
الأبحاث العلمية

كلية الطب البيطري في جامعة صنعاء

اسم الباحثالقسمالتخصصعنوان البحثعنوان المجلةتاريخ النشر
Dr. Abdulraqeb Al-ShamiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePerformance of white boni sheep Yemeni (1- some of non-genetic factors influencing growth traits ) Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 25(8B) 2010.Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 25(8B) 20102010
Dr. Abdulraqeb Al-ShamiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePerformance of white boni sheep Yemeni (2- lambing number and mortality rate at lambing and some factors affecting them) Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 25(8B) 2010.Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 25(8B) 20102010
Dr. Abdulraqeb Al-ShamiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineEffect of mutual mating between Barri and Tehami sheep on reproductivity and production characteristics under the central highland region conditionsYemen Journal of Agricultural Research and Studies No. (23). 123-148. June 20112011
Dr. Abdulraqeb Al-ShamiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineProduction characteristics of Almarbian sheep breed in Yemen condition.AGRICULTURA TROPICA ET SUBTROPICA, 46/4, 129-141, 20132013
Dr. Abdulraqeb Al-ShamiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineClinical and laboratory studies on milk lameness in Holstein-Friesian cows in Egypt. VMJG Vol. 63 (1)-No. 55-63 January 2017.VMJG Vol. 63 (1)-No. 55-63 January 20172017
Dr. Abdulraqeb Al-ShamiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineMetabolic profile characteristic and treatment of ketosis in Holstein-Friesian cows in Egypt. VMJG Vol. 63 (1)- No. 83-88 January 2017.VMJG Vol. 63 (1)-No. 83-88 January 20172017
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePrevalence of occult hepatitis B virus infection among patients receiving haemodialysis in Sana’a cityIJID Regions2023
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePrevalence of different hepatitis b virus genotypes and risk factors associated among selected Yemeni patients with chronic hepatitis b infectionUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2021
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePrevalence and Risk Factors for Trachoma among Primary School Children in Sana’a City, YemenUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2021
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineEpidemiological Study on Toxoplasmosis of Human and Animal at Dhamar Governorate,INT.J. Curr. Microbiol.App.Sci2018
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineIdentification of Animal species in Meat and Meat production using Polymerase Chain Reaction AssayThe University Researcher journal2016
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineEffect of random and fixed factors on milk production and lactation length traits in Holstein –Friesian cows in Rosaba farmYemeni journal of agricultural research and studies2015
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineAmino Acid Diversity of Antigentic Sites of Iranian Type O Foot and Mouth Disease Virus.Journal of Cell and Molecular Research2011
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineStudy of the polemorpyism in the exon 2 leptin receptor in native cow breeds of Sistani, Golpayegani, Najdi and Sarabi. Animal Sciences Journal (Pajouhesh & SazandegiAnimal Sciences Journal (Pajouhesh & Sazandegi2011
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePhylogenetic analysis of the 3C gene of type O foot-and-mouth disease virus field isolate Iran/1/2010Animal Sciences Journal (Pajouhesh & Sazandegi2011
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineAssociation of SNP in the ExonII of leptin gene with milk and reproduction traits in Holstein Iranian cows.2008.Biotechnology2008
Abdu-Raoof Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineLeptine Gene Polymorphism in Iranin Native Golpayegani and Taleshi Cows.PJBs2007
Emain Mohammad Al-shawkanyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePrevalence of different hepatitis b virus genotypes and risk factors associated among selected Yemeni patients with chronic hepatitis b infectionUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2021
Dr. Saleh Ahmed Mohammed Ali AlomaisiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePrenatal Development of the Nostril in Rabbit
(Oryc- mtolagus cuniculus)

Journal of Veterinary Anatomy
Dr. Saleh Ahmed Mohammed Ali AlomaisiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE VOMERONASAL ORGAN IN RABBIT Slov Vet Res 2019; 56 (Suppl 22): 623–32
Dr. Saleh Ahmed Mohammed Ali AlomaisiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicineAcute and sub chronic toxicological evaluation of Averrhoa carambola leaves in Sprague Dawley rats 2022Environmental Science and Pollution Research2022
Dr. Saleh Ahmed Mohammed Ali AlomaisiVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MedicinePrenatal Development of the Nasal Conchae (Conchae nasales) in Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 152022

Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2021