Khaled Kassem Kaid Saleh.
Personal Information:
- Family Name: Saleh.
- Full Name: Khaled Kassem Kaid
- Date of Birth: December 1967.
- Place of Birth: Al-Odin Ib.
- Nationality:
- Marital Statues:
- Current Position : Associate Professor
- Profession: Participant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agricultural Sana’a University.
- August 2015-persent Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Sana’a University.
August 2004-2015 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Sana’a University.
- 2001-Aug. 2004 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Sana’a University.
- 1994-Aug. 2001 Teaching Assistant of Agricultural Economics, Sana’a University.
- 1992 – Mar. 1994 Assistant Consulter in DHV Consultants experts in the NORADEP project.
Date: from—– to
(Month/Year) |
University | Degree Obtained |
August.2001 – July 2004 | Cairo University
Egypt |
Ph.D, in Agricultural Economics With Minor in Economic Study on the Optimal Use of most important Agricultural Productive Resources in the Republic of Yemen, Under the Economic Changes |
August.1998 – April. 2001 | Cairo University
Egypt |
M.Sc degree, in Agricultural Economics With Minor in Optimum Economic Using of Water resources in Yemen Republic (case study of Sana’a Governorate) |
August.1985 – May. 1991 | Cairo University
Egypt |
B.Sc, degree in Agricultural Science
(Agricultural Economies) |
Dr. Khaled Kassem is a senior Agro-Economist / Socio-Economist and Extension Economist with over 15 years of academic and field experiences in agricultural, rural and natural resources economics, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and M & E of agricultural and rural projects.
As an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension and Economics at Sana’a University he has been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in agricultural economics, production economics, Land resources economics, social statistics, farm management, Economics of Food Processing Plants, M&E for Agricultural Projects.
- Study and Estimation of Small & microenterprise.
- Evaluation of development programmes in agriculture (training, extension, irrigation)
- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of projects in the area of Agriculture, Energy, Agri-business, Human Development, and Poverty Alleviation.
- Economic Analysis of Agriculture/Irrigation and Community Forestry projects.
- Social, Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of various development projects [Irrigation, Mining etc.]
- Reviews of NGOs.
- Institutional Analysis.
- Participatory Appraisal
- Topics in Environmental Policy
- Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental Decision Making.
- Environmental impact assessment.
- Training &Capacity building at Small projects.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Implement a training Workshop on agricultural statistical data management, processing, presentation and analysis methods, writing and publishing statistical reports, for the General Administration of Statistics and Agricultural Information(the institutional building program) Supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations through the Program for Enhancing Food Security, financed by European Union, During the period 19-23 January 2019.
- Implementation of a training course A training course on the institutional construction of the experts of small projects and entrepreneurship. In (Lahj-Abyan governorates), Supported by Musanadah Foundation for Development (mfd), in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and with funding from the European Union (EU) during the period 25 December 2018 – 1 January 2019Participation in the Fifth International Conference on Environmental (environmental and sustainable development), which was held at the University of Damietta in Egypt during the period from 31March to 2 April, 2015.
- participate in the second conference of the Arab Council of Social Sciences on “accountability inequality and social inequalities in the Arab region,” which has been in Beirut for girls during the period 13 to March 18, 2014.
- participate in the training course on higher education in the (Northeast Normal University) People’s Republic of China during the period from 8 to May 28, 2014.
- Participating Sixth Scientific Conference of Agricultural Sciences, which was held in the Arab Republic of Egypt in the College of Agriculture – Assiut University during the period from 13 to October 18, 2012 AD.
- Participating in the seminar on “study and diagnosis of flood disaster in Hadramout and contribute to treatments and solutions” held in the city of Hadramout bad during the period (8 10/3/2008)
- Participation in the conference “Towards a strategy for Yemen to achieve food security in the grain in Yemen,” the University of Alaiman, in the period (17 to 19 November 2008), Sana’a.
- participate in a seminar on “Agriculture between self-sufficiency and aspired food security in Yemen,” the University of Aden in March 2008.
- Participated in the fourth Scientific Conference on the Environment & Natural Resources in Taiz University. Republic of Yemen. (14-16 May 2007).
- Participated in the fourth Symposium on Date Palm in Saudi Arabia Organized by Date palm Research Center King Faisal University, Hafuf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (5-8 May 2007).
- Participated in Workshop for Community water Management: looking Ahead Roles and Responsibilities“, April 2007
- Training Workshop on Poverty in Arabian Rural organized by Arab Organization For Agricultural Development, Held (13th –15th February 2005) Sana’a Yemen.
- Training of Trainers (TOT) Seminar Participate on needs Assessment for Graduates form WEC’s IWRM programming, organized and funded by Water Environment Center, Held on 20-28 February 2005, Sana’a, Yemen .
- Sustainable International Development. Seminar/Course, Department of Resource Development, Cairo University, Egypt. 2001.
- Training Seminar on “Food and Agricultural Policy Analysis”. Sponsored and funded by Institute of Agric. Economic Research),. Held on 23rd Granary-3rd February, 2000, Cairo, Egypt.
- An Introduction to Farming System Research and Extension Methods (FSR/E) Seminar/Course. Cairo University, Held on 30th August-11th October 2000, Cairo, Egypt. .
Research and scientific papers:
- Most recent peer-reviewed Journal articles:
- The development gap and food self-sufficiency of dates in Yemen during the period 1990-2007 and forecast for 2020
- Water Scarcity and Water Efficiency in the Plantation and Production of Wheat in the Republic of Yemen (RoY). King saoud University, 2008
- Economic Study on the Optimal use of most Important Agricultural productive Resources in the Republic of Yemen, Under the Economic Changes, Ph.D, (Agric. Economics), Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 2004.
- Optimum Economic Using of Water Resources in Yemen Republic (Case Study of Sana’a Governorate), M.Sc, (Agric. Economics), Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 2001.
- Most recent proceeding or reports written :
- Economics of Agricultural Mechanization at Arabic Countries, 1998.
- Socio-Economic Analysis for Agric. And Production the Qatt in Yemen Republic, 1999.
- Alimental Security and Grain Production in Yemen, 2000.
Training Courses, Workshops/ Seminars Participated as a Trainer:
- Yemeni Development Foundation; Institutional Capacity Building and Activating the Role of Civil Society Organizations / Associations (NGOs) – (40 participants from about 15 NGOs). “Training workshop on Project management and Logical Framework”. 8 – 10 Feb. 2005. Funded by EU and other Agencies.
Significant Conferences / and publication:
- the water resources management and the Wheat agriculture Selection in Yemen. conference of food Security, Aden University, 2007.
- Local expert for the Preparation of the “Agricultural Policy Analysis”. Sponsored and funded by Ministry industry and trade, and GTZ regulation. Held on 30th September – 11th October 2005, Sana’a Yemen.
- Seminar on the Economical and Social Impacts of Water Projects on the subject groups between 1995–2005, Presented at the NORADEP project by Al-afeef institution and institute de recherché pour le development(IRD) in Yemen.
- Socio-economic Study of water project at Paqem city, by the Public Works project. Held on October 2005.
- Socio-economic Study of water project at Bab Almandab Region, by the Public Works project. Held on April, 2004.