The Faculty Dean Meets with Newly Appointed Assistant Faculty Members

Dr. Khaled Saad Al-khamesy, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Sana’a University, met with the newly appointed assistant faculty members in the main Sheikh Jaber Hall at the faculty, The meeting began with the dean welcoming the new assistants and congratulating them on their appointments at this leading faculty in the field of medicine and health sciences. He emphasized the importance of the role of assistants as a valuable addition to the educational and research process, praising the experiences and knowledge they would bring to the faculty. He also emphasized that they are an integral part of the faculty team and carry a significant responsibility in preparing and guiding students towards academic excellence .
During the meeting, they discussed the notable developments taking place in the faculty and the support of the university’s leadership, represented by its president, Dr. Al-Qasim Abbas. This includes the establishment of the Clinical Simulation Center, the electronic library, and new agreements with universities in Italy and Germany. The dean encouraged everyone to make use of and benefit from the modern facilities and free access to various scientific research websites provided by (HINARI) .
Dr. Mohammed Al-Shahari, the Deputy Dean for Clinical Affairs and Hospitals, also spoke about the importance of professional discipline, the principle of rewards and punishments, and the role of assistants in the educational process and its development .
Prof. Abdul Karim Mohammed Al-Obaidi, a member of the steering committee and faculty advisor, attended the meeting and emphasized the importance of complying with the laws and regulations related to academic and administrative affairs, evaluation systems, and promotions.
A portion of the meeting was dedicated to questions and inquiries from the assistants, where they asked about the nature of their work, expected responsibilities, available development opportunities, and financial and administrative aspects. The faculty was prepared to answer these questions and resolve any concerns.
The meeting concluded with the dean expressing his gratitude to the attending assistants for their positive interaction, stating his commitment to work towards enhancing the quality of education, achieving the faculty’s vision, obtaining international accreditation, and graduating generations of qualified healthcare professionals. The dean also emphasized the faculty’s commitment to promoting a learning environment and effective collaboration between faculty members and students in order to achieve academic excellence .