
College of Computer and Information Technology

College of Computer and Information Technology

The University Council annually approves the coordination and admission policy based on the recommendations of the College Councils and the Student Affairs Council, and it is approved by the Supreme Council of Yemeni Universities specifying the conditions and rules for admission, the documents required for admission, the dates for coordination and admission, the absorptive capacity, the percentage of the public system and the private expense, and the procedures for coordination, admission and registration are as follows:

A- Public order:

The process of coordination and admission to the college is carried out according to the general system according to the following conditions:

  • The student must have a high school qualification, scientific values ​​or its equivalent, with a rate of not less than 80%.
  • The period of obtaining the high school diploma for the male / female student does not exceed 4 years.
  • The student obtains an entry card for the test, provided that the student attends to take the test one hour before the exam date.
  • The applicant student is subject to the differentiation test in the subjects Mathematics 60%, English 40%.
  • The process of calculating the preference rate among applicants depends on 50% for the high school GPA or its equivalent, and 50% for the result of the differentiation test and the announcement of the results to the applicants in the lists arranged in descending order according to the comparison rate.
  • The accepted students are selected from among the applicants to the college who have the highest differentiation rate according to the number specified in the capacity of the college’s departments and programs.
  • Any other conditions approved by the departmental and college councils and the relevant university councils.

B- Private Expenditure:

The capacity and tuition fees for the private expense system are determined by the college council and approved by the university administration for students who have not been accepted into the general system. The process of coordination and admission to the college is done under the private expense system according to the following conditions:

  • The student must have obtained a high school qualification, scientific values ​​or its equivalent, with a rate of not less than 75%.
  • The student obtains an entry card for the test, provided that the student attends to take the test one hour before the exam date.
  • The applicant student is subject to the differentiation test in the subjects Mathematics 60%, English 40%.
  • The process of calculating the preference rate among applicants depends on the outcome of the differentiation tests and announcing the results to the applicants in descending lists according to the result of the failure test only.
  • The accepted students are selected from among the applicants to the college who have the highest differentiation rate according to the number specified in the capacity of the college’s departments and programs.
  • Any other conditions approved by the departmental and college councils and the relevant university councils.
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