The Radio and Television Department at the Faculty of Media, Sana’a University, is a pioneer in scientific studies and research in the field of radio and television. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdul-Wahhab Kafi – Head of the Radio and Television Department

The Radio and Television Department at the Faculty of Media, Sana’a University, which I am honored to chair now, is a pioneer in scientific studies and research in the field of radio and television and ranks first in terms of radio and television training in Yemen. It has graduated the leaders of visual media in Yemen.
The department devotes its efforts to providing excellent university education and postgraduate studies at the highest level, in addition to professional training in the fields of radio, television and mass communication to keep pace with the rapid development of this field.
Graduates of the Radio and Television Department can work in radio and television institutions and governmental and private satellite channels in the fields of (preparation and presentation – photography – directing – montage, and drama ….). Work as a correspondent for one of the local, regional and international channels or radio stations, as well as work in private production companies and advertising companies, as well as work in the field of training and the academic field.
The Radio and Television Department is distinguished by a large number of faculty members holding the degrees of professor, associate professor, and assistant professor who teach at the college and in the sister Gulf countries. It is the most productive department for master’s and doctoral theses, as well as the most productive for media research in the field of radio, television and new media.