Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
1. Basic Information about the Program: HORTICULTURE AND ITS TECHNIQUES | |
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture and Its Techniques | Program Title and Final Award |
Faculty of Agriculture, Foods, and Environment | Awarding Body/ Institution |
Department of Horticulture and Its Techniques Faculty of Agriculture, Foods, and Environment | Teaching Institution/ Responsible Department |
Independent (*), Joint with Other Department(s) () Multi-Departmental ( ) | Program Type |
Faculty of Agriculture, Foods, and Environment | Other Departments Involved in Teaching the Program |
Arabic | Medium of Instruction |
2020/ 2021 | Program Start Year |
Full-time (mandatory attendance) | Study Mode |
Faculty Classrooms, Laboratories, and Farm | Place of Study |
Annual System (Two Semesters per Year) | System of study |
Four years (145 credit hours) | Time Required for Graduation |
High School Certificate (Scientific Section) | Prerequisite Qualifications |
At Least 70% | Required Average Grade for Admission |
| Other Requirements |
Dr. Adel Alhugami, Prof. Hasan Aldobae | Program Coordinator |
The program is pursuing accreditation | Date of Program Specification/ Latest Accreditation |
Department Mission
Striving to make its graduates distinguished models in the local and regional community to achieve a better life.
Department Vision
Excelling in teaching, learning, scientific research, and community service in the field of horticulture and its various techniques.
Program Mission
Striving to fulfill the department’s mission by providing outstanding courses in horticulture
and its techniques, delivered by a qualified teaching staff, to produce competent and
sought-after graduates who contribute to achieving the aims of the department, faculty, and
university and attaining excellence at the local and regional levels .
Department Aims:
- Preparing and equipping a distinguished cadre of agricultural engineers in the field of horticulture and its techniques, aligned with the needs of the labor market.
- Preparing and qualifying an exceptional cadre for postgraduate studies (Master’s and Ph.D.) in various horticulture fields. The department was the first to initiate a Ph.D. program in the faculty.
- Conducting scientific research related to improving and enhancing the production of various horticultural crops, addressing local challenges, and contributing to self-sufficiency.
- Establishing channels of communication, cooperation, and knowledge exchange with relevant governmental and private entities, both locally and internationally.
- Developing the students’ awareness of the importance of horticultural crops and their participation in local development.
- Organizing scientific seminars, conferences, and training courses to enhance the competence of the department’s academic and administrative staff and graduates.
- Providing scientific and technical consultations to various entities in different fields of the department.
Program Aims
- Meeting the needs of high school graduates to join this specialization and reduce educational dropout rates.
- Offering outstanding courses and fostering outstanding students through a professional teaching staff.
- Enhancing scientific research in horticulture and its techniques and effectively contributing to addressing relevant societal issues.
- Producing competent graduates equipped with extensive knowledge and advanced skills, enabling them to compete effectively and achieve the aims of the department, faculty, university, and higher education.
- Establishing partnerships and collaborating with local and Arab universities in horticulture and its techniques through joint research projects and local and regional exchange visits.
- Creating and developing a stimulating learning environment that empowers students to compete, be creative, and achieve excellence, fostering their desire to pursue higher education. Securing a promising professional future for students in the field of horticulture and its techniques.
Graduate Attributes:
Upon successful completion of their studies, the graduate will be able to:
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles, applied sciences, and modern technologies relevant to agriculture, horticulture, and food science. They will also be able to identify the various types of horticultural crops and their classification systems, production techniques, improvement, handling, storage, and marketing of various horticultural products.
- Grasp the principles and scientific methods of utilizing modern techniques for the quantitative and qualitative improvement of horticultural products and their various techniques while effectively utilizing all available plant resources.
- Plan, establish, manage, and operate horticultural farms, nurseries, and greenhouses.
- Efficiently manage and utilize horticultural and agricultural resources while conserving natural resources and biodiversity.
- Assess the status of horticultural production and use scientific and technical methods to address its challenges and elevate it by developing horticultural production techniques, handling, and marketing methods that align with the development of the country and society in the field of horticulture.
- Successfully plan the adaptation of various horticultural techniques in accordance with quality and safety standards and diverse local conditions.
- Demonstrate communication skills and the ability to work effectively within specialized teams with relevant stakeholders.
- Utilize modern technologies and their applications in addressing horticultural problems, both technically and economically.
- Formulate plans and programs for the development of work in the horticultural sector in line with the changing requirements of the horticultural labor market and its techniques.
- Contribute to raising awareness among farmers and community members to reduce the use of agricultural pollutants and educate the community about the importance of increasing green cover as a contribution to reducing environmental pollution and improving it and its impact on the health, psychological, and social well-being of the community.
- Demonstrate the ability to develop their skills and performance, engage in self-learning, critical thinking, effectively communicate with others, and work collaboratively within a team.
- Pursue postgraduate studies and engage in research.
Career Opportunities for Graduates of the Horticulture Department:
- Establishing and supervising fruit, vegetable, medicinal, and aromatic plant farms and orchards.
- Working in the fields of tissue culture and biotechnology.
- Supervising and managing greenhouses in general.
- Cultivating and producing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
- Designing and landscaping gardens, parks, and recreational areas inside and outside cities.
- Working in the agricultural quarantine sector at land, sea, and air ports.
- Working in local, regional, and international official institutions, bodies, and organizations.
- Working in private projects and companies in various branches of horticulture.
- Providing training and consultations in establishing fruit, vegetable, medicinal, and aromatic plant farms, as well as designing and landscaping gardens.
- Providing training and consultations in establishing tissue culture and biotechnology laboratories, nurseries, and greenhouses.
- Providing training and consultations in the fields of hydroponics and urban organic farming.
- Providing training and consultations in seed testing, seed examination, and examining samples of medicinal and aromatic plants.
Undergraduate Program Courses for Departments of the Faculty of Agriculture, Foods, and Environment - First and Second Levels
First Level Courses
First Level Courses | |||||
First Semester | Second Semester | ||||
Course code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
UR001 | Arabic Language (1) | 2 | FR001 | Physics & Meteorology | 3 |
UR006 | Islamic Culture | 3 | FR006 | Principles of Statistics | 2 |
FR111 | General Chemistry | 3 | FR111 | Organic Chemistry | 3 |
FR112 | General Botany | 3 | FR112 | Principles of Agricultural Economics | 2 |
FR113 | Mathematics | 2 | FR113 | General Zoology | 3 |
FR114 | Agriculture in Yemeni Environment | 1 | FR114 | Principles of Ecology | 2 |
UR007 | National culture | 2 | UR002 | Arabic Language (2) | 2 |
FR115 | Geology | 1 | UR008 | Conflict with the Israeli enemy | 2 |
| Total | 17 |
| Total | 19 |
Second Level Courses
Second Level Courses | |||||
First Semester | Second Semester | ||||
Course code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
FR211 | Soil Fundamentals | 2 | FR221 | Principles of Food Science | 2 |
FR112 | General Microbiology | 3 | FR222 | Principles of Crops Protection | 2 |
FR113 | Biochemistry | 3 | UR004 | English Language (2) | 2 |
FR114 | Principles of Animal Production | 2 | FR127 | Principles of Genetics | 2 |
UR003 | English Language (1) | 2 | FR223 | Principles of Horticulture | 2 |
FR114 | Principles of Crops Production | 2 | FR224 | Plant Physiology | 2 |
FR215 | Principles of Agricultural Engineering | 2 | FR225 | Principles of Human Nutrition | 2 |
—- | —— | — | UR005 | Computer Skills | 3 |
| Total | 16 |
| Total | 17 |
Undergraduate Courses for the Horticulture and Its Techniques Program (HRT) Department of Horticulture and Its Techniques
Third Level Courses | |||||
First Semester | Second Semester | ||||
Course code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Hrt311 | Fruit Trees Physiology | 3 | Hrt321 | Nurseries and Horticultural Farms | 3 |
Hrt312 | Production of Cold and Moderate Season Vegetables | 3 | Hrt322 | Production of Warm Season Vegetables | 2 |
Sol315 | Irrigation and Fertilization of Horticultural Crops | 2 | Hrt323 | Deciduous Fruit Production | 3 |
Hrt313 | Plant Biotechnology | 3 | Hrt324 | Physiology of Vegetable Crops | 3 |
Hrt314 | Evergreen Fruit Production | 3 | Hrt325 | Classification, Production and Uses of Ornamental Plants | 3 |
Hrt426 | Plant Tissue Culture | 3 | Fr315 | Agricultural Extension and Rural Community | 2 |
Hrt315 | Applications in Design and Analysis of Experiments | 3 | Aec328 | Horticultural Farms Management and Marketing | 2 |
Hrt316 | Urban and Organic Agriculture | 2 | Hrt327 | Summer Training | 1 |
| Total | 22 |
| Total | 19 |
Fourth Level Courses
Fourth Level Courses | |||||
First Semester | Second Semester | ||||
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Hrt411 | Forests Environment and Natural Yemeni Reserves | 3 | Hrt421 | Breeding of Fruit Trees and Perennials | 2 |
Hrt412 | Viticulture Production | 2 | Hrt422 | Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants | 3 |
Hrt413 | Vegetable Production Technology Under the Conditioned Environment | 3 | Hrt423 | Production of Cut flowers and Ornamental Bulbs | 2 |
PlP418 | Pests and Diseases of Horticultural Crops | 3 | Hrt424 | Vegetable and Herbaceous Plants’ Seed Production | 3 |
Hrt414 | Design and Landscape Gardening | 2 | Hrt425 | Horticultural Plants in Arid Regions | 2 |
Hrt415 | Breeding of Vegetable and Herbaceous Plants | 2 | Hrt426 | Stimulant Horticultural Trees | 2 |
Hrt416 | Post-Harvest Technology | 3 | Hrt427 | Field Training and Research Project | 3 |
| Total | 18 |
| Total | 17 |