
Master’s Degree for Researcher Amira Al-Hadaa from Inclusive Development Research Center

Researcher Amira Nasr Al-Din Ahmed Al-Hadaa has been awarded a Master’s degree with distinction in International Development Studies from the Inclusive Development Research Center at Sana’a University. Her thesis, titled “The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Job Satisfaction from a Gender Perspective in Civil Society Organizations: A Case Study of the Child Care Organization in the Capital Secretariat of Sana’a,” was defended on Thursday, February 13, 2025.

The discussion and examination committee comprised Dr. Omar Said Ishaq as the external examiner and committee chair, Dr. Mohamed Said Al-Kamel as the principal supervisor and committee member, and Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Nasser as the internal examiner and committee member.

The thesis aimed to explore the relationship between human resource management practices and job satisfaction from the perspectives of male and female employees in civil society organizations, using the Child Care Organization in the Capital Secretariat and its branches in the provinces as a case study.

The study yielded several significant results, notably a statistically significant relationship at the significance level of (α ≤ 0.05) regarding the variation in employee gender (male and female) concerning human resource management practices in the Child Care Organization and the degree of job satisfaction among employees, favoring male employees.

In her thesis, the researcher provided several recommendations, the most prominent of which include enhancing material satisfaction through revising the salary and bonus system to ensure competitiveness and fairness. Additionally, she advocated for the development of targeted training programs for female employees by conducting studies to identify the skills they need to improve, offering flexible training programs that accommodate their family and professional commitments, and encouraging leadership development for women to support their advancement to leadership positions.

The defense was attended by a number of academics, researchers, students, and interested individuals, along with several colleagues and family members of the researcher.