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Yusra Hussein Al-Salami



I am a French language teacher in the French Department in the Faculty of Languages at Sana’a University with a Master’s degree in Language Sciences from the University   Paul Valery Montpellier3 in France (2006), and a Bachelor’s degree in French language from the Faculty of Letters & Science Humans at Sana’a University (2004).


  • 2024, PhD student in French language from the Faculty of Letters & Science Humans at Sana’a University.
  • 2006, Master in Language Sciences from the University Paul Valery Montpellier3 in France.
  • 2004, a Bachelor’s degree in French language from the Faculty of Letters & Science Humans at Sana’a University.
  • 2003, Degree DELF Diploma in French Studies, Centre French, Sana’a.


  • 2008- Now, Teacher at Sana’a University, Faculty of Languages at Sana’a.
  • 2012 – 2015, Teacher in the French institute, Sana’a.
  • 2004 – 2006, Arabic Language Assistant at Ministry of National Education, Montpellier, France.

Conferences and Workshops:

  • Training course on preparing course descriptions (8-9 / 09/ 2019).
  • Experience and Ability to Correct DELF test internationally (2012).

Research and scientific papers:

  • Les valeurs sémantiques de la forme en -rais.

Google Scholar link


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