
Mutahhar Sharaf Shaiban


Personal Information

Professor Dr./ Mutahhar Sharaf Shaiban

Name: Mutahar Sharaf Shaiban
Academic degree:
Date of birth:
5/15/1955 – Hajjah Governorate

Mobile: +967 777900609


Current work:

  • Professor of Food and Dairy in the Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Sana’a University.
  • Advisor to the Yemen Standardization, Metrology & Quality Control Organization.
  • Institutional Development Expert at Crowe AHFAD, member Crowe Global.

Phone: 1 510 582        |           Mail:

Teaching responsibilities across various programs:

# Courses Bachelor’s/


Level Teaching (Solo/Joint) Comments
1 Liquid milk transactions Bachelor’s Third Solo  
2 Cheese and fermented milk manufacturing Bachelor’s Third Solo  
3 Food packaging Bachelor’s Third Solo  
4 Maternal and infant nutrition Bachelor’s Fourth Solo  
5 Functional foods Bachelor’s Fourth Solo  
6 Nutritional education Bachelor’s Third Solo  
7 Nutrition and immunity Bachelor’s Third Solo  
8 Environmental health and safety Bachelor’s Third Joint  
9 Dairy technology Bachelor’s Fourth Solo  
10 Dairy Chemistry Bachelor’s Third Solo  
11 Fatty dairy products technology Bachelor’s Fourth Solo  
12 Research and discussions (graduation project) Bachelor’s Fourth Solo  
13 Field training Bachelor’s Fourth Solo  
14 Special studies Bachelor’s Third Solo  
15 Technology of dried and condensed milk Postgraduate studies Master’s Solo  
16 Cheese production technology advanced Postgraduate studies Master’s Solo  
17 Dairy technology advanced Postgraduate studies Master’s Solo  
18 Human nutrition advanced Postgraduate studies Master’s Solo  
19 Food chemistry advanced Postgraduate studies Master’s Joint  


Areas of scholarly focus:

University Book Writing Activities:

The book Notes
Liquid milk transactions Completed in 2022
Cheese and fermented milk manufacturing Ready for review and publication
Functional foods
Dairy technology
Environmental health and safety Work underway
Maternal and infant nutrition
Food packaging

Current research activities:

  • Using pasteurization alternatives in preserving local fermented dairy products.
  • Studying the dietary pattern of consumption of drinking dairy products (liquid and dried) in the capital.
  • Evaluation of the quality of raw milk in the local production chain in Al-Hodeidah Governorate.

Academic interests:

  • Responsible for the postgraduate program in the department (Member of the Postgraduate Studies Committee and Member of the Academic Committee) in the College of Agriculture.
  • My professional focus involves the assessment of academic programs within medical colleges at universities. I serve as an expert for the Academic Accreditation Council, contributing to the evaluation processes that ensure educational quality (in the fields of food and therapeutic nutrition).
  • Additionally, I emphasize the application of graduation research with private sector factories and relevant public sector institutions, which serves to bridge the gap between academic theory and real-world practice. By integrating research findings into the operational frameworks of these institutions, students can contribute meaningfully to ongoing projects.
  • Participation in many external activities (community service), including, for example, the Standards and Metrology Authority, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Grain Corporation, the Yemeni Economic Corporation… and others.

Research interests:

I offer expert consulting services focused on the installation of production equipment in food and dairy manufacturing facilities. My work involves delivering comprehensive consultations and conducting in-depth studies tailored for investors in this sector. Recent achievements in this field include the following:

  • Investment project studies submitted to the International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank through Crowe AHFAD; member Crowe Global (
  • Feasibility study for establishing a dairy factory and its accessories for the United Dairy and Food Industries Company (UDFI) – Hodeidah – Al-Kadan – 2021.
  • Feasibility study for establishing an instant dry yeast factory in Hodeidah, Republic of Yemen – 2022.
  • Feasibility Study & Business Plan for Cement Factory Expansion for Star Cement Co. Yemen LLC, Aden – 2024.
  • Feasibility study for establishing a wheat milling for Al-Riyadah for Wheat Milling & Grain Silos, Aden – 2024.
  • Participation in the consultative meeting between the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Yemeni investors held in Egypt (Continental Hotel Cairo) during the period November 15-16, 2023.
  • Developing small food industries by:
  • Encouraging graduates and low-income people to establish small production units to improve their income and combat poverty and unemployment. So, upon completing my master’s degree, I took the initiative to launch a dairy processing facility, which operated successfully for several years. This venture not only contributed to my personal income but also created job opportunities within the community, demonstrating the potential impact of such enterprises on local economies.
  • I completed some training courses in different governorates to develop rural women in the field of dairy products industry.
  • Counterfeit National Dairy Products:
  • I have raised awareness among community groups and authorities concerned with food legislation about the spread of malnutrition diseases due to reliance on the consumption of counterfeit national dairy products.
  • I conducted a television interview on Al-Masirah Channel in the Muhammad Al-Hasani program from reality (August 2022) to discuss semi-dairy products from national factories manufactured using vegetable oils and their impact on the spread of the phenomenon of dwarfism among children and adolescents in society, especially females, due to the removal of the most important nutritional components of milk, which is milk fat, and replacing it with cheap foreign materials to obtain illicit gain.
  • I presided over a scientific symposium titled “Scientific Symposium on the Nutritional and Health Quality of Dairy Products in Yemen,” which took place at the Saba Hotel in Sana’a in December 2013. The event was held under the distinguished patronage of the Minister of Industry and Trade, funded by the Yemeni Authority for Standardization, Metrology, and Quality Control, and involved participation from Sana’a University along with various public and private sector institutions, including all dairy factories across the Republic. As Chairman of the Scientific Committee, I facilitated discussions on the presented scientific papers, and the symposium concluded with a commitment from national factories to produce authentic dairy products using original ingredients without external fat additives, thereby enhancing the nutritional quality of local products and increasing consumer satisfaction.
  • Military Nutrition
  • Research interests and presentation of studies on military nutrition, and survival (living) in difficult conditions for the army and the Mujahideen on the fronts (2015).


  • PhD in Food Science (Dairy Technology) from University of Baghdad, Iraq (1999)
  • MSc in Food Science (Dairy Technology) from Zagazig University, Egypt (1990)
  • Training Course in Agricultural Education from University of New Mexico, USA (1986)
  • BSc in Agricultural Science (Food Industries) from Tanta University, Egypt (1980)


  • Advisor to the Yemeni Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control for Food Security Affairs (2002-present).
  • Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University (November 2016-September 2019).
  • Head of the Department of Food Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture – Sana’a University (September 2012-January 2015).
  • Lecturer in the Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University from 1999 to date, and visiting professor at Ibb University and Dhamar University, Lecturer in the field of therapeutic nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, National University, Sana’a.
  • Scientific researcher at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Baghdad (1994-1999) delegated from Sana’a University.
  • Lecturer at the level of teacher of food and dairy courses at the Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University (1991 – 1993)
  • General Manager of Al-Mutahar Dairy Factories (1991 – 1993), Sana’a.
  • Teacher and then central supervisor of agricultural institutes and schools (1984 – 1991) Ibb Agricultural Institute, then the Guidance Sector in the General Diwan of the Ministry of Education, Sana’a.
  • Director of Production and responsible for grain storage (1980 – 1984) Yemeni General Corporation for Grains.
  • Head of the Dairy Committee at the Yemeni Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control, and updating the standard specifications related to imported and locally produced dairy products (2003 – 2021).
  • Technical Advisor for the project to prepare a Yemeni standard specification for traditional Yemeni cheese produced in the countryside / Yemeni Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control (2009-2010). Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Evaluation and Technical Inspection / Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption (2009-2010)
  • Consultant expert for the evaluation of some local dairy factories and farms and the preparation of technical studies for their development / Agricultural Cooperative Union (2003-2004) Study of the evaluation of the dairy farm in Saada, Study of the evaluation of the dairy factory in Khormaksar Aden, Study of the technological requirements for sterilized dairy factories (UHT) and equipping technical units.
  • Study of the evaluation of the dairy farm in the Hababa area – Thula Directorate (2019).
  • Special report on the current status of the Yemeni Dairy Farm (Rasaba – Dhamar) for the benefit of the Yemeni Economic Corporation March 21, 2024 (study period from March 10 – 20, 2024).
  • Report – on – the production capacity – of the Yemeni Company for the Manufacture of Dairy and Food Products (Yemeni) 2022. Kro Ahfad for Review and Consulting Expertise (Prof. Dr. Mutahhar Shaiban – Institutional Development Expert).
  • Financial Manager of the Cooperative Society for Agricultural Consulting and Research (2001-2003).
  • Sana’a University candidate for the research project on “Small Agricultural Activities in the Field of Developing Rural Food Industries” funded by Sana’a University and Al-Saeed Fund for Scientific Research (2009-2010).
  • Various scientific consultations and research studies presented to beneficiaries such as the National Dairy Factories, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Defense, the French Bad Zai Project for Rural Development, the Public Prosecution, the Academic Forum of Yemeni Universities…etc. In addition to technical and economic feasibility studies presented to some investors.
  • Supervising a number of scientific theses, participating in discussion and adjudication committees to grant and approve a master’s degree, and arbitrating scientific research and academic promotions for faculty members in universities.
  • Description of academic curricula for the diploma program, the bachelor’s stage, and the master’s program.
  • He has many research papers published in local, regional, and foreign refereed scientific journals.
  • Research participation in many scientific conferences, seminars, workshops and seminars and chaired some of them, participated in several training courses as a trainee and trainer inside and outside the country.
  • Scientific activities and events through local and regional media (newspapers – magazines – television),
  • Scientific visits and missions to food factories and plants inside and outside the country.
  • Commercial correspondence with many companies around the world specialized in industrial equipment (production lines and service units for factories), and suppliers of raw materials needed for the manufacture of dairy products and others.
  • I received a certificate of thanks and appreciation from Sana’a University for the honored scientists and researchers at Sana’a University who excelled in the field of scientific research and international publishing for the year 2024 (on March 6, 2024)
  • Scientific Research and International Publishing for the Year 2024 (March 6, 2024)
  • The most important activities in the development of rural women in the field of food industries:
Course Area Date Supporting agency
Improving Livelihoods of Smallholders Food Industries SMEPS Agency, Sana’a 11-23

Dec, 2021

Improving the lives of rural women to develop the dairy industry in Arkhabil, Socotra Socotra Island Nov 2016

Jan, 2017

Developing the skills of local cheese makers in villages and rural areas in Taiz Governorate Cheese-making areas in rural Taiz – Yemen Nov, 2009

Feb, 2010

(Sana’a University and Al-Saeed Foundation) in the field of small agricultural activities
National Training Course on Developing Nutritional Awareness among Rural Women (Trainees from Different Arab Countries) Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University – Yemen June, 2006 Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
Training course for agricultural guides on (Using surplus production in some home food industries) Al-Hussainiya Collection Market

Zabid – Yemen June

June, 2001 FAO

Professional Affiliations

  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Academic Forum, Sana’a University 2018, specialized consultant at the Small and Micro Enterprise Development Agency 2018 to date.
  • Member of the Council of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Sana’a University 2016-2019.
  • Member of the Academic Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University 2021,
  • Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University 2021,
  • Member of the Sub-Union Committee for Faculty Members, Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University 2012.
  • Member of the Yemeni Life Sciences Association 2005.
  • Member of the Cooperative Society for Agricultural Consulting and Research 2001.
  • Registered member as a National Expert in the Field of Dairy Products / Ministry of Planning 1992.
  • Member of the Evaluation Committee for Applicants for Expert Positions in the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the Field of Food Industries (February 5 – March 20, 2017) Ministry of Industry and Trade.
  • Member of the Supreme Agricultural Committee and Supervisor of the Applied Agricultural Sciences Diploma Program Project at the Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University (July 2018 – June 2020).

Conferences and Workshops

# Activity Aria Date Type of participation
1 The Second Scientific Conference for Agricultural Research and Animal Production Baghdad – Iraq Oct, 1999 Tow researches
2 Science Conference 2002 (Yemeni Scientific Research Foundation) Sana’a, Yemen October 2002 Attendance and discussion
3 Investment Opportunities Conference in Yemen Sana’a, Yemen April 2007 Attendance and discussion
4 Sixth Scientific Conference of the Yemeni Life Sciences Association Taiz, Yemen November 2009 Research
5 Seventh Scientific Conference of the Yemeni Life Sciences Association Sana’a, Yemen September 2010 Research
6 Expanded National Conference of Yemeni Universities and the Public and Private Sectors (Presidency of the Council of Ministers) Sana’a, Yemen October 2016 Agriculture Team
7 Fifth Scientific Conference for Higher and Private Education (Faculty of Engineering – Sana’a University) Sana’a, Yemen April 2017 Share Workshop
8 First Scientific Conference to Discuss Graduates’ Research – Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University in Cooperation with the Agency (SMEPS) Sana’a, Yemen October 2018 Supervisory Committee Achievement Report
9 Introductory Seminar on Standard Specifications for Food Materials and Products and Food Inspection (Yemeni Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control) Sana’a, Yemen January 2004 2 scientific papers
10 Scientific Symposium on Agriculture between Self-Sufficiency and the Aspiration of Food Security in Yemen Aden, Yemen March 2008 Research activity
11 Scientific Symposium on the Food and Health Quality of Dairy Products in Yemen (Yemeni Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control) Sana’a, Yemen December 2013 Symposium Chairman


Scientific Paper

12 Scientific Symposium on Economic Development between the Dominance of External Interventions and the Inevitability of Political Decision Independence (Faculty of Agriculture, Sana’a University) Sana’a, Yemen May 2015 رئيس الندوة


ورقة علمية

13 Workshop to Discuss the Guide to Evaluation and Development of Sana’a University Curricula (Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance) Sana’a, Yemen February 2005 Share Activity
14 Quality Weeks Program at Sana’a University (Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance) Sana’a, Yemen March 2014 أنشطة وفعاليات
15 Scientific Workshop on Agricultural Research Techniques and Outputs and Investment Opportunities (Ministry of Agriculture) Sana’a, Yemen February 2017 Attendance and discussion
16 Second Scientific Workshop to Discuss and Approve the Strategy of Sana’a University (Center for Public Administration Development – Sana’a University) Sana’a, Yemen November 2017 Workshop participation
17 Awareness Workshop on Grain Development and Production (General Corporation for Grain Development and Production) Sana’a, Yemen May 2019 عضو لجنة التوصيات والمتابعة
18 Workshop on Description and Preparation of Curricula for the Diploma in Applied Agricultural Sciences Program (Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance) Sana’a, Yemen December 2019 Program Head
19 Workshops on (Description of programs and curricula for the academic year 2019-2020 for the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment – Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition) (Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance) Sana’a, Yemen, Sana’a University February-May 2020 Participate in the description process
20 Workshop (Conformity Assessment Procedures (Yemeni Authority for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control) Sana’a, Yemen June 2021 الخبير الاستشاري
21 The First Forum for Food Industries and Digital Empowerment for Women and Entrepreneurs (Ab Stars for General Administrative Consulting) Police Officers Club Sana’a, Yemen 28-29

April 2024

Attendance and discussion
22 Training course in teaching methods and technical applications Sana’a, Yemen October 1984 Trainee
23 Training course in agricultural education – University of New Mexico USA July-August 1986 Trainee
24 Training course in food microbiology / Cairo, Egypt February-March 1987 Trainee
25 Ain Shams University Benha, Egypt October 1988 Trainee
26 Training course in using computers Sana’a, Yemen August 2002 Trainee
27 Zagazig University Sana’a, Yemen October-November 2017 Trainee
28 Training course in external review of medical specialties “Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance Council for Higher Education” AAC

Sana’a, Yemen


April 2022

29 Training program for lectures of Sayyid al-Qa’id/ Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi from the lessons of the era of Imam Ali by Malik al-Ashtar Sana’a, Yemen January-February 2024 Trainee
30 Training course for agricultural guides in marketing guidance Zabid, Yemen June 2001 Trainer
31 National training course on developing nutritional awareness among rural women Sana’a, Yemen June 2006 Trainer
32 Training courses to develop the skills of local cheese makers in villages and rural areas in Taiz Governorate Taiz, Yemen November 2009

February 2010

33 Training courses on improving the lives of rural women to develop the dairy industry in the Socotra Archipelago Sana’a,UNDP November 2016

January 2017

34 Training course on improving the livelihoods of smallholders in food industries Sana’a, SMEPS 11-23

December 2021

National Expert “Trainer”


Published Researches:   

  1. M. Shiban, M. Al-Otaibi and N. Al-zoreky, (2012). Antioxidant Activity of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit Peels, Food and Nutrition Sciences,, Vol. 3, No (7): 991-996
  2. Shiban, M.S., Humaid, K.N .and Al-kawry, T.A.(2010) The Low Level Consumption of Milk in Yemen, Yemeni J. Biol. Sci., Vol. 6, No(1): 31 -42
  3. Al-Kawry, T.A., Alkubaty, A.A and Shiban, M.S.(2010).The Effect of Partial and Total Substitution of Milk Fat with  some Vegetable Oils for Manufacturing of Mellorine, Yemeni J. Biol. Sci., Vol. 6, No(1): 95-105
  4. Al-Kawry, T.A. and Shiban, M. (2010) Antioxidant Activity of Certain Natural Extracts of Plant Origin, Egyptian Journal of Application Science, Vol. 25, No (9): 377-390
  5. Shiban, M.S. and Al-kawry, T.A.(2010) An Adequate Technology in Manufacturing Balady Cheese for Rural Producer in Yemen, Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, Vol. 48, No(2): 71-80
  6. Fadhle, G. A., Shiban, M., and Al-Halim, M.(2010). Comparison of Physical, Chemical, Rheological and Baking Properties of some Local and Imported Wheat Varieties, Ass. Univ. Bull. Environ. Res., Vol. 13, No (2): 37-51
  7. Mohammed, S. El-Faki , Mutahar, S. Shaiban and Abdul Rageeb, T. Abdul Rageeb geeb.(2010). Grading of Yemeni Smoked Cheese Using Non-destructive Machine Vision Techniques.( J. Biol. Sci., Vol. 5, No (2): 165-175
  8. Al-Makhlafi, H.K., AL-Dubai, N.S. and Shiban, M. (2009)   Crude Rock Salt Purity and its Suitability for Iodization, Yemeni. Biol. Sci., Vol. 5, No (1): 22-31
  9. Shaiban, M. S.; Al-Jaly, H.S. and Ghaleb, A. D. S. (2007). Nutrient Composition of Fresh Fruits, Produced from some Mango Cultivars, Locally Cultivated in Yemen, Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, Vol 45 (2):17-32
  10. Shiban, M. S.; Al-Mammary, M. A.; and Al-Habori, M. A.(2006).Total Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Content in Yemeni Smoked Cheese, Mal. J. Nutr, Kuala Lumpur- UKM, Vol. 12, No (1) : 87-92
  11. The Use of Taizi Cheese in Processed Cheese Spread, Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 31, No. 1,  2003.
  12. Electrophoretic Study of Caseins of Smoked Cheese, The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2000.
  13. Improving Smoked Cheese Manufacture, The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 30, No. 1, 1999.
  14. Use of Recombined Milk in Manufacture of Smoked Cheese, The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1999.
  15. Application of Ultrafiltration Milk in Manufacture of Smoked Cheese, The Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 4, No. 7, 1999.
  16. Chemical Properties of Tazi like-Smoked Cheese, Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, Vol. 3, No. 28,  1990.
  17. Survey Study on the Original Tazi Smoked Cheese, Egyptian Journal of Application Science, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1990.
  18. Technological and Microbiological Studies of Smoked Tazi Cheese, Egyptian Journal of Application Science, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1990.

