dr.Salwa A. Almoayad
PO Box 11560
Tel: 213814/208781
Mobile: 733503517
Email: almoayadsalwa2010@live.com
Working in developmental organizations which help in the development of Yemeni society and the advancement of women.
Responsible, active, creative, interact well with others, independent.
(2008) PhD Yemen Medieval History, Sanaa University
(2002) M.A. Islamic History, Sana’a University
(1989) B.A. History, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah,KSA.
• (Sep 2005- June 2008) ILO project “strengthening the National Machinery for the Advancement of Women’s Work.
Position: Local Consultant in the Information and Knowledge sharing desk.
Duties: updating and feeding the project knowledge sharing information Desk, research and reports on women worker’s issues, reviewing and editing all project documentation translated from English to Arabic, and Translation, Interpretation
• (16 Aug-30 Sep 2006) EUEOM- European Union Election Observation Mission
Position: Assistant to the Gender Expert
Duties: assist the gender expert in all aspects of her role. Which include organize and manage the Experts schedule, undertake extensive translation and interpretation, information gathering, and collation, and undertook an important ambassadorial role, often acting as the point of contact with key institutions and individuals.
• (Dec. 2002 Nov. 2003) SFD- Social Fund for Development, Sanaa
Position: Local Assistant for European Commission Project Co-ordinator (EC-PC).
Duties: Translation, Interpretation, typing English and Arabic documents, Jointly with EC-PC drawing of proposal, work plans, programmes, reports and all necessary documents as required. Participation to field visits to assess implementation of projects. Liaise with all SFD units & branching for searching all relevant data for arrangement of workshops meetings, arranging travel, and documentation of all office work.
• (3 – 20 Feb. 2002) Temporary job with IFAD -International Fund for Agriculture Development
Assisting a sociologist consultant as interpreter in evaluating some development projects in Tehama and some rural areas in Yemen. (visited about 30 villages and met people)
• (March 15-18/1999) IFES- International Foundation for Election Systems
Position: worked as a rapporteur During the conference which held in Sanaa to help the Government of Yemen in making some amendments to the low of elections.
• (13 23 Nov 1998) NDI- National Democratic Institute, Sana’a
Successfully moderated a series of focus group discussions in rural areas, and transcribed more than 150 pages of tape recorded conversation from the groups from Arabic into English.
(12-16 May 2008) ITC- International Training Centre, Turin, Italy
Courses: Training of Gender Audit Facilitators
(Dec 20 22 2004) Public Diplomacy Office, USA Embassy, Sana’a
Courses: Advanced Internet Research Techniques, Sanaa
(Nov1-Dec1 1998) NDI- National Democratic Institute, Sanaa
Courses: Focus Group Methodology.
Volunteer work • (2001 2005) Innocence Charitable Society, Sana’a
Position: Member of Board of Directors. Co-ordinator for the activities of the institute which mainly focus on assessing the needs of the targeting group by conducting field visits then write reports which help in meeting those needs. The society objectives are to provide social welfare to poor families, sponsor orphans and provide vocational training for young women and men.
(1996-97) Canada Scouts Windsor, Ontario
Establisher of new scouts group to preserve and convey the Islamic culture to Muslim youth of Windsor. (Previously mentioned)
(1994-97) The Islamic Centre- Windsor, Ontario
Organizing the celebration of Islamic community events. This includes budget the event, define themes and music, invite speakers, and run the event (Previously mentioned).
• (1991- 1992) Al-Eman Institute( Sanaa Yemen)
Position: Establisher, Director, and program coordinator for Women sector.
Languages Fluent in Arabic and English
International experience Travelled to (USA, Canada, Germany, Athena, Russia, Italy, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, KSA.
Hobbies Travelling, gardening, and meet people from different cultures.
Available upon request.