
Prof: Najeeb Mohamed Hussein Al- magrebi

Personal Information:

Department of Soil, Water and Environment – Faculty of Agaric., Food & Environ. – University of Sana’a


a specialist in the field of soil and water, soil fertility, fertilizers, plant nutrition, hydroponics, and organic agriculture, interested in community and development issues



  • Dr. degree ( Soil& Fertilizers – fertility ) faculty of Agriculture University of Baghdad – Iraq 2004 .
  • Achieved Master degree in Soil & Water – faculty of Agriculture – University of Sana`a 1998 .
  • Achieved Bachelor degree in Agricultural Production Agriculture Faculty – Sana’a University



1-9/11/2016 – 30 \9\2019 – Deputy Dean of Faculty of Agriculture for Student Affairs – University of Sana’a.

2-14/ 10/ 2014 – 9/11/2016 – Head of the Department of Soil, Water and Environment – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Sana’a.

– 3-2004un till now Lecturer in the Department of Soil, Water and Environment – Faculty of Agriculture – University of Sana’a .

4-24 / 4/ 2008 – 12 /4 / 2010 Dean of Community College Yareem – Ibb.

Conferences and Workshops:

1-12-16 /5 / 2012 Participating in the training course in the field of (cash for work program) – Employment-intensive program – Social Fund for Development – Sana’a Branch.

2-21/11 – 1/12/ 2005 Participating in the training course in the field of teaching skills for faculty members – Academic Development Department and Training and Rehabilitation Department – Sana’a University

3-27 – 29 /11/ 2005. Participating in the training course in the field (formation and training of community committees / beneficiary committees) – Social Fund for Development – Sana’a Branch.

4-23 – 27 /4/ 2005Participation in the training course in the field of social participation and gender analysis (PRA). – Social Fund for Development – General Administration of the Fund

5-15/11- 8/12 /1999 Participating in the Integrated Accounts System – Yemen Soft Systems & Consultancy.


Research and scientific papers:


· Effect of organic and mineral fertilization on some soil properties and sorghum plant content (Sorghum bicolor L) of some nutrients – Alexandria Journal of Scientific Exchange – Egypt – 2016.
· Effect of adding different levels of City waste conpost on some physical properties of soil and growth of Zea mays plants – Journal of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering-Mansoura University-Egypt-2016.
· Effect of Addition of Phosphate and Potassium Fertilizer and Their Interactions on Some Properties of Chemical Soil – Alexandria Journal of Scientific Exchange – Egypt – 2015
· Effect of adding organic fertilizer to soil and plant on the qualitative qualities and mineral content of Squash plant..Cucurbita pepo L – Alexandria Journal of Scientific Exchange-Egypt-2015.
· The Effect of Different Levels of Potassium and Phosphate Fertilizer on the Growth and Content of Vicia Faba L Bean Plants of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium – Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering – Mansoura University – Egypt – 2014.

· Prooerties of some Yemeni Soils and Plants Nutrient Avalility within Different levels of Soil Depth. Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering – Mansoura University – Egypt – 2009.

· Effects of potassium and nitrogen fertilizing on growth and production of maize – gannet tee of Mansoura university 2008.

· Problem of water in Yemen and strategies to confront Afif Est. cultural 2006.
Effect Potassium and Phosphorus Fertilizer on growth and yield of Sorghum bicolor ( L.) Moench Irrigated with deferent Irrigation water salinity – degrees treated – doctorate dissertation – college of Agriculture P university of Baghdad 2004.
Effects of adding organic deposits wastes – (the cities waste deposits – cows deposits – poultry waste deposits )on soil of the soil properties and growth of maize – the master degree thesis – university of Sana`a – 1998