Public Relations and Advertising Department – More than thirty years of academic dedication, professional excellence, and continuous development

Public Relations and Advertising Department
Faculty of Mass Communication – Sana’a University
More than thirty years of academic dedication, professional excellence, and continuous development
The Public Relations and Advertising Department was established as the first academic specialization in public relations and advertising at Yemeni universities with the launch of the Media Department within the Faculty of Arts in the academic year 1991/1992. It was one of the three departments of the Media Department, alongside the Journalism, Radio, and Television departments.
With the transformation of the Department of Media into the first College of Media in Yemen, at the beginning of the academic year 1996/1997 AD, the Public Relations and Advertising specialization became an independent department headed at that time by the Professor of Journalism, Dr. Mahmoud Jamal, as the first head of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising. Then a number of specialized academics from the graduating cadres of the department succeeded to its presidency, to include, at the present time, a large number of its academic outputs, teachers and teaching assistants, with different specializations in public and advertising relations.
Public Relations and Advertising is a marketing communications major whose practice in the labor market relies on both technical and administrative aspects, linked to direct communication and mass media. This includes the technical and administrative aspects of product distribution and promotion, using its four communication methods: public relations, advertising, direct personal selling, and sales promotion.
In keeping with the needs of the labor market, the department is developing its academic curricula to include marketing communications, planning public relations and advertising campaigns, public relations and advertising research, advertising design and writing, and public relations publications, in addition to the sub-courses required by the public relations major at the department and college levels in the field of media and communication at the undergraduate level.
In addition, in implementation of the university leadership’s policy of academic qualification for the department’s graduates and keeping pace with evolving labor market needs, the Department of Public Relations and Advertising has approved the teaching of master’s and doctoral programs. This completes the three academic university programs taught by the department, relying on its specialized Yemeni cadres.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahim Al-Shawri
Chairman of the Public Relations and Advertising Department