Defense of the Doctoral Dissertation by Researcher Mohamed Ahmed Ali Mos’id

On October 31,10, 2024 (28 Rabi’ al-Thani 1446 AH), Mohamed Ahmed Ali Mos’id successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in the Department of International Development at the Inclusive Development Research Center, University of Sana’a.
The dissertation, titled ” The Regional Conflict and its Impact on Political Values and their Relationship to Political Development in Yemen(1990-2022).” was evaluated by a committee comprising:
– Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nabeel Ali Alsharjbi (External Examiner and Chair of the Committee)
– Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mujahid Saleh Al-Shaabi (Supervisor, Chair, and Member)
– Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ashwaq Ahmed Mahdi Gholees(Internal Examiner and Member).
The thesis aimed to study the regional conflict and its impact on political values and their relationship to political development in Yemen.
After the thesis reached a number of results, including: It proved the two hypotheses launched by the large study, through which it recorded the impact of the conflict on political philosophy in Yemen, and that there is a direct relationship between free trade policies in Yemen; Therefore, due to the state of overlap and interconnection between their vocabulary; It adopted a model of economic development by applying practical ideas and working together, at every time point during the study period.
The study also concluded that the basis of the conflict in the Arab region – despite the multiplicity of its issues and sources is due to external conspiracies and the absence of coordination and joint cooperation between the components of the region, and as a result, this conflict had a negative impact on the application of political values in Yemen; as Yemen was the weakest link in the various interactions between the countries of the region.
A doctoral research engineer has many distinctive recommendations in his thesis: Characteristics of the thesis maker Contributing to activating studies and research centers to properly diagnose the Yemeni reality and implementing the local system under the framework of the legal constitution, and allocating the only path to stability, including the national loyalty of the people, and ensuring their unity around… The National Collector’s Project, the New York push, and the push to implement and subscribe to values.
The defense was attended by a diverse audience, including academics, researchers, students, and interested parties, along with colleagues and family members of the researcher.
To download the abstract click here.
To watch the abstract and result click here.