Dr. Bilkis Zabara
Personal Information:
Name Dr. Bilkis Zabara
Nationality Yemeni
E-Mail b.zabara@su.edu.ye, bzabara@gmail.com
Combined knowledge and professional experience in the field of teaching, consultancy studies and training. More than 30 years of university teaching, 15 years in project management and organization development and training. PhD in Chemistry/Biology from Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. Attended several conferences and professional development trainings in the field of water/environment, development and gender. Multicultural background. Expertise includes in addition but is not restricted to:
- Report writing
- Networking
- Project design and management
- Workshop management
- Fund raising
2004 PhD in Physical Chemistry, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
1995 MSc in Physical Chemistry, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
1986 BSc Science – major Chemistry/minor Biology, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
Employment Record:
07.2018-present Projects Manager, Inclusive Development Research Center (IDRC), former Gender Development Research and Studies Centre (GDRSC), Sana’a University (SU)
06.2019-03.2021 Director, Center of Business Administration (CBA), Sana’a University (SU)
10.2011-06.2018 Director, Gender Development Research and Studies Centre (GDRSC), Sana’a University
10.2011-06.2018 Program manager, diploma/master in International Development and Gender (MIDG), GDRSC, Sana’a University
2011-present Faculty member, researcher and trainer, Gender Development Research and Studies Centre (GDRSC), Sana’a University
2006-2011 Deputy Head of Graduate Studies, Scientific Research and Training Department and program manager, diploma/master in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Water and Environment Center (WEC), Sana’a University
2006-present Faculty member, consultant and trainer, Water and Environment Center (WEC), Sana’a University
1990- present Faculty member, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University
Professional Experience:
2023-2027 Team Leader
IDRC/WEC/SFD/IHE Delft: Urban Rainwater Harvesting in Yemen, URaHa in collaboration with IHE Delft and the Yemeni Social Fund for Development, SFD, funded by the Dutch Government.
- Oxfam gender expert
- GDRSC-Naseej: connecting voices and action to end violence against women and girls in the MENA region-Project manager
- WHO Water quality consultant
- Training on water quality monitoring and surveillance in emergencies-project team leader (26.03-14.04.2022)
- Evaluating NWRA’s monitoring program for drinking water supply-project team leader (07.-10.2019)
05.2021-03.2022 Meta Meta Water research consultant
- Urban water resilience: Providing services in time of severe crisis in Yemen-project – team leader (phases 2&3) and training coach
08.2021-12.2021 FAO Gender specialist
Resilient and sustainable livelihoods for rural Yemen program.
- Gender analysis, Lahj governorate, Tuban district
- Gender analysis at nature reserves Socotra archipelago, Hawf and Utmah
14 June 2021 External (online) examination committee member of Mr. WSM Al-Qubatee entitled A combined approach to assess groundwater resources depletion in data-scarce areas; a case study in Wadi Zabid, Yemen, at the auditorium of the University of Wageningen, The Kingdom of the Netherlands.
03.2016-12.2026 IDRC (GDRSC)/CARPO/University of Bonn -Local project manager, teacher and trainer.
- Science communication for social inclusion in Yemen (2023-2026) Science Communication for Social Cohesion and Inclusion in Yemen – CARPO e.V. (carpo-bonn.org)
- Teaching and advising on post-conflict reconstruction-project (2019-2021) https://carpo-bonn.org/en/teaching-and-advising-on-post-conflict-reconstruction/
- Academic approaches to peacebuilding and state building in Yemen-project (2016-2018) https://www.bonn-sanaa.org/about-us/about-project-1/
- GIZ consultant
- GDRSC gender consultant -Participation of Women on the Local Level to Contribute to Coexistence Yemen-Project (03.-12.2021)
- External Referee for the Water and Environmental Sanitation gender mainstreaming (December 2020 – January 2021)
- GDRSC gender consultant-Gender Analysis on ‘Improving Access to Basic Services for IDPs and local Population, Yemen’-Report review (03.2017)
- SFD/WEC water consultant, project team leader. The Health and Socioeconomic Impact of Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filters in Four Villages in Amran Governorate-Project (01.-07.2007)
09.2018-02.2019 UN Women Gender consultant, project supervisor and trainer
- GDRSC Women Peace and Security and Gender Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Action (WPS-GMHA)-project
12.2009-11.2016 GDRSC/Roskilde University + The Danish Center for Information on Gender, Equality and Diversity (KVINFO)-Local project manager, teacher, trainer
- Development of a master’s program in international development and gender (MIDG), SU
- Capacity building of library and documentation center (CBLDC), SU
02.2006 – 11.2011 Assistant Head of Training Department, Water and Environment Centre (WEC), SU – Sana’a/Yemen and coordination of a master’s program in Integrated Water Resources Management
01 – 04.2009 WEC/International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – Public awareness and pilot project coordinator (Inception Phase)
Participatory Water Management Project (PWMP) in Dhamar Watershed
Conferences and Workshops:
2022 Sharaf adin K., Saleh S., Zabara B., “The Quality of Stormwater in Sana’a City from the perspective of Integrated Water Resources Management”. The International Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology (IC-EGT 2022) 14 – 15 March 2022 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2016 Zabara B. “Gender Visibility, Coping Strategies with Conflicts, and Humanitarian Response in Yemen”, Moscow State Institute for International Affairs, MGIMO-University as conference proceedings on “The current system of international humanitarian assistance: best practices and challenges”, Moscow, October 26th, 2016.
2015 Al-Kadri, H and Zabara, B, “The success and challenges in institutionalization of women/gender studies at Sana’a University-Yemen”, International Conference on Knowledge and Politics in Gender and Women’s Studies, METU GWS, 2015, Turkey.
2012 Zabara B, Abu-Lohom N, Al-Subbary A & Al-Aulaqi A “The Impact of Thermal Springs on the Population of Hammam Ali, Dhamar Governorate, Yemen” 10th Gulf Water Conference – Water in the GCC States, The Water-Energy-Food Nexus, 22-24 April 2012, Doha, Qatar
2011 Zabara B “The environmental impact of Al-Azraqain landfill on the quality of the surrounding groundwater, Sana’a City, Yemen” 4th International Conference – Water Resources and Sustainable Development (CIREDD’4), 22 – 23 February 2011 /Algiers, Algiers.
2011-2016 Several workshops with Roskilde University, Denmark and the American University in Cairo on Curriculum Development in International Development and Gender and on related academic skills.
2009-2013 Public awareness training in water management (7 regional training workshops) through the capacity building of InWent, supported by the GIZ (facilitator, and trainer of one session in the workshop held in Yemen).
10.2013 Leadership, good governance and financial management in the public sector, Esami, supported by DANIDA, Arusha, Tanzania.
02.2013 Policy-relevant and solutions-oriented research training program of CoCoon project and Netherland’s initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education (NICHE) project, Water and Environment Center, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen.
06.2009 International Partner Forum Water governance in the MENA region: Policies and institutions (contributor), Dead Sea, Jordan.
04.2008 Water demand management and water savings, supported by the World Bank Institute, organized by the Water and Environment Center, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen.
11.2006 FAO-GTY-LEAD International training workshop in project design and management, Sana’a, Yemen.
07.2006 M&E training workshop organized by the Ministry of Planning and International Development, supported by UNICEF, Sana’a, Yemen.
01.2009 Participatory planning for integrated water resources management, Water and Environment Center, Sana’a University with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Sana’a, Yemen (participant).
12.2007 Mainstreaming gender in integrated water resources management, ToT, supported by IDRC, CapNet, GWA, GEWAMED, Tunis, Tunisia.
2006-2010 Several workshops with Wageningen University and TU Delft, The Netherlands on Curriculum Development in Integrated Water resources Management and on related academic skills.
Research and scientific papers:
2022 Adin, K. S., Saleh, S., & Zabara, B. (2022). The Quality of Stormwater in Sana’a City from the Perspective of Integrated Water Resources Management. Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation Management, 3(1), 1-10. https://www.akademiabaru.com/submit/index.php/jartim/article/view/4593
2022 Zabara, B., & Zumbrägel, T. (2022). The Role of the Environment in Peacebuilding in Yemen. CARPO Report 09 2022 (carpo-bonn.org).
2022 Zabara B. and Al-Thawr S., The Role of Women in Post-Conflict Yemen Chapter 5, p.97 in Alsoswa, A. A. A., & Brehony, N. (Eds.). (2021). Building a New Yemen: Recovery, Transition and the International Community. Bloomsbury Publishing. https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/building-a-new-yemen-9780755640263/
2020 Zabara B. (co-author), The Development of the State of Yemeni Cities Report, UNHABITAT, on Women and Youth, internal report.
2020 Al-Gawfi, Iman; Zabara Bilkis, Yadav Stacey; The Role of Women in Peacebuilding in Yemen, CARPO. https://carpo-bonn.org/en/portfolio/carpo-brief-14-the-role-of-women-in-peacebuilding-in-yemen/
2020 Zabara, B., & Ahmad, A. A. (2020). Biomass waste in Yemen: Management and challenges. Waste Management in MENA Regions, 313-336. https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/biomass-waste-in-yemen-management-and-challenges/16902616, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-18350-9_16
2019 Zabara B., Sanitation service chain analysis in Yemen Global Development Solutions (GDS) for the World Bank.
2019 Marie-Christine Heinze and Bilkis Zabara (Eds.). Knowledge in peacebuilding: Elements, production, dissemination. Working paper https://www.bonn-sanaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Summer-School-2016-Working-Paper-final.pdf
2019 Mohammed F, Guillaume D, Abdulwali N, Zabara B, (2019) “Tin content is a possible marker to discriminate argan oil against olive, sesame, mustard, corn, peanut, and sunflower oils” European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 121(7) 2019. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ejlt.201800180
2018 Zabara B. “Enhancing Women’s Role in Water Management in Yemen” CARPO Brief 09, March 2018. https://www.bonn-sanaa.org/enhancing-womens-role-in-water-management-in-yemen/
2018 Abu-Lohom, N. M., Konishi, Y., Mumssen, Y., Zabara, B., & Moore, S. M. (2018). Water supply in a war zone: A preliminary analysis of two urban water tanker supply systems in the Republic of Yemen. World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/30107
2016 Ahmad, A. & Zabara, B., 2016. Preparation and characterization of activated carbon derived from sewage sludge. Biosource Technology.
2013 Assessment on how to include gender aspects across all investments of PPCR Phase II, PPCR/13/11- study (2013-2014). Climate change project
2013 Zabara, B, “Public Awareness and Nature Conservation: A Focus on Water Resources Protection and Water Pollution Control, A case study from Yemen”. Reader – Good Practices, Public Awareness Experiences in the MENA Region, first edition, giz, ACWUA 2013.
2011 O.A. Bamaga, A. Yokochi a, B. Zabara b, A.S. Babaqi b “Hybrid FO/RO desalination system: Preliminary assessment of osmotic energy recovery and designs of new FO membrane module configurations”, Desalination, 268 (2011) 163-169. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0011916410007289
2010 Analysis of private water providers in Sana’a and peri-urban areas-study, Part A: A Field Survey of Service Providers (2009/2010) https://www.yemenwater.org/s/Analysis-of-Private-Water-Providers-in-Sanaa-City.pdf https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eb18d627d53aa0e85b60c65/t/5edf714e1d36bb64cc596da5/1591701849176/Analysis-of-Private-Water-Providers-in-Sanaa-City.pdf
2008 The Health and Socioeconomic Impacts of Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filters in Four Villages in Amran Governorate” in coordination and support of gtz and the Social Fund for Development (SFD), January – July 2008.
2006 Saleh A.Azim, Samy A.El-Daly, Belkis A.Zabara Photodynamic And Photophysical Properties Of 1,4-Bis-[Trans-2-(1-Hexadecyl-Pyridinium-4-Yl-Vinyl] Benzene Diiodide (HPVB,) Physical Chemistry https://www.tsijournals.com/abstract/photodynamic-and-photophysical-properties-of-14bistrans21hexadecylpyridinium4ylvinyl-benzene-diiodide-hpvb-595.html