Al-Sabri, MoujahedA.
Al-Sabri, MoujahedA.
Hail St., Sana’a, Yemen
POB: Ibb, Yemen
Nationality: Yemeni
French Language Instructor at the French Language Department in 1998 and holds a Master degree in French Language Sciences from Paul Valéry Montpellier III University, France (2006) He holds a PhD degree on the use of information and communication technology in teaching and learning foreign languages in 2010 from Paul Valéry Montpellier III University, then an Associate Professor at the College of Languages and then the head of the French Language Department and currently the Vice Dean of the College of Languages for Student Affairs
- PhD’s degree of French Language Sciences (2010)
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, France - Master’s degree of French Language Sciences (2006)
Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, France - Bachelor’s degree of French language (1997)
Faculty of Arts, Sana’a University, Yemen
- Sana’a University – Translation Center
CERTIFIED TRANSLATOR OFFRENCH LANGUAGE (2017-Present) - Sana’a University – Faculty of Languages
HEAD OF THE FRENCH DEPARTMENT(2013 – Present) - Diplomatic Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yemen
LECTURER OF FRENCH LANGUAGE(2013) - The French Institute, Yemen
LECTURER OF FRENCH LANGUAGE(2011-2014) - Sana’a University – Faculty of Language
ASSOCIATE ROFESSOR – FRENCH LANGUAGE(2010 – Present) - Yemenia University – Faculty of Language
LECTURER OF FRENCH LANGUAGE(1999 -2001) - Sana’a University – Faculty of Language
Conferences and Workshops:
- Training course on preparing course descriptions (8-9 / 9/2019)
- Certificate of designing and developing of educational scenarios via the Internet (AUF2013)
- Certificate of Experience and Ability to Correct DELF test Internationally (TOEFL Equivalent in French) (CIEP France 2012)
- Participant and member of the Coordination Committee of the Sixth International Conference on Digitalization, Challenges and Aspirations(Montpellier 25 – 26 June 2009 France)
- Diploma in In-depth Studies of the French Language, University of Paul Valerie France (2003)
- Diploma in French as a Foreign Language, Institute of Languages, University of Paul-Valerie France (2002)
- Training the trainers course, The French Institute, Yemen, Sanaa (12/1998)
- Training the trainers course, The French Institute, Yemen, Sanaa (01/1998)
Research and scientific papers:
- AL SABRI, M. (2010). Evaluation d’un support numerique d’apprentissage grammatical. ISDM. Link: http://isdm.univ-tln.fr/PDF/isdm37/NEDEP_ISDM_Al_Sabri.pdf
- Difficulties for junior teachers in the French language departments (In progress)
- Towards an objective evaluation (In progress)
Google Scholar link: