic reactions used in clinical laboratory. | rabaa mohammed ajuman | Biochemistry | universiatea de vest timisoara | Ph.D | 1999 | 237 | 2 |
44 | Using educational technologies in distance education. | Hassan Hayel Othman Al-Salhi | Research methods and methods | International University of Africa (Khartoum) | Ph.D | 2006 | 290 | 1 |
45 | severe malaria in children in yemen : astudy of risk factors and clinical presentation . | abdullah al taiar | Diseases | university of london | Ph.D | 2005 | 240 | 13 |
46 | the role of inherited thrombophilia in the development of thromboembolic complieations in pregnaucy . | ahmed saleh mohammed abdulrab | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | rossian medical academy of postgraduation | Ph.D | 2003 | 43 | 8 |
47 | assessment of renal function, glutathione and its related enzymes in yemeni patients with g6pd deficiency . | salah ahmed mohammed bamashmoos | Biochemistry | sana'a university | Ph.D | 2007 | 155 | 26 |
48 | the role of hormones, cytokines and soluble fas in regulation of germ cell apoptosis in men with varicocele. | abdel wasea m.m. el mekhlafi | Diseases | assiut univer sity | Ph.D | 2007 | 152 | 14 |
49 | Doppler sonography to study the uterine and umbilical Blood flowin Yemeni pregnant Khat chewers | Manal Abduh Wahed Alkherbash | Obstet…..and Gynaeca… | Cairo UNIVERSITY | Ph.D | 2004 | 200 | 9 |
50 | Study of Apoptosis and lymphocytes Response in sle Correlation with Disease Activity | dekra Aly Abd El-WAHED | Microbiology | Alexandria university | Ph.D | 2007 | 109 | 49 |
51 | Effect of A Nursing Rehabibitation program on Quality of life Among patients Undergoing Hemodialysis | Abdul hamed Ali lutf Al-thaifani | Narsing | Alexandria university | Ph.D | 2007 | 73 | 7 |
52 | Effect of Early Enteral Nutrition on the Clinical outcome of mechanically Ventilated patients | khaled mohammed ahmed al-sayaghi | Narsing | sana'a university | Ph.D | 2007 | 105 | 8 |
53 | A pharmaceutical study on the formulation and stability of certain anti-inflammatory suppositories stored in different climatic zones | Abdulwali Ahmed Saif Hameed | Pharma | Cairo UNIVERSITY | Ph.D | 2008 | 400 | 23 |
54 | The prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in typye 2 diabetes in yemeni patients | Mohammed Sallam Ali | Neurology | Univarsity of Khartoum | Ph.D | 2007 | 213 | 1 |
55 | Biochemical and mutagenic effects of "khat" ( catha edulis) in rats | Abel Sharaf AL- zubairi | Microbiology | University putra Malaysia | Ph.D | 2007 | 208 | 57 |
56 | Astudy on rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in yemen | Abdulnasser Ali Abbo Munibari | Diseases | Univarsity of Khartoum | Ph.D | 1997 | 195 | 16 |
57 | Cylin D1 and P16immunocyto chemical studies in acute lumphoblastic leukemia and its relation to treatment response | Lutfi Abdulsalam Abdulrab AL-maktari | Biochemistry | Alexandria university | Ph.D | 2008 | 116 | 2 |
58 | Impact of multiple risk factors on coronary flow reserve in patients without coronary artery disease | Mohammed Mohammed Ahmed AL- kebsi | Medicine | Milano University | Ph.D | 2009 | 100 | 6 |
59 | Improvement of molecular methods for detection of pathogenic escherichia col I | Nagi Ahmed Abdullah AL- haj | Microbiology | Malaysia university | Ph.D | 2007 | 260 | 73 |
60 | Radiotherapie Du carcinome hepatocellulaire: mobilite organique et impact dosimetrique Du blocage respiratoire | Monsieur Abdulhameed Kubas | Diseases | l` universite De Lyon | Ph.D | 2008 | 475 | 18 |
61 | A pharmaceutical study on lamotrigine | Mahmoud Mahyoob Mohammed Ali AL-Buryhi | Pharmaceutical | Cairo UNIVERSITY | Ph.D | 2009 | 405 | 27 |
62 | Khat (catha edulis forsk ) and its effect on anti -malarial chemotherapy | Fayza Hamood Zeed Eyssa | Biochemistry | University of Liverpool | Ph.D | 2008 | 187 | 38 |
63 | THE practice of parenteral nutrition in Malasian Hospitals | RIYADH-ALBATANI | Pharmaceutics | MALAYSIA SAINS UNIVERSITY | Ph.D | 2008 | 186 | 29 |
64 | Evaluation of 8-Isoprosate F2A as a biomarker of oxidative stress in chronic liver diseases | Ghaleb Ahmed Mujamed Qahtan | biochemistry | Suez Canal University | Ph.D | 2008 | 140 | 40 |
65 | VECORIALpARMERS OFMALARIATRANSmlssion IN TAIZ YEMEN | Samira .M.AL-Eryani | parasitology | Iiveevpool unlverity | Ph.D | 2009 | 290 | 2 |
66 | Chromosomal analysis of children with mental disorders and their relationship to the environment | Walid Ahmed Qasim Al-Dabai | Biochemistry | sana'a university | Ph.D | 2010 | 147 | 41 |
67 | Some new derivatives of quinazoline-4-3-di-one with expected biological activity are being developed | Jalal Hamoud Abdullah Al-Qudsi | Pharmaceutical chemistry | Cairo University | Ph.D | 2010 | 180 | 1 |
68 | Pound changes of nuclear factor IV-HNF4 in type 2 diabetic patients in Malaysia | Riad Saif Ali | Biochemistry | National University Malaysia | Ph.D | 2009 | 233 | 42 |
69 | Giycemic Control among Adult Diabetic Patients Ahend ing National Diabetes center in sana،a city | Saber Abdullah Hizam | Community | SAna'a university | Ph.D | 2010 | 159 | 3 |
71 | Faetors Affecting The Outcome of External Dacryoc ystor hinostomy in AL-Trawra Hospitalin sana،a yemen | sameha Abdul Rahman Aleryani | ophthalmology | Khartoum university | Ph.D | 2009 | 146 | 4 |
72 | GENOTYPING OF giardia intestinacis and crgptosporidium from human and environmental Alsamples | Mohmmed Abdo khalid mahdy | parasitology | Malaya university kuala cumpur | Ph.D | 2008 | 225 | 6 |
73 | EFFECTS OF Vitamin Asupplementa Ation on inteetinal parasttionc reinfe ctions GROWTh iRon status and Educational AchievemENT Among orang ASLi shoolchildren in pos BETan pahang Malaysia | HESHAM Mahyoub AL.mekhlafi | parasitology | malaya university kuala Lumpur | Ph.D | 2008 | 348 | 7 |
74 | Characteristics of anesthesia in people who constantly take natural plant-based stimulants ((khat)) | Mohammed Ali Abdul Rahman Al-Nuzaili | Anesthesia and resuscitation ((message in Russian)) | Russian Academy of Medical Sciences | Ph.D | 20009 | 114 | 1 |
75 | Oxidative stress and the potential toxicity of rosofatin and the potential protective effect of both ceateme and alpha-lipoic acid in rats. | Hassan Mohammed Hassan Al Mahbashi | Pharmacology | Baghdad University | Ph.D | 2010 | 144 | 33 |
76 | The effect of walking during the active phase of labor on the progress of labor among primiparous women | Nada Ahmed Ismail Mutahhar | Nursing | Alexandria University | Ph.D | 2011 | 130 | 10 |
77 | Professional performance among people with obsessive-compulsive disorder among those attending psychiatric services in the capital city - Yemen. | Nizar Mohammed Abdo Ghanem | Community medicine | Sanaa University | Ph.D | 2011 | 115 | 8 |
78 | Compatibility between MHC type II gene homologs and the clinical pattern of pulmonary heart disease in Yemeni patients. | Arwa Mohammed Nasser Othman | Microbiology | Sangaa University | Ph.D | 2011 | 170 | 133 |
79 | prospective study in the treatment of inguinal hernia by surgical opening using a comparative method using a laparoscope outside the peritoneal cavity in a tunnel ring with the placement of surgical mesh. | Walid Mohammed Abdul Jalil Ghailan | Surgery… | Assiut University | Ph.D | 2011 | 213 | 10 |
80 | The role of narrowing the inner ring of the inguinal canal in the results of treating inguinal hernia with surgical laparoscopy | Mohammed Saleh Abdo Hussein | Surgery… | Cairo University | Ph.D | 2011 | 110 | 11 |
81 | Immunohistochemical study of human papillomavirus and pthestin B virus in neck cancer in Yemen. | Amal Mohammed Mohammed Shadira | Diseases | Suez Canal University | Ph.D | 2011 | 130 | 20 |
82 | MALARIA IN yemen EPIDEMIOIOGICaI STuDy And MOLECuAR GENO TY PING OF The PLASMODIuM SPECIES | Abdulsalam mohammed Qasem Al-mekhlafi | parasitology | university of MALAYA | Ph.D | 2011 | 199 | 8 |
83 | Evaluation of leptin and vascular endothelium growth factor in the serum of type 2 diabetic patients storing khat | Ghariba Abdul Hamman Mohammed Abdul Wahab | Biochemistry | Sanaa University | Ph.D | 2012 | 176 | 71 |
84 | Risk factors for acute respiratory infections among children under five years old at Al-Sabeen Hospital in Sana'a, Yemen. | Khaled Ghailan Saeed Al Sharjabi | Community medicine | Sanaa University | Ph.D | 2012 | 189 | 9 |
85 | The effect of pesticides on the liver enzymes of Yemeni khat farmers | Israa Abdel Karim Marouf Al-Ani | biochemistry | Sanaa University | Ph.D | 2012 | 150 | 74 |
86 | Chrysanthemum malaria in highland areas of the Republic of Yemen | Abdullah Abdulaziz Ismail Muharram | Community medicine | Sanaa University | Ph.D | 2012 | 176 | 10 |
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