Talal Abdulrazzak Al-Kawry
Date & Place of birth :
Dec. 1964 Taiz
Nationality :
Social status :
Scientific Degree : Professor.
Major Specialization:
Food Science & Nutrition.
Minor Specialization : Fats and Oils Chemistry and Technology.
Permanent address : Faculty of Agriculture , Sana, a University, P. O. Box (14282)
Prof.Talal Abdulrazzaq Ali Suliman, I got a bachelor’s degree from Food Science Technology , Faculty of Agriculture , Suez Canal University , Arab Republic of Egypt, nominated as a practical teacher at food science and nutrition department, faculty of agriculture, Sana”a University.
My M.Sc. and ph. D degrees from Iraq. Nominated as assistant professor and. finally became professor in field of food science and nutrition.
:a) ph. D – ( Excellent – 5 / 10 / 2000) – Food Science & Technology , College of Agriculture ,
University of Baghdad , Republic of Iraq .
:b) M.Sc. – ( Very good – 8 / 4 / 1995)- Food Science & Technology , College
of Agriculture , University of Baghdad , Republic of Iraq
:c) B.Sc. – ( Very good with honor (The first) – 7 / 9 / 1988)- Food Science and Technology , Faculty of Agriculture , Suez Canal University , Arab Republic of Egypt .
- Head of Food Science and Technology Department / Faculty of Agriculture/ Sana’a
University since 7/ 1/ 2015.
- Professor of Fats and Oils Chemistry and Technology Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a university since 6/2012.
- Associate Professor of Fats and Oils Chemistry and Technology Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a university since 5/2006.
- Assistant Prof. of Fats and Oils Chemistry and Technology Dept. of Food Science & Technology , Faculty of Agriculture , Sana, a University 2000 up to 4/2006.
- Lecturer , Faculty of Agriculture , Dept. of Food Science & Technology , Sana, a University 1989 – 1992.
- Laboratory technique – 1989 United Dairy & Food Industries, LTD. (NANA) Hodida, Republic of Yemen.
- Member of Oils and Fats committee in Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Organization.
- Responsible of High Studies in Food Science and Technology Department.
- Member of High Studies committee in Faculty of Agriculture.
- Member of Cooperative Society for Consultations and Agricultural Researches.
- Member of Yemeni Biological Society.
Conferences and Workshops:
- UNIDO Ozone depleting solvents Workshop – Yemen in the period of 16 – 17/ 4 / 2006.
- Producing of strawberry crop Workshop in the farm of Faculty of Agriculture of Sana’a University in 20 /3 / 2005.
- Symposium of Yemeni biological society in Sana’a in 27 / 6 / 2005.
- Symposium of American Institute for Yemeni studies at Sana’a University, Faculty of Science, in 15 /12 /2010.
- The Seventh Scientific Conference of Yemeni Biological Society. 28 – 29/9/2010.
- Symposium of Specifications – Methods and goals .Established in Sana’a by the Yemeni Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control in cooperation with the European Union during the period of 6 – 8/2/2011.
- Symposium of Health and Nutritional Quality of Dairy Products in Yemen during the period of 17 -18 / 2 / 2013.
- Malaysia – Yemen Palm Oil Semnar at 19/ 2/ 2014.
- Seminar for Teachers from Asian Countries during the period of 8 -28 may, 2014.
Changchun, Peoples Republic of China.
Research and scientific papers:
- Al-Kawry, T.A. and Ghalib, A.D.(2004)The Antioxidative synergistic Effects of Butylated Hydroxy Anisole (BHA) and Natural Flavonoid Extracts with Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ) Incorporated with Sunflower Cooking Oil. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences.Vol.19 No.9B.
- Ghalib, A.D.and Al-Kawry, T.A. (2004) Chemical Composition of Peach Kernel Oil and Nutritional Concepts of its Main Chemical Components. Egyptian Journal of Applied Sciences.Vol.19 No.9B.
- Al-Kawry, T.A. (2004)The Antioxidative synergistic Effects of Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) and Modificated Flavonoid Extracts with Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone (TBHQ) Incorporated with Sunflower Oil. Yemeni Journal of Agricultural Research.No.21 .
- Al-Kawry, T.A. (2006) Use of Deodorized Local Sesame Oil, Commercial Palm Oil and Girl ghee in Butterine Manufacture. SUJST V2, No. 2
- Al-Kawry, T.A., Alkubaty, A.A and Shiban, M.S.(2010).The Effect of Partial and Total Substitution of Milk Fat With Some Vegetable Oils for Manufacturing of Mellorine. The Yemen Journal of biological Society.
- Al-Kawry, T.A. and Almaqtary, G.A. (2010) Evaluation of antioxidant activity of some natural extracts and propyl gallate in refined palm oil. Journal of Damuscuss University for Agricultural Sciences,
- Al-Kawry, T.A.and Shiban, M. (2010) Antioxidant Activity of Certain Natural Extracts of Plant Origin.Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., Vol.25No.9.
- Alkubaty, A.A and Al-kawry, T.A. (2011) Assess the nutritional status among students at Sana’a University.Yemeni Journal for Agricultural Researches.
- Shiban, M.S., Humaid,K.N .and Al-kawry, T.A.(2010) The reasons for refraining from drinking milk in the Republic of Yemen. The Yemen Journal of biological Society.Vol.(6)No.(1).
- Al-Kawry, T.A., Alabed,M.M and Al-Nourri, F.( ) Extraction of Some Flavonoid Compounds from Leaves of Sider Trees (Zizyphus spina – christi). The Yemen biological Society.
- Al-Kawry, T.A., Alabed,M.M and Al-Nourri,F.( ) Study of Antioxidant Activity of Natural Flavonoid
- Al-Kawry, T.A., Alabed,M.M and Al-Nourri,F.( ) Study of Antioxidant Activity of Modificated Flavonoid Extracts.
- Al-Kawry, T.A., Alabed,M.M and Al-Nourri,F ( ) Study of Antioxidant Activity of Natural and Modificated Flavonoid Extracts in β carotene and linolenic emultion .
- Al-Kawry, T.A., Alabed,M.M and Al-Nourri,F ( )Study of Synergistic Effect with each of Natural and Modificated Flavonoid Extracts and Synthetic Antioxidants