Researcher/ Lakieva Lvgenia Gennadievna obtained a master’s degree – specializing in general surgery with a very good overall grade

Researcher/ Lakieva Lvgenia Gennadievna obtained a master’s degree – specializing in general surgery with a very good overall grade from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences – Sana’a University for her thesis entitled
Outcomes of pancreatic cancer among patients with pancreatic cancer who were admitted and treated at the Al-Thawre General Hospital and the Oncology Center at Al-Jomhori Hospital
Under the supervision of: Dr. Ali Lutfi Hussein Al-Omari, the main supervisor and co-supervisor
Dr. Abdul Salam Muhammad Al-Junaid, the co-supervisor
The discussion and judging committee consisted of the following doctors:
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Naji Issa, internal examiner – Sana’a University, Chairman
Dr. Ali Lutfi Hussein Al-Omari, the main supervisor – Sana’a University, Member
Dr. Ahmed Al-Azzi Nasser Saleh Al-Malahi, external examiner – Dhamar University, Member
The researcher presented a presentation Scientifically, the content of her thesis was then followed by an extensive discussion by the discussion and judgment committee.
The discussion was attended by a number of professors of general surgery at Sana’a University and other universities, male and female graduate students, and a group of interested and specialized people.