
أ.م.د/عبدالماجد أحمد غالب الخليدي

أستاذ دكتور (بروفيسور)


  • الاستاذ المشارك الدكتور /عبدالماجد أحمد غالب الخليدي
  • نائب عميد كلية الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات للشؤون الأكاديمية والدراسات العليا بجامعة صنعاء
  • أستاذ هندسة البرمجيات المشارك-كلية الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات –قسم علوم الحاسوب-جامعة صنعاء.
  • رئيس قسم علوم الحاسوب سابقاُ –كلية الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات –جامعة صنعاء م.2019 –
  • دكتوراة في هندسة برمجيات الحاسوب – الجامعة الجنوبية الحكومية -روسيا الاتحادية
  • حاصل على ثلاث براءة إختراع مقيدة في وزارة التعليم العالي الروسية
  • -يمتلك أكثر من 40 بحث علمي .
  • مؤلف كتاب هندسة برمجيات الحاسوب
  • أشرف على العديد من رسائل الماجستير
  • أشرف على العديد مشاريع التخرج لحملة البكلاريوس
  • محكم داخلي للترقيات العلمية
  • ناقش العديد من الرسائل العلمية لطلاب الدراسات العليا
  • محكم في مجلات علمية دولية وعالمية محكمة
  • شارك في توصيف المقررات الدراسية لطلاب البكلاريوس والماجستير
  • شارك في ورشات مجلس الاعتماد الاكاديمي وضمان جودة التعليم العالي

Last Update: Jul 3, 2020

Vice Dean of Computer and Information Technology College – Sana’a University.

Head of Computer Science Department – Computer and Information Technology College – Sana’a University-2019.

Associate Professor at Software Engineering at Sana’a University, Computer science section, college of Computer and Information Technology, Sana.

Associate Professor at Software Engineering at Sana’a University, Computer science section, college of Marib Branch.

Experience in the academic field, characterization of courses, self-evaluation and preparation of scientific programs in the computer field.

Work in many civil and governmental universities as a faculty member in computer colleges.

Work as a faculty member at the State University of Technology, Selmash, Department of Information Technology under the chairmanship of Professor. Dr. Fathi Achatvich, Rostov-Nadovo, Russian Federation.

Supervising many graduation projects for Bacillus students as well as some Masters Thesis.

Work as a faculty member for postgraduate students in some Yemeni universities.

Member of the arbitrator in some foreign scientific journals.


– PhD in Software Engineering with honors (Excellent) .

Name and type of organization South Federal University, Rostov-on-done, Russia ,2011.

-Master and Bachelor in Software Engineering and automatic systems with honors (Excellent) .

Name and type of organization Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-done, Russia.


· Journal articles:17

· Conferences:13

· Electronic books:5

· Printed Book : Software Engineering , Population : Sana’a University -2016.


3 certificates patented design of the computer programs used in scientific research under a digital record in the Russian Ministry of Higher Education:

– Certificate of state registration of the computer program of the Russian Federation 2011615889. – N 2011614074; appl. 02/06/2011; Reg.27.07. 2011

– Certificate of state registration of the computer program of the Russian Federation 2011615890. – N2011614076; appl. 02/06/2011; Reg.27.07. 2011

– Certificate of state registration of the computer program of the Russian Federation 2011615951. – № 2011614075; appl. 02/06/2011; Reg.27.07. 2011

Certificate Russian Language Teaching-

Certificate of appreciation Olympics in third place in computer science.

Certificate of English Language interpreter in computer science.

Additional certificates





Thesis Title: “Development and analysis of algorithms for the queue management tasks for parallel computing (distributed computing) in cluster computing systems”.

Supervisor: Professor Doctor Technical Science

Yori Olegavich

Ph.D Dissertation

Thesis Title: ”Modeling Software personnel department staff using Postgres database”.

Supervisor: Professor Doctor Technical Science

Nikita Valerivich

Master Dissertation

– I have 29 scientific research (Article) & doctoral thesis and its summary.

– I have 5 Electronic books in Arabic, namely: (database postgres, how it works your CD auto run, assembler in Assembly language, how to deal with the debug in Assembler, dynamic databases in Pascal).

– I have 3 articles in Arabic, namely: (Programming iPhone in the operating system Windows Phone 7, methods of looting money from plastic cards through ATM, how to write a virus in a programming language).

Scientific research

And literature

Associate Professor at Software Engineering at Sana’a University, Computer science section, college of Computer and Information Technology, Sana.

Associate Professor at Software Engineering at Sana’a University, Computer science section, college of Education, Arts and Sciences, Marib Branch-2019.

Associate professor at Don state technical University-2012

Associate professor at Southern federal University-2012

Associate professor at Saba University for Graduate Studies-2013

Associate professor at Yemen Academy for Graduate –Studies-2014

Associate professor at Yemen- Jordan University-2015

Associate professor at Futures University-2015

Associate professor at society College-2015

Associate Professor at National University-2015

Associate professor at Al-Razi University-2015

Associate professor at Al-Hekmah University-2016

Associate professor at Al-Andalus University-2016

Associate professor at Arwa Queen University-2016

Associate professor at Emirate University-2016

Associate professor at Al-Naser University-2016

Universities where teaching.


(7 Years)



هندسة برمجيات

صيانة البرمجيات

اختبار البرمجيات

هندسة متطلبات البرمجيات

جودة البرمجيات

النظم الموزعة والحوسبة المتوازية

هندسة التطبيقات العنكبوتية

معمل هندسة البرمجيات

تصميم النظم المضمنة

تصميم وعمارة البرمجيات

تحليل وتصميم خوارزميات

تحليل وتصميم نظم

معمارية الحاسوب

هياكل البيانات

نظم التشغيل

بناء مترجمات

برمجة شيئية(هدفية )

برمجة ويب1

برمجة ويب2


برمجة 2

برمجة متقدمة

لغة الس بلس بلس C++

لغة السي شارب #C

جافا1 Java1

جافا2 Java2

تصميم مواقع

ادارة مشاريع برمجية

ادارة مشاريع

نظم معلومات ادارية

مهارات الاتصال

ادارة الكترونية

التحليل والتصميم الموجهه نحو الكائنات

أدوات ومنهجيات تطوير البرمجيات

برمجة متقدمة

تجارة الكترونية

نظم معلومات وصنع القرار

الذكاء الاصطناعي

برمجة الوسائط المتعددة

مقدمة في علوم الحاسوب

امن المعلومات

مقدمة في التشفير

خوارزميات تشفير متقدم

أساسيات شبكات

شبكات الحاسوب

شبكات لاسلكية

تقنيات الشبكات الموسعة

النمذجة والمحاكاة

قواعد البيانات

قواعد بيانات موزعة

نظرية الحاسوب

الرسم بالحاسوب

إدارة مشاريع

أعمال الكترونية

ادارة نظم المعلومات

نظرية الحاسوب

معالجات دقيقة

دوائر الربط البيني

تنقيب البيانات

مقدمة في تقنيات المعلومات

برمجة الشبكات

بروتوكولات TCP/IP

مقدمة في نظم المعلومات

برمجة مزود وعميل

هندسة اعتمادية النظم

سياسات امن المعلومات

امن الشبكات

نظم تشغيل متقدم لطلاب الماجستير

امن المعلومات متقدم لطلاب الماجستير

نظم موزعة متقدم لطلاب الماجستير

ذكاء اصطناعي متقدم لطلاب الماجستير

هندسة برمجيات متقدم لطلاب الماجستير

برمجة أنظمة متقدم لطلاب الماجستير

المواد التي تم تدريسها

Subjects witch have been already taught

Borland c,c++, visual c + +, C++ Builder, delphi, delphi in linux(kylix), delphi for php,pascal, assembler, basic, visual basic, c # , Perl, Ada, Maple, Matlab, java, java script, php , html, xml,uml, css , Axapta, Lotus, frontpage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, programming in unix with c language , Phython , opengl with c++ , Parallel program with MPI/MPICH, Visual Prolog ,Lisp.
Database: oracle, postgres (postgresql), ms sql server 2005, mysql, access, foxpro, pradox , 1C, Clipper, CodeBase.Servers: MS windows 2000,2003,2008,2012 server, IIS, Apache, Proxy, Mail server….

Operating systems: Windows 9X/NT/2000/XP /7/8/10& Linux.

Programmig languages​​, databases and Accessories
– The design and implementation of site for Don Technical University.

– Design a program for staffing at the university.

– Design website for Russian Yemen Friendship Association.

– Designing a program to conduct research and test the effectiveness of the proposed models and control algorithms Queues tasks in Cluster systems, which can provide more in-depth for parallel computing In processors, systems Cluster.

– Design (Parallel Program) to his experience on complex program in order to find the smallest tree structure (Minimum Spanning Tree) to test the ability of (Efficiency) algorithms and the method and model management tasks in queues Parallel computing on network Cluster.

– Design (Parallel Program) to his experience on complex program to solve solving the transportation problem in order to test the ability of the (Efficiency) algorithms and the way management model queues tasks in parallel computing on Cluster network.

– Design virus program and anti virus to a university laboratory.

– Designing games for computer and telephone.

– Design program of encrypted files and images in a way Blowfish.

– Design program FAT32 for Windows works the same work program Total commander.




List of articles and scientific research

Al-Khulaidi Abdualmajed Ahmed Ghaleb (Yemeni national)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Software Engineering

Num Article Characteristic of the article Name of a journal Volume



The scientific work
1 Software packages which provide parallel processing(Article) Printed Journal of Don State Technical University(DSTU). –2010. –V.10,N 1(44). –P.28–35. 6 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
2 Software packages on the cluster systems (article) Printed Journal of Don State Technical University(DSTU). –2010. –V.10,N 1(46). –P.303–310. 7/6 Al-Khulaidi A.A., Sadovoy N.N.
3 Using a formula method of analysis scalability in cluster networks


Printed Mathematical methods in engineering and technology-MMTT-23: XXIII Intern. researcher. conf / CGTU. – Saratov, 2010. -V.9. , P.173-174. 2 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
4 Development of a control algorithm running order of tasks for parallel processing


Printed Innovation, environment and energy saving technologies in the enterprises of mechanical engineering, aerospace, transportation and agriculture: Sat. Tp. IX Int. researcher. Technical. conference. “InERT-2010”, 6-8 October. / DGTU. Rostov n / D, 2010. -P. 426-433. 8 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
5 Splitting the cluster package MPI / MPICH on the classes of functions
Computer. Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: Academy of Science electronic archive of science (Evidence from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)-URL: 2 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
6 Distributed computing (cluster computing) using a package of parallel programming MPI (article) Printed Modern high technologies. (E-Journal). – 2010. – № 4 – S. 82 – 83.




2 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
7 Experimental and theoretical evaluation of parallel algorithms for finding the minimum spanning tree on cluster systems (Article) Printed Proceedings of the SFU. Engineering. Special Issue. – Taganrog Univ Tsure, 2011, V. 7 (120). – 258 P., P. 80-87.



14/2 Al-Khulaidi A.A., Chernichev Y.O.
8 Development of algorithms for queuing of tasks in the organization of parallel calculations in cluster computing systems (Article) Printed Journal of Don State Technical University(DSTU). –2011. –V.5,N (56). –P.715–722.




7/6 Al-Khulaidi A.A., Chernichev Y.O.
9 Developing a new method stochastic queuing tasks with Markov processes for parallel computing on a cluster (Article) Computer. Journal of Engineering Don [electronic resource]: Electronic Journal of Science and Innovation, 2011. – № 1. – № state. registratsii0421100096. [Electronic Journal] – Mode of access: 7 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
10 Development of parallel algorithms for finding optimal solutions for the transportation problem on a cluster (article) Computer. Journal of Engineering Don [electronic resource]: Electronic Journal of Science and Innovation, 2011. – № 2. – № state. registratsii0421100096. [Electronic Journal] – Mode of access: 14/2 Al-Khulaidi A.A., Chernichev Y.O.
11 Development of a parallel algorithm for constructing a support program of the transportation problem (article). Printed Science and education (Bauman. Bauman). – 2011. – V.11, N 5 – № state. Registration 0421100025. [Electronic journal]: – Mode of access: 14 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
12 The implementation of the functions of cluster package MPI / MPICH


Computer. Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: Academy of Science electronic archive of science (Evidence from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)-URL: 27 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
13 Development of parallel algorithms for finding the minimum spanning tree


Printed Modern problems of information in the analysis and synthesis technology, software and telecommunication systems: XVI Intern. researcher. conference. – Voronezh: Science Book, 2011. , Vol. 16. -P.304-307. 3 Al-Khulaidi A.A.

Algorithm development of resource allocation between processes for parallel systems(Article)

Printed Modern problems of multi-level education: Sat Tp. VI Intern. researcher. -Metod.simp. / DSTU. – Rostov n / D, 2011. – P.232 – 234.


2 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
15 Development of models of queue task in parallel computations in the cluster computing system


Printed Proceedings of the International Science and Engineering Conference (AIS’11) «« Intelligent Systems, “Intelligent CAD» (CAD-2011) – Gelendzhik, 2011.-14. -P.3-9. 5 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
16 Theoretical estimation determines the optimal amount node cluster system through finding reference plan transportation problem


Printed Proceedings of the International Science and Engineering Conference (AIS’11) «« Intelligent Systems, “Intelligent CAD» (CAD-2011), Gelendzhik, 2011. -14. -P.9-17. 7/6 Al-Khulaidi A.A., Chernichev Y.O.
17 Use of the database interface postgres with php web technology Computer. Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: Academy of Science electronic archive of science(Evidence from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences) 2 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
18 Parallel computing problems while using MPI / MPICH cluster package (article) Printed Modern problems of multi-level education: Sat Tp. VI Intern. researcher. -metod.simp./DSTU.- Rostov n / D, 2011. – P.221 – 244. 4 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
Patents, copyrights, evidence of official registration of computer programs.
19 Parallel program for finding the minimum spanning tree on cluster systems (Patent) Certificate of state registration of the computer program of the Russian Federation 2011615889. – N 2011614074; appl. 02/06/2011; Reg.27.07. 2011 1/0.8 Al-Khulaidi A.A., Chernichev Y.O.
20 Parallel program for solving the transportation problem on cluster systems(Patent) Certificate of state registration of the computer program of the Russian Federation 2011615890. – N2011614076; appl. 02/06/2011; Reg.27.07. 2011


1/0.8 Al-Khulaidi A.A., Chernichev Y.O.
21 The software tool for the study of algorithms for queuing jobs on the cluster systems (Patent) Certificate of state registration of the computer program of the Russian Federation 2011615951. – № 2011614075; appl. 02/06/2011; Reg.27.07. 2011 1 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
Dissertation(Thesis) & Autoreferat
22 Dissertation “Research and development of algorithms control for queuing of tasks in the organization of parallel computing in cluster computing systems ” Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science on the internet – 14.03.2012.




184 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
23 Autoreferat “Research and development of algorithms control for queuing of tasks in the organization of parallel computing in cluster computing systems ” Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science on the internet – 14.03.2012.




22 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
New Articles
24 IPhone Programming On Windows Phone 7. Computer. 1. Yemen, Saba University ,

2. J.I.T.N,Vol 2 ,2014.


4 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
25 Mobile programming in Windows Phone and Android Applications and the differences between them. Computer. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR),Volume 5 Issue 4,April 2016. 4 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
26 Analysis of Program Packages on the Cluster Networks. Computer.  

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications:

IJSRP, Volume 6, Issue 2, February 2016 Edition [ISSN 2250-3153].

4 Al-Khulaidi A.A.

Using XML as NoSQL Database in .net and

Comparing it with SQL Database.

Computer. Saba University, .S.J.I.T.N, Vol 4 -No 2 -2016.


6 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
28 Designing Mathematical Model and a Hybrid Random Strategy Method for a Cache System to Create a Hybrid Cache Algorithm for Web Proxy to Increase the Speed of Accessing and Processing Data. Computer. Al-Andalus Journal , Vol 17 -No 8 –Yemen -2017. ISSN 2410-7727.



7 Al-Khulaidi A.A.,Mansorr N.M

Development Challenges of the Internet of Things in Yemen


Computer. Saba University, .S.J.I.T.N, Vol 6 -No 1 -2018.


7 Mansorr N.M, Al-Khulaidi A.A.
30 Measuring the Information Security Maturity of Enterprises under Uncertainty Using Fuzzy AHP. Computer. I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science,2018,4,10-25. Adel A.N, Abdualmajed A. Al-Khulaidi , Mijahed N. Aljober.
31 A Weighted Euclidean Distance –Statistical Variance Procedure Decision Making System in Yemen. Computer. Indian Journal of Science and Technology , Vol 12(3),January 2019. Adel A.N, Abdualmajed A. Al-Khulaidi , Mansoor N. Ali , M.Hankal
32 A Study on the Impact of Multiple Methods of the Data Normalization on the Result of SAW, WED and TOPSIS Ordering in Healthcare Multi-Attribute Decision Making Systems based on EW , ENTROPY ,CRITIC and SVP Weighting Approaches. Computer. Indian Journal of Science and Technology , Vol 12(4),January 2019. Adel A.N, Abdualmajed A. Al-Khulaidi , Mansoor N. Ali , M.Hankal
33 Designing Method and Algorithm of Semantic Comparison for Detecting Similarities in the Case of Fuzzy Information using Software Engineering and Medical Ontologies . Computer. International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol 181- No.40, February 2019. New York –USA. Abdualmajed Ahmed Al-Khulaidi , Adel A.N., Fahd Nasser Al-Wesabi.
34 Prioritization of the Eco-hotels Performance Criteria in Yemen using Fuzzy Delphi Method Computer. International Journal of Applied Information Systems-ISSN:2249-0868. Foundation of Computer Science , New York,USA -2021. Abdualmajed Ahmed Al-Khulaidi
35 A Survey in IoT for Healthcare Application Computer. Sixth International Congress on Information & Communication Technology-2021. Abdualmajed Ahmed Al-Khulaidi
36 Proposed Framework for Implementation Cloud Computing in Yemeni Hospitals. Computer. Sixth International Congress on Information & Communication Technology-2021. Abdualmajed Ahmed Al-Khulaidi
37 Analysis of Information Security Management Systems Framework in Organizations. Computer. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science -2021. Abdualmajed Ahmed Al-Khulaidi

Printed Books

38 Software Engineering. Printed Population : Sana’a University -2016.


234 Al-Khulaidi A.A.
39 Software Engineering. Printed Population : Sana’a University -2020.


270 Al-Khulaidi A.A.



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