AbdulRahman Abdulaziz Salah

Dr. AbdulRahman Abdulaziz Salah

Personal Information

  • Head of the Soil, Water and Environment Department – Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University
  • Member of the teaching staff of the Water and Environment Center– Sana’a University.
  • Senior expert in managing and training field survey teams, and data cleaning and analysis.
  • Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL) Advisor

Birth: 17th January1973 – Yemen


2007 Doctoral degree in Soil & Water management – Faculty of Agriculture –

Cairo University- Egypt.

Title “Enhance water irrigation management to increase water productivity”.2003 Master Degree in Soil & Water management – Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University- Egypt.1994 Bachelor degree in Soil & Water sciences – Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University- Yemen. Experience “Social, developmental and consultive sector”

2019 – 2021 M&E Consultant, National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR).
2020 Senior expert in managing and training field data collection teams, International Advisory, Products and Systems Ltd. (i-APS).
2018 Member of the consulting authority in I-Access Consulting Company.
2018 Livelihood & Food Security project advisor in Resilient Community Organization (RECO).
2014-2016 Advisor of the Yemeni-Turkish Renaissance Foundation for Development.
2013-2014 Advisor of Arab Organization for Dialog and Development.
2009-2013 Head of Al-Qaith Social & Charity Association.
2011-2019 Member of the Arab Association for Water Research.

Tasks, Researches & Studies – Project manager of the urban needs assessment survey in the cities of Al-Hawtah and Zinjibar, implementation of NFDHR and financing of UN-HABITAT, 2020.- Senior Technical Adviser and Principal Supervisor of the NFDHR Field Survey Team in the “Data Collection/Urban Profiling of Yemen Cities” project, implemented by NFDHR for iMMAP and funded by the European Union & UN-HABITAT- Yemen, 2019.- Senior technical adviser for i-APS in several TPM projects to Evaluation & Monitoring of projects implemented by UNICEF/its partners, most notably in 2020 are:

  1. EMIS (Education Management Information System) covering 65 Education Offices in 14 Governorat
  2. Education Computer Labs, covering 115 schools, in 5 governorates, which were provided with computer labs and solar energy systems.
  3. Broadening Access to and Improving Quality of Education, covering 60 schools in 3 governorates to evaluation Education and WASH interventions.
  4. The primary health care project through 365 Yemeni health facilities, covering 80 HF in 10 governorat


  • Senior Technical Adviser and Principal Supervisor of the i-APS Field Survey Team, to evaluate the Multi-Sectoral Humanitarian Response Program (MHRP) project implemented in Yemen by an International NGO Consortium headed by CARE UK with Mercy Corps (MC), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and Action Against Hunger (ACF). Funded by the Department for International Development British (DFID). The multi-sector assessment included 1200 HHs as a sample of beneficiaries in Taiz and Al Hudaydah governorates, 2020.


  • Senior Technical Adviser and Principal Supervisor of the i-APS Field Survey Team, for evaluation of the EALAAF and MANR Projects, Implemented by ADRA, The evaluation included 1,000 beneficiaries and vendors in Lahj, Al-Dhalea and Abyan governorates, 2020.

– Monitoring study of the aids distribution provided by NFDHR to promote the food security and enhance the livelihood for the most vulnerable communities in Ar-Rujum district, Al-Mahwit governorate, I Access Consulting Company,2018.- Raped assessment of the emergency essential needs for the integrated humanitarian response in” Food, Wash and Health” for IDPs and HHs in Al-Khabt district, Al-Muhwit governorate, NFDHR, 2018.- Challenges in front of food security in Yemen and part of merchants’ agricultural materials to face them, workshop of food security is corporate responsibility, donor by union of merchants’ agricultural materials, Sana’a, 29th Feb 2018.- The hard Yemeni target: self-sufficiency of wheat, seminar” toward Yemeni strategy to the food security in wheat”, Sana’a, 15th-17th Nov 2008.- Policies and resolute the essential interventions to provide enough aids of the water irrigation to promoting the food security in Yemen, in association with Dr. Abdullah Abdulmageed. Seminar” toward Yemeni strategy to the food security in wheat, Sana’a, 15th-17th Nov 2008. Experience Agricultural and food security sector”

1995 – up to date Member of professoriate of Soil, Water & Environment department – Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University- Yemen.
2008 Preparatory committeeman of the food security Seminar, supervised by Sana’a University, donor by Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation and Ministry of Industry and Trade 15th -18th Nov 2008.
2008-2010 Financial & administration official for land & water department laboratories and secretary of the department.
2008-2010 Unit of the scientific research official, faculty of agriculture –Sana’a University.
2008-2018 Lecturer of the Master Program in the water & environment center and trainer in some courses training, Sana’a University.
2009-2012 Head of the agriculture sector in Yemen Company for equipment and limited preparation.
2016-2017 Students’ activities official, faculty of agriculture – Sana’a University.
2018 Livelihood & Food Security project advisor in Resilient Community Organization (RECO).
2019 – Now Head of Soil, Water, and Environment Department – Faculty of Agriculture – Sana`a University.

Participations and Courses – Three international training and scientifically participations in water irrigation management and saving the soil and water and increase the agriculture productivity for water.- Many local participations in different seminars & workshops in development, social and political sector. Skills – Designing survey and evaluation tools, and using ODK tools , KoBo toolbox, Google Form, and Microsoft Form to collect data.- Data cleaning and analysis.- Statistical analysis of data by Excel and SPSS..- Presenting data by Power BI, Google dashboard and using the MS-Office Programs.