Ali Obaid Muthanna Mahdi
Name . Ali Obaid Muthanna Mahdi,
Date of birth, October 1957,
Tel: 777431487
Email: a.mahdi@su.edu.ye
Education, bachelor in medicine and surgery, master and doctorate degrees in otorhinology.
Associated prof. E.N.T. Department.
, Work at e n t department since 1989 ,Al-thawra teaching Hospital, Sana’a. experience
1.middle east update in otorhinolaryngology Dubi,2006.
2.middle east update in otorhinolaryngology—january—2007,Dubi.
3.first Yemeni conference on otolaryngology , april 2008 sanaa
May 2009 Jordon 4. the 6th pan arab congeress of otolaryngology 5. Alexandria international combined ORL. CONGRESS april 20210
6.middle east update in otolaryngology conference april 2013 Dubi
7.middle east update in otolaryngology conference 2014, Dubi
8.7th GCCORLH And SOCIETY Symposium. Annual Nationalconference of otolaryngology,head and neck surgeonof Oman,9/ 2014.
- 3rd Yemeni conference on otolaryngology 2019.Sanaa.
- Cairo RHINO———–ON LINE———————————————2021
1.3th kASER el aini,workshop on laser in otolaryngology—-2000—cairo.
2.7thworkshop on endoscopic sinus surgery————–cairo——2000
3.first functional endoscopic sinus surgery wokshop—-may 2003 Sanaa.
3.training course in medical education held in faculty of medicine oct 2003. Sanaa
- Endoscopic sinus surgery workshop —————————————–2014—Kuwait hospital-Sanaa.
3.Muthanna,A O,Aleryani,A. Clinical presentation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Yemen.Egypt J Biomed CG .23, 2007.
4.Muthanna,A O,.Corellation between cervical lymph nodes metastases and histological types of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Sana’a University J.2008.
5.Muthanna,A O, Aleryani A.Tracheobroncheal foreign bodies aspiration
In children.J A B MS.2008.
6.Muthanna ,A O. Post-tonsillectomy pain relief in adults Sayoun University J.2020.
7.Muthanna A O. unilateral vocal cord paralysis. Hadramout J.2020.
8.Muthanna, A O, Aleryani, A. Endoscopic partial epiglottectomy in Khate
Patients using diathermy. E J O 2018, 34.
9.Muthanna ,A O. Tumours of the larynx incidence and treatment. Arazi University J 2019.
10 .Medical treatment for orbital complications secondary to rhinosinusitis, Al-razi University J,2019
- Debulking of advanced cancer larynx in the patients with airway obstruction ,J Damar unive.
12.treatment options of subglottic stenosis. Sanaa university journal 2021.
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Khaled Saad Abdulrahman Alkhamesy