
About the Faculty

Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment

The Faculty of Agriculture, Foods, and Environment at Sana’a University was established in 1982 under Republican Decree No. 51 of 1982, originally as the Faculty of Agriculture. It admitted its first batch of students in the academic year 1984–1985 (1404–1405 Hijri), with 25 students in the first semester and 60 students in the second semester of the same year. Since then, the faculty has significantly increased its admission capacity and now accepts over 400 students annually. Currently, there are 1394 students enrolled in the faculty across all levels. The first batch of students graduated at the end of the second semester of 1987–1988. Initially, the faculty occupied a part of the buildings belonging to the Faculty of Commerce and Economics. However, in March 1988, an educational farm was inaugurated, and the foundation stone for the new buildings of the Faculty of Agriculture was laid nearby, within the university campus. Starting from the academic year 1988–1989, the educational farm began its active operation, serving as a training and research facility, particularly focusing on poultry and sheep farming as well as cultivating various fields. The current new building was inaugurated at the beginning of the academic year 1990–1991.

Despite the difficult circumstances facing the country, the university has witnessed significant developments and updates in the academic field. There have been notable progress and updates, specifically through the revision and specification of all academic programs within the faculty. Moreover, the faculty’s name has been changed to better align with the requirements of development and community service. This change was officially authorized by the university rector’s resolution number (570) dated December 30, 2020, adopting the current name “Faculty of Agriculture, Foods, and Environment” instead of the previous “Faculty of Agriculture.” Furthermore, the department names have undergone modification, updates, and approval by both the faculty and its academic departments. This was officially endorsed by the university rector’s resolution number (51) dated January 26, 2021, which approved the academic programs of the departments as well as the specifications of their courses. In addition to the bachelor’s degree, the faculty grants diplomas, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees, each in its own specialization

Departments and Academic Programs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Foods, and Environment:





Crop Science and Genetic Improvement
Crop and Pasture Science
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Horticulture and Its Techniques
Horticulture Science and Techniques
Food Science and Nutrition
Food Science and Nutrition
Human Nutrition
Plant Protection
Plant Protection
Animal Resources
Animal Resources
Agricultural Engineering and Modern Technologies
Agricultural Engineering and Modern Technologies
Irrigation Systems Engineering and Technology
Soil, Water, and Environment
Soil, Water, and Environment
Environment and Sustainable Agricultural Development
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics and Cooperation
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Agribusiness Management

The Values

Faculty of griculture, Food and Environment has a firm belief in the ideals and values of teamwork, respect for colleagues, and sense of national loyalty and belonging. Thus, it affirms its full commitment to promoting these values through the following:
  • Integrity and Scientific Honesty
  • Institutional Complementarity and Transparency
  • Initiative and Innovation
  • Scientific Partnership, Equal Opportunity, and Unity of Purpose.

The message

Providing educational programs that achieve sustainable development, meet quality requirements, and develop human capabilities to prepare qualified graduates to work in various agricultural, food, and environmental fields at the local and regional levels. In addition, conducting scientific and applied research to serve the community and support continuous development within a framework of teamwork, excellence, and transparency.


Leadership and excellence in agricultural and food sciences, scientific research and community service locally and regionally.

Academic staff


  • Preparing graduates equipped with scientific knowledge and skills that qualify them to compete in the labor market, contribute to the development of the agricultural sector, and contribute to achieving food security in the Republic of Yemen.
  • Contributing to the graduation of qualified scientific cadres holding master’s and doctoral degrees to support universities and institutions related to agricultural, food, and environmental specializations.
  • Employing scientific research to contribute to the comprehensive development of the agricultural sector, solve its problems, and promote the agricultural (plant and animal), food, and environmental sectors.
  • Expanding the scope of benefiting from the faculty’s activities and services to include the Yemeni community and aligning them with the developmental needs and local environment.
  • Developing academic, material, and infrastructure capacities.
  • Updating and developing the faculty’s plans, continuously reviewing the faculty’s development plans and programs, rationalizing and developing the working environment, and committing to the quality of the faculty’s various educational, research, and professional outputs, guided by international specifications and references.
  • Keeping pace with global progress and development in scientific knowledge and agricultural and food technologies, maximizing their application in developing the capacities of the agricultural community and its institutions, and encouraging the continuation of self-learning at the individual, group, and institutional levels through training programs and community services.
  • Fostering a spirit of teamwork to achieve the aims and mission of the faculty.

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Faculty name