
Anwar Kassim Al- Madhagi

Assistant Professor

Personal Information:

  • Name :                       Anwar Kassim Al- Madhagi
  • Date of Birth:           1960
  • Place of Birth :        Taiz – Yemen
  • Nationality :             Yemeni
  • Marital Status :       Married
  • Address :                  P.O. Box :
  • Telephone : Mobile (00967)777765268
  • Email :



-Doctor degree in Public Health, majoring Medical Microbiology – High Institute of Public Health – Alexandria University / Egypt, 2001.

-Master degree in Public Health, majoring Medical Microbiology

High Institute of Public Health – Alexandria University/ Egypt, 1991 Bachelor degree in Medicine Lab., majoring Medical Microbiology and minority Parasitology – Sana’a University /Yemen ,1983.



2021- until present time.

-Vice dean for  Laboratory Medicine  at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a University

Chairman of the Laboratory Medicine program development committee at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a University

-Head of Medical Microbiology and Immunolgy Department at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a University


-Head of Medical Microbiology and Immunolgy Department, Membre of Committee of Higher Studies and scientific research / Sana’a University /Yemen. Until the present time

2012-until present time.

-Professor of Medical Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a .University /Yemen.

2019-until present time

-Member of the committee for preparing Laboratory Medicine programs for some public and private universities

-Member of the committee for revewing Laboratory Medicine programs for some private universities

– Member of the committee for preparing the untfied program for the diploma of Medical Laboratories for community colleges in the Ministry of Technical Eduction and Vocational Trainning.

-A membre of committee for Evaluation of private Univercitie  /ministry of Higher Eduction

-A membre of committee for Evaluation of private Community Colleges/ministry of Technocal Eduction and Vocational Trainning. Until the present time


-Head of Medical Microbiology and Immunolgy Department, Membre of Committee of Higher Studies and scientific research / Sana’a University /Yemen. Until the present time


– Associate Professor of Medical Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a .University /Yemen.

–  2011, vice dean of faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences for higher studies and scientific research and Head of of Committee of Higher Studies and scientific research / Sana’a University /Yemen.


Assist. Professor of Medical Microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a .University /Yemen.

1997 – 2000

Ph D Graduate Researcher in the field of Tuberculosis at the  High Institute of Public Health – Alexandria University /Egypt.

1992 –1996.

Lecturer of Practical Medical Microbiology at Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a  University /Yemen.

1988 –1991.

Master Graduate Researcher in the field of Medical Microbiology at the High Institute of Public Health / Alexandria University /Egypt.

1986 – 1987.

Head of Water and Food Microbiology Department at the Central Health Laboratory and Demonstrator of Sanitary Microbiology at the Health Institute – Ministry of Health /Sana’a/Yemen .

1984 –1985.

Microbiologist in the Medical Microbiology Dept. at the Central Health Laboratory and Demonstrator of Medical Microbiology at the Health Institute, Ministry of Health/Sana’a/Yemen.

Conferences and Workshops:

1-workshop in Labor market extrapolation study for the Medial Laboratory program at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences / Sana’a .University /Yemen 2/1/2022

2-The fourth Scientific Conference of the Military Cardiac Center and the fourth Yemeni Cardiac  Imaging Conference at Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University – 13-16 December 2021.

3-The 1st Annual medical conference (gastro. And hepatology) of Sana’a University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. 10 May 2018.

4- A membershop of  review group for National Academic Reference Standards for Undergraduate Loboratory  Medicine – Yemen (2019).

5- A membershop of  review group for National Standards for Medical Community Faculties – Yemen (2019)

6-American Society for Microbiology- Inaugural Meeting of ASM and Yemeni Scientists. Taj Sheba, Sana’a Yemen, October 17-18,2012.

7-A WHO regional traning of traniers workshop on bioinformatics methods in research for health. Cairo, Egypt 23 – 25 november 2009.

A WHO workshop in evaluting medical eduction at the Faculty  of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University , 2009.

8-Training course in statistatical analysis (SPSS) at the Computer Center, Faculty  of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University , 2007 .

9-The fourth Yemani – German Medical Conference at Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University ,2006.

10-The frist yemeni-soudi conference of Allergology and Clinical Immunology at Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University ,2005.

11-A WHO training course in medical education at the Faculty  of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University , 2003.

12-A  workshop in the evaluating health programmes in the

Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University ,2002.

13-A workshop in the development of medical education in the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences – Sana’a University, 2002.

14-Participate as a lecturer in the training courses for microbiologists and laboratory technicians at the Central Health Laboratory – Ministry of Health, 1984 – 1986.

15-A training course on food contamination control and monitoring with special reference to Mycotoxins at the Center of  International  Projects for Science and Technology, Moscow, USSR, 1985

Research and scientific papers:

1-Isolation of Staphylococcus aureus from a popular cheese in Yemen. Bulletin of High Institute of Public Health, Vol. 35,No. 1, 2005

2-Microbial profile of acute otitis meria among children in Sana’a/Yemen. Assiut Med. J, Vol. (29), (2), May, 2005

3-Drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in previously treated  patiensin Yemen. JABMS, Vol. 6, No. 3; 2004

4-The role of Mycobacteria Other Than Tuberculosis (MOTT)  in clinically diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients in   Yemen. Facculty of Science Bulletin,  Vol.15, Oct., 2002

5-Detection and Survival of Listeria monocytogenes in milk and


6- Urinary tract infection among diabetic patients. Facculty of Science Bulletin,  Vol.19, Oct., 2006.

7- Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus Iugdunensis in various clinical speciments. Journal of Tropical Nephro-Urology, Dec. 2012,Vol.,No. 11.

8- Genital and intestinal carriage of Group B Streptococcus in asymptomatic marred women. Faculty of Science Bulletin,23( 2010)99-106.

9- The prevalence of human brucellosis in three selected areas in AL-Dalla’a governorate; Yemen. J. of the Bahrain Medical Society Jan-Mar 2009 vol 21 No 1.

10- Evaluation of the immune response to Hepatitis B vaccine in different age groups of population of Sana’a – Yemen.

11 Association of Nocardasis with pulmonary tuberculosis in Ymen. Faculty of Science Bulletin,22( 2009)1-5.

12- Acomprative study for the detection of M tuberculosis complex by BACTIC MGIT 960 and Lowensten Jensen medium.

13- Resistance of Anti-tuberculosis drugs among treated tuberculosis patients at two time intervals in Yemen.J. of the faculty of Medicine Bagdad 28/4/2013.

14- Acintobacter baumannii complex an its antibiotics susceptibility inselected hospital’sintensive care units at Sana’a city-Yemen. Global Advanced Research Journal of Microbiology (ISSN:2315-51160 Vol.7(3)pp.047-056, May, 2018 Issue.


1- Manual ofSanitary Microbiology

2-Maunol of Microbiology (Under pupulation )

-Supervisor on Thesis:


Main suppervisor         21

Co- suppervisor           28

-Arbitration for Scientific theses : 32 theses