
د. سلوى راوح

استاذ مساعد

نموذج السيرة الذاتية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس في جامعة صنعاء( العربي )



البيانات الشخصية:

الاسم : سلوى محمد راوح عبدالله

تاريخ الميلاد : 27-11-1970 عدن

الجنس : انثى

رقم الجواز: 03001856

رقم تلفون: 735857606

الجنسية : يمنيه الايميل:

العنوان : كليه الصيدلة . جامعه صنعاء. اليمن

ملخص: (نبذة مختصرة عن عضو هيئة التدريس على الأقل 3 أسطر تلخص فيها السيرة الذاتية بالكامل )

محاضر ملتزم بخبره تزيد عن خمس سنوات في جامعه صنعاء , بقوم بتدريس طلاب من خلفيات اجتماعيه وثقافيه متنوعه يمتلكون مهارات اتصال اداريه ولفظيه ومهارات كتابيه ممتازة الى جانب اساليب التدريس البناءة والفعالة التي تعزز بيئة تعليميه محفزه.


دكتوراه في كيمياء المنتجات الطبيعية : كليه الصيدلة UiTM. ماليزيا

العنوان : دراسات الكيمياء النباتية و مضادات الأكسدة للنباتات الطبيه الماليزية Syzgyium

polyanthum and Octomeles sumatrana.

ماجستير في كيمياء المنتجات الطبيعية: كليه الصيدلة , الجامعة الوطنية الماليزية (UKM ( , ماليزيا.

العنوان :التأثيرات المضادة للصفيحات في المختبر للمركبات المعزولة من النباتات الماليزية .

بكالوريوس : كليه الصيدلة: جامعه بيتاغورسك , روسيا .


صيدلانيه في عياده (اليمن) 1995- 1996

معيده في قسم علم العقاقير 1996-2003

مراقبه الجودة ( وزارة الصحه ) لمساعدة الطلاب التحرج على برنامج السنة النهائية في اليمن

ممتحن خارجي لطالبة دكتوراه في كلية العلوم والتكنولوجيا صنعاء (اليمن) يوليو 2017

ممتحن داخلي لطلاب مشاريع التخرج جامعة صنعاء كلية الصيدلة من 2017و 2018و 2019و 2020 ومن دفعة 26و 27و28

مشرفة بحوث تخرج لطلاب بكالوريوس صيدلة في النباتات ضد الاكسدة وضد الميكروبات والفطريات و 2019و 2020 ومن دفعة 26و 27و28.

مشرفة طالبة ماجستير صيدلة 2020

طالبة \ هند الحاج

المؤتمرات والورش:


1- SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Antioxidant activity of

phytochemicals isolated from aqueous extract of Octomeles sumatrana, 1st

International Postgraduate Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (2012), UiTM,

Puncak Alam, June 29-30, 2012.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber Phytochemicals studies of

aqueous extract of Octomeles sumatrana, 17th Malaysian Chemical Congress, Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia, October 15-17, 2012.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Antioxidant activity of

phytochemicals isolated from aqueous extract of Octomeles sumatrana, International

Conference on Natural Products 2013, Shah Alam, Malaysia, March 4-6, 2013.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Phytochemical and biological

studies of aqueous extract of Syzgyium polyanthum, Pharmacology and Chemistry

Colloquium 2014, Puncak Alam, Malaysia, April 15-16, 2014.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Phytochemical and antioxidant

studies of the aqueous extracts of Syzgyium polyanthum and Octomeles sumatrana,

Faculty of Pharmacy’s Postgraduate Colloquium 2015, Puncak Alam, Malaysia, June

8-9, 2015.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Phytochemical and antioxidant

studies of Malaysian medicinal plants Syzgyium polyanthum and Octomeles

sumatrana, UiTM “ Three Minute thesis” 2016 Competition SHAH ALAM,

Malaysia, 5th April 2016 .





1- Basic HPLC Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia

  1. LCMS-Ion Trap Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia
  2. Gas Chromatography Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia
  3. LC-MS-Triple Quad Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia
  4. Bruker NMR Operating and Application Training, UiTM, Malaysia
  5. Cell culture and Tumour induction Training, UiTM, Malaysia


البحوث والأوراق العلمية:

  • EH Anouar, SM Raweh, I Bayach, M Taha, MS Baharudin, FD Meo, MH Hassan, A. Adam, NH Ismail, JFF Weber, P Trouillas. Antioxidant properties of phenolic Schiff bases: Structure activity relationship and mechanism of action, Journal of Computer- Aided Molecular Design 2013, 27(11), 951-964.


  1. Ibrahim Jantan1*, Salwa M. Raweh1, Hasnah Mohd Siraj2, Shajarahtunnur Jamil2,Yusyila Harlina Mohd Yasin1, Juriyati Jalil1 and Jamia Azdina Jamal1. The Inhibitory effect of Compounds from Zingiberaceae Species on Human Platelet Aggregation 2008. Accepted for publication in Phytomedicine 2007. 08.002.


  1. Ibrahim Jantan 1 *, Salwa, M. Raweh 1, Yusyila Harlina Mohd Yasin 1, Shahnaz

Murad2. Antiplatelet activity of aporphine and phenanthrenoid alkaloids from

Aromadendron elegans blume 2006. Journal of Phytotherapy Research.Vol. 20, Issue (6), Pages 493 – 496



التكريم والجوائز


  • الجائزة الاولى قي عرض الملصق بعنوان ” النشاط المضاد للأكسدة للمواد الكيميائية النباتية معزولة من مستحلص مائي من Octomeles sumatrana, في اول مؤتمر دولي في الدراسات العليا في العلوم الصيدلانية ( 29-30 يونيو 2012 ‘ UiTMبونشاك علم )
  • الفائز بالجائزة البرونزية عن عرض الملصق بعنوان ” دراسة النباتات الطبيعية المستخلصة من مستخلص مائي من Octomeles sumatrana في معرض الاختراع والابتكار والتصميم 2015 (27-30 ابريل 2015: UiTM. شاة علم- ماليزيا)


















Sample CV for faculty members at Sana’a University (English)

Personal Information:

Date of Birth: 27 November 1970

Gender: Female

Passport no. : 03001856

Contact no.: +967735857606

Nationality: Yemenia


Address: Faculty of Pharmacy, SANA’A University, Yemen

Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)

A committed Assistant prof. lecturer with over 5 years of experience at Sana’a University teaching students from various social and culture background possessing excellent administrative, verbal communication and written skills along with constructive and effective teaching methods that promote a stimulating learning environment.


PhD in Natural product Chemistry: Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM. Malaysia

Title: Phytochemical and antioxidant studies of Malaysian medicinal plants Syzgyium

polyanthum and Octomeles sumatrana.

M.Sc. in Natural Product Chemistry: Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM, Malaysia

Title: In Vitro Antiplatelet Effect of Compounds Isolated From Malaysian Plants

B.Sc. Pharmacy: University of Pitagorsck, Russia


Pharmacist in clinic (Yemen) 1995- 1996

Pharmacognosy department 1996 – 2003

Quality control (Health ministry) to help students FYP in Yemen 1997– 2003.


Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy Full-time Lecturer in Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy Sana’a University 2017 until now.

Head of department of pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy in the Sana’a University of Yemen (February 2020-till now) .


– Supervising activities of pharmacy students in the faculty.

– Participation of preparation of curriculum and planning for semester courses.


-Organizing course and lab sessions according to the facilities of the faculty.

– Supervising activities of pharmacy students in and outside the faculty 2021.

– Participation of preparation of curriculum and planning for semester courses.




PhD thesis: Rowaida N.M. . Al- Badani “ Phytochemical and Biological study of Acridocarpus socotranus , Caoton socotranus, Punica protopunica and Lavendula pubescens (University of Science and Technology / Sana’a Yemen ( July 2017).




(A) Conference and colloquium proceedings

1- SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Antioxidant activity of

phytochemicals isolated from aqueous extract of Octomeles sumatrana, 1st

International Postgraduate Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (2012), UiTM,

Puncak Alam, June 29-30, 2012.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber Phytochemicals studies of

aqueous extract of Octomeles sumatrana, 17th Malaysian Chemical Congress, Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia, October 15-17, 2012.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Antioxidant activity of

phytochemicals isolated from aqueous extract of Octomeles sumatrana, International

Conference on Natural Products 2013, Shah Alam, Malaysia, March 4-6, 2013.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Phytochemical and biological

studies of aqueous extract of Syzgyium polyanthum, Pharmacology and Chemistry

Colloquium 2014, Puncak Alam, Malaysia, April 15-16, 2014.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Phytochemical and antioxidant

studies of the aqueous extracts of Syzgyium polyanthum and Octomeles sumatrana,

Faculty of Pharmacy’s Postgraduate Colloquium 2015, Puncak Alam, Malaysia, June

8-9, 2015.

  1. SM Raweh, H Naz, MH Hassan, A Adam, JFF Weber, Phytochemical and antioxidant

studies of Malaysian medicinal plants Syzgyium polyanthum and Octomeles

sumatrana, UiTM “ Three Minute thesis” 2016 Competition SHAH ALAM,

Malaysia, 5th April 2016.






1- Basic HPLC Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia

  1. LCMS-Ion Trap Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia
  2. Gas Chromatography Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia
  3. LC-MS-Triple Quad Training from Agilent Technologies, Malaysia
  4. Bruker NMR Operating and Application Training, UiTM, Malaysia
  5. Cell culture and Tumour induction Training, UiTM, Malaysia


(B) Research Articles

Research and scientific papers:


  • EH Anouar, SM Raweh, I Bayach, M Taha, MS Baharudin, FD Meo, MH Hassan, A. Adam, NH Ismail, JFF Weber, P Trouillas. Antioxidant properties of phenolic Schiff bases: Structure activity relationship and mechanism of action, Journal of Computer- Aided Molecular Design 2013, 27(11), 951-964.


  1. Ibrahim Jantan1*, Salwa M. Raweh1, Hasnah Mohd Siraj2, Shajarahtunnur Jamil2,Yusyila Harlina Mohd Yasin1, Juriyati Jalil1 and Jamia Azdina Jamal1. The Inhibitory effect of Compounds from Zingiberaceae Species on Human Platelet Aggregation 2008. Accepted for publication in Phytomedicine 2007. 08.002.


  1. Ibrahim Jantan 1 *, Salwa, M. Raweh 1, Yusyila Harlina Mohd Yasin 1, Shahnaz

Murad2. Antiplatelet activity of aporphine and phenanthrenoid alkaloids from

Aromadendron elegans blume 2006. Journal of Phytotherapy Research.Vol. 20, Issue (6), Pages 493 – 496




  1. First Prize on Poster Presentation entitled “Antioxidant activity of phytochemicals isolated from aqueous extract of Octomeles sumatrana” in 1st International Postgraduate Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (June 29-30, 2012, UiTM, Puncak Alam).


  1. Bronze award winner for Poster Presentation entitled “Phytochemicals Studies of Aqueous Extract of Octomeles Sumatrana” in Invention, Innovation and Design Exposition 2015 (April 27-30, 2015, UiTM, Shah Alam).