أحمد مجاهد أحمد محمد صالح الجحش

Ahmed Mujahid Ahmed Mohammed Saleh Al-Jahsh

Place and Date of birth: Yemen – 11/11/1986



Lecturer at Faculty of Languages, Department of French, Sana’a University. Obtaining a Licentiate degree in Law and Sharia from Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University in 2021. A master degree from the University of Maine (Le Mans Université), Republic of France in 2014, majoring: Language policies, Language didactics and ICT. A bachelor’s degree in French language from the Faculty of Languages, Sana’a University in 2010.



  • 2021: Licentiate in Law – Specialty: Law – Sana’a University, Faculty of Sharia and Law.
  • 2014: Master in French as a Foreign Language – Specialty:Languages Policies, Languages didactics and ICT – University of Maine (Le Mans University), Faculty of Art and human sciences, Republic of
  • 2010: Bachelor in languages sciences – Specialty: French language – Sana’a University, Faculty of Languages .
  • 2007: Advanced Diploma – Specialty: English language – Canadian Institute CCT
  • 2007: Diploma of secretary and Computer science – Specialty: Computer science – Canadian Institute CCT
  • 2004: High School, scientific section – Al-Tadhamen school, Sana’a.



  • Teaching foreign languages.
  • Public relations, communications, Liaison and translation.
  • Management of development and humanitarian projects.
  • Monitoring and evaluation.
  • Leadership and community development.
  • Logistics: planning and implementations, supply, storing, transportations and warehouse management.


Conferences and Workshops:

  1. A workshop of training for describing the courses of French Language program, Faculty of Languages, University of Sana’a (2020).
  2. A training workshop according to quality standards, Faculty of Languages:
    Training Workshop on Teaching Strategies, Assessment, and Test Building for Academic Programs and Courses (2021).


Research and scientific papers:

  • Master research titled“the representations of French language and its learning among the students of French department (First year), at the faculty of languages, University of Sana’a.“Les Représentations de la langue française et son apprentissage » Cas : Les étudiants de première année de licence de français à la Faculté de langues,université de Sanaa, Yémen.