Dr. Fawziah Kassim Yahya Al-Ammar
Personal Information:
Name: Fawziah Kassim Yahya Al-Ammar
E. mail: almmar.fawziah@gmail.com
-2011-2012 Post- Doctoral Researcher, Institute of Education, International Islamic
University Malaysia (IIUM).
-2004-2008 Ph.D in Educational Psychology (Educational and Psychological Measurement), Institute of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
-1998- 2000 M. A. Educational Psychology (Measurement and Evaluation), Educational Psychology Dept., Sana’a University, Yemen.
-1988-1992 B. SC. Math and Physics, Dept. of Educational Mathematic, Faculty of Education, University of Sana’a.
Teaching /Training Experiences:
2018-2019 Sabbatical leave, Department of Educational Psychology Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Amran
2012- Present lecturer (part time) at Gender-Development Research &Studies Center
(GDRSC), Sana’a University, Yemen.
2009-2014 Lecturer (part time) in the Dept. of Educational Psychology, Faculty of
Education, Sana’a University.
2009- Present A Trainer for the Center of Education Development at Sana’a University.
2009- Present A Trainer for the Center of Teaching and Learning, University of Science & Technology, Sana’a, Yemen.
2008- Present Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Educational Psychology, College of Education & Languages – Amran, University of Amran, Yemen.
2001-2003 Lecturer: Educational and Psychological Guidance-Faculty of Education – Amran, Sana’a University, Yemen.
Consultation Experiences
2016- Present Leader Researcher with Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies
2018- present Consultant of Gender Analysis for Progressive Policy in Yemen (GAPP), the research on the effect of the current conflict on women at community level.
2014- Present Consultant with Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance, Sana’a, Yemen
2013- Present Consultant with Social Fund for Development, Sana’a, and Yemen.
2013-present Consultant with Talent Development Center (TDC), University of Science
& Technology, Sana’a, Yemen.
2009-2012 Consultant with German Development Cooperation (GIZ) to achieve two
Phases of Establishing National Assessment System (NAS) the project Funded by German Development Cooperation (GIZ). The main targetedObjectives of the project are:
Develop standardized instruments of assessment for the first time in Yemen.
Building capacities of the participants in the area of constructing achievement test.
Conduct a pilot study to evaluate the quality of items and its statistical characteristics.
2002-2003 A coordinator for Child Development Project Baseline Survey-second
Round, the project implements by the Society for Development of Woman & Children (SOUL) and funded by the Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The accomplished tasks in the above project are:
Adaptation of Survey documents to be useable in Yemeni context.
Participation in selecting of the fieldwork teams.
Trained fieldwork teams on data collecting instrument in the field and relevant topics.
Monitoring and followed up fieldwork teams in the field.
Trained Office Review Teams (ORT) on methodology of questionnaires’ checking.
Took part in monitoring ORT.
2003 A Trainee for: The of child development survey which aimed to know how Yemeni parents do in upbringing their children. The survey conducted in the two regions (Hodiedah and Ibb), implemented by SOUL, and funded by UNICEF. The accomplished tasks are:
Trained the fieldwork teams on the data collection instruments.
Moderator Focus Group discussion (FGDs).
Transcripts FGDs text.
2010 Reviewing and evaluating the text’s book “Measurement &Evaluation in Higher
Education”, University of Science &Technology.
Research and Publication
Al-ammar, K. Fawziah (2018). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Yemeni Children as consequences of the ongoing war. Brief paper, Center for Applied Research in the Partnership with the Orient: CARPO publisher.
Al-ammar, K. Fawziah( 2014). Women in Post-conflict Societies: Training Women for the National Dialogue Conference in Yemen as part study in in Cooperative Research UNDP Yemen, Gender- Development Research and Studies Center(GDRSC), Sana’a University, International Development Research Group, Roskild University, the research is titled” Intervention encounters and political Performance Yemeni’s transition phase: Towards gender & conflict –conscious development”.
Al-ammar. K. Fawziah & Ismail, H. Ahmed (2014). Min akhalak al Islam: drasah sycometriyah li miqyas al-sifat al-khliqyah li shakhsiyah al-musilimah ahla ayinah min talabt al-gamiyah al-islamiyah al-alamiyah maliziyah [Some Islamic Moral: Psychometrical Study of the Scale of Moral Character of Muslim Personality (MCMP) on sample Students at International Islamic University Malaysia]. Journal of Educational Sciences, 26 (2).
Paper presented (in English), which is entitled “Factorial Invariance of the Moral Character of Muslim Personality Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Yemeni and Malaysian Teachers”. The International Conference on Teacher Education in the Muslim World (ICTEM) 2013, held on 12th -14th November 2013, at Royal Bintang Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Conducting by Institute of education, IIUM.
Al-Ammar, K. Fawziah, Ismail, H. Mohamad, S. Nordin (2012). Moral Character of Muslim Personality: Scale Validation. Journal of Education and Practices, 3(12), 118-128.
Al-ammar. K. Fawziah & Ismail, H. Ahmed (2012). Alnathrah al-quranyyah li al shakhyshyah fi bua’dah al-fikrri:drarasah tahililiyah li dur al-aql wa al-qalb [Qur’anic View for Personality in terms of the Intellectual Domain: Analytical Study for the Role of Heart and Mind]. Journal of Sana’a University for Educational and Psychological Science, 9(2), 278-325.
Paper Presented (in Arabic), which is entitled “ Tools and Techniques of Discovering Talent and Superior Students: Multiple Criteria Approach ”in the 3rd Seminar of Talent and Superior students in Yemen, held on 22 April 2013, at University of Science and Technology, Sana’a, Yemen, conducting by Talent Development Center (TDC).
Paper presented (in English), which is entitled “The Role of Heart and Mind as Determinants of Muslim Personality (Analytical Study)’ held in the 3rd conference of the International association of Muslim Psychologists on Islamazation and Indigenization of Psychological Knowledge, held on 6th-8th December 2011, conducted by International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), International Institute for Muslim Unity (IIMU) and Department of Psychology, IIUM ,Malaysia.
Paper presented (In English), which is entitled “the Intellectual Characteristics of Muslim Personality and Job Characteristics as Determinants for Organizational Citizenship Behavioral among Yemeni Secondary School Teachers in Sana’a”, in the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management Education (2nd ICBME 2010), Bangkok, Thailand, 25th to 28th January 2010.
Paper presented (in English), which is entitled “the Intellectual Characteristics of Muslim Personality: Scale Validation” in the international Seminar on Higher Education in the Muslim world: challenges and prospects, held on 24th to 25th March 2008, conducted by International Institute for Muslim Unity, IIUM, Malaysia.
Paper presenter (in English) which is entitled “the Underling Dimensions of the Intellectual Characteristics of Muslim Personality”, in the 1st IEPSA Post Graduate Colloquium on Educational Research, held on 28 May 2008.
Participating in the International Conference on Learning and Teaching in higher Education, conducted by Tunky Abdul Raman College, held on 4th – 5th August 2008, Putrajaya Hotel, Malaysia.
Awards and Honors:
2013 Gold Medal Winning Entry on Research entitled “Some Islamic Moral: psychometrical study for the scale of Moral character of Muslim Personality (MCMP) on a sample students of International Islamic University” in the International Islamic University Malaysia Research, Invention and innovation exhibition 2013 (IRIE 2013), held on 19th-20th February 2013.
2013 Silver Medal Winning Entry on Research entitled “Moral character of Muslim Personality: Scale Validation” in the International Islamic University Malaysia Research, Invention and innovation exhibition 2013 (IRIE 2013), held on 19th-20th February 2013.
2010/12011 Winner of second level for Academic Excellence Award, Amran
2010 Medial of Yemeni House Poetry as Social and Educational Researcher.
2008 Medal of Academic Excellence of Yemeni students, offered by Yemeni
Embassy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Languages: Arabic – Mother tongue
English- Good reading, written and spoken.