Mushtaq Ali Mohammed Saleh Alaza’azi
- Name : Mushtaq Ali Mohammed Saleh Alaza’azi
- Cell phone: (00967-776065883)
- E-mail: mushtaqalazazi@gmail.com
I am assistant professor in Biomedical engineering department, Sana’a university. I got my PhD from Vladimir State University Russia. My work was Investigation of neural networks for recognition of pathological changes in electrocardiographic signal form.
- PHD degree in biomedical engineering from Vladimir state university (Russia) 2013.
- S.C in Biomedical engineering from Saint Petersburg state University (Russia) 2005.
- S.C in Biomedical engineering from Saint Petersburg state university ( Russia) 2002.
- Biomedical Sensors and transducers
- Biomedical Imaging processing using artificial neural networks
- Biomechanics and Biomaterials
- 2022- 2024: I have been working as assistant professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging department, Physiotherapy department and Prosthetic and orthotic department Faculty of Medicine and Health sciences, Sana’a University.
- 2022- 2024: I have been working as assistant professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University.
- 2014 – 2023: I have been working as assistant professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Emirates International University, Sana’a, Yemen.
- I lectured various subjects related to Biomedical Technology at many Yemeni Universities, the subjects that I lectured include: – Biomedical Equipment’s, Medical Imaging Devices (in Sana’a University and Azal university), Biomedical measurements and Instruments, Optical instruments and devices, Laser and Optical instrumentation, Biomedical optics, Ophthalmic devices( in Al- Razi University), Biomechanics, Biomaterials, Biophysics, Biomedical Engineering Design, Medical laboratory instrumentation , Anesthetic equipment, Research methods.
- Supervision on graduation works of Biomedical Engineering Department students
- I delivered a course in “Academic Programs Specifications” under supervision PH.D Abdo Mohammed Almutalles, Emirates International University, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Training workshop entitled Practical Procedures for Qualifying the Programs of the College of Engineering and Information Technology to obtain the international accreditation ABET, Emirates International University, Sana’a, Yemen (2021)
1- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, Segmentary approach to processing electrocardiographic signals in the construction of systems for automated analysis, (Design and Technology in Electronic Engineering) № 4., 2010., pp.24-29
2- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, Results of preliminary studies of artificial neural networks in the analysis of segmented electrocardiocomplexes, «biomedical radioelectronics» № 6. , 2012., pp.21-27.
3- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, The hardware-software complex neural network detection of abnormalities in the electrocardiosignals, «biomedical radioelectronics» № 6. , 2012., pp.14-19.
4- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, Nashwan Al-Khulaidi, AbdulQuddos Saad Ahmad, Radial Basis Function Neural Network in the analysis of segmented electrocardiosignals, ( Saba Journal of Information Technology and Networking) Vol.6 №2 (2018) pp.56-62
1- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, Electronic fetal heart monitoring, The 6-th International scientific conference “PHYSICS AND RADIOELECTRONICS IN MEDICINE AND ECOLOGY PhRЕME’2008″ VLADIMIR – SUZDAL, RUSSIA
2- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, Extraction of Fetal ECG from Maternal ECG Early in Pregnancy using neural networks, The 7-th International scientific conference “PHYSICS AND RADIOELECTRONICS IN MEDICINE AND ECOLOGY PhRЕME’2010” VLADIMIR – SUZDAL, RUSSIA
3- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, The Use of Kalman Filter in Biomedical Signal Processing, In Proceedings of the All-Russia Students, Young Scientists and Specialists Scientific and Technical Conference on Biotechnical, Medical and Environmental Systems and Complexes (Ryazan, Russia). (2010)
4- Mushtaq Ali Saleh, Principal component analysis in ECG signal processing, 66th All-Union Scientific Session, Dedicated to the Radio Day, Moscow, Russia(2011)