Hamzah Mohammed Shaher Al-Anesi
Academic degree : Associate Professor.
Current Position : Associate Professor of Public Finance, Faculty of Sharia and Law.
Email: de.alanesi@gmail.com
Mobile : 777117371
- PhD of Law with grade of Very Good with honors – Faculty of Law, Ain Shams University, Egypt.1995 .
- Postgraduate Diploma in Public Law with grade of Good – Faculty of Law, Ain Shams University, Egypt.1989.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Law with grade of Good – Faculty of Law, Ain Shams University, Egypt. 1988.
- Bachelor of Shari’a and Law with grade of Very Good with honors – Faculty of Shari’a and Law , Sana’a University ,Yemen.1985.
- Teaching Public Finance for BA and MA students at the Faculty of Shari’a and Law since 1995.
- The Head of Public Law Department for several years.
- Supervising master’s theses and researches for MA students.
- Participation and / or chairing discussing committees for the thesis defense.
Conferences and Workshops:
Participation in numerous conferences and workshops in and outside of Yemen , including:
- Reviewing the legislation related to the project of simplify procedures for conducting commercial activities in the Republic of Yemen , January 2015.
- Conference on “The active role of the National Courts in the Field of International Commercial Arbitration”, Egypt, Nov 2012.
- Project of commercial laws strengthen in the Middle East and North Africa, 2008-2010.
- Conference on ‘International Commercial Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Changing Multicultural World”, Egypt, March 2009 .
- Conference on “the Recent trends in settling trade and investment disputes in the Arab countries”, Jordan, 2008.
- Participated in the Legal Framework of Legislation and Procedures related to the acquisition of land and real estate in the Republic of Yemen, Project of Law and Judiciary development in the Republic of Yemen – 2003.
Research and scientific papers:
- Book of Public Finance , Part One , Public Spending.
- Search titled : The investment’s guarantees, privileges and its effect on State’s economy.( Practical study on Yemen). published in Queen Arwa University Magazine, Issue 22 (January-June) 2019.
- Search titled : The objection to tax decisions in accordance with Law No. (17) of 2010 regarding income taxes and its executive regulation. published in Queen Arwa University Magazine, Issue 23 (July-December) 2019.
Other Members

Motea Ali Hamoud Saleh gabir
أستاذ مشارك

Dr. Fadl Mohammed Mohammed Al-Mutaa
assistant professor

Rashad Ahmed Al-Rasas
Assistant Professor

Mohamed Abdo Saeed MOGHRAM
Associate Professor