Iman Ahmed Saleh Al-Gawfi
Name: Iman Ahmed Saleh Al-Gawfi
Nationality Yemeni
Languages: Arabic as a mother tongue Excellent English
Tel.412612 (residence)
Mob. 777228021
ORCID Number: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4659-2710
Qualifications and Professional Experience:
1) High Diploma in “Translation Sciences” with excellent academic record, Sana’a University,2019
2) PhD Degree in Sociology (Social Sciences) at Lebanon University,Beirut,2016.
3) Master Degree in “Sociology of Organization” Sana’a University,2006.
4) High Diploma in “Social Researches and Population Studies” Sana’a University, 2003.
Work Experience:
Full Time:
1- Administrator/Technical Assistant in Population Studies and
Training Center (PSTC)”funded by UNFPA” Sana’a University
from 1999-2004.
2- Coordinator at PSTC ,Sana’a University 2005.
3- General Secretary at PSTC ,Sana’a University 2006- 2012.
Part Time:
Assistant Professor (at present) at (PSTC) as one of the teaching staff at Sana’a University.
Assistant Professor (from 2019- present) at Gender-Inclusive Development and Research Center (IDRC), Sana’a University
Supervision for MA students in PSTC and IDRC Freelancer translator.
Major Specialization: Social Sciences and Gender in development
Years of Experience after P.h.D: 8 Years
Number of Students supervised and the role: 23 Students; I was a supervisor for 3 of them.
– “Mortality at giving birth age, social causes and effects”2001.
– “Human Fertility. Impact on woman health in Yemen”.2002.
– “Motivation of working woman, its relations with human fertilityin Yemen”2002.
– “Double Role of working woman”2002.
– “Historical Study about the lady “Arwa Bint Ahmed Assullaihi”2002.
– “Social- Psychological Work Relations among employees in the Yemeni governmental sector and its correlation with Job
Performance” Master thesis in 2006.
– “Knowledge Attitudes of Aden, Ibb, and Hodeidah Universities Students’ Towards Reproductive Health Services” Field Study
submitted to UNFPA – Yemen.2008.(as one of the researchers).
– ” Mobility, Migration and HIV Vulnerability of Populations along the Ports of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden” Situation
and Response Analysis, 2011, UNAIDS and UNDP.(as National Consultant)https://undp.org/content/rbas/en/home/library/Dem_Go
– “The Social Limitations of Taking Family Decision for the Yemeni Woman”, A field Study in Sana’a City, 2016. Ph.D Dissertation.
– Tappis, H., Elaraby, S., Elnakib, S. et al. Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service delivery during conflict in Yemen:
a case study. Confl Health 14, 30 (2020). As a co-author https://doi.org/10.1186/s13031-020-00269-x
– Elnakib, S. et all, “Providing care under extreme adversity: The impact of the Yemen conflict on the personal and professional lives
of health workers” Social Science & Medicine 272 (2021)113751, Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113751
– Al-Gawfi, Iman; Zabara Bilkis, Yadav Stacey (2020); The Role of Women in Peacebuilding in Yemen, CARPO. https://carpobonn.
org/en/portfolio/carpo-brief-14-the-role-of-womeninpeacebuilding-in-yemen /Training Courses and workshops: –
– As an analyst and local consultant for the final study report “Study on the Impact of Shortage of Food, Fuel and Financial Crisis (3Fs)
on Older People” November 2022.
– As a trainer and moderator “Capacity Building workshop for CSOs” funded by Oxfam, (20-22 November 2022). The workshop
about Gender in fragile and conflict-affected environments, gender dimensions in post-conflict reconstruction, and Gender-humanitarian-development
peacebuilding nexus.
– As a moderator “in an Exchange Forum” with EU, BMZ and GIZ (24-26 August 2021)
– As a moderator “Three workshops in Sana’a, Ibb and Dhamar(2 -11 March 2021) about Participation of Women on the Local
Level to Contribute to Coexistence in Yemen” funded by EU, BMZ, and GIZ.
– As a trainer “Training Course in qualitative research techniques and skills” for data collectors of the research conducted for UNICEF and Johns Hopkins.September,2018
– As a trainer “Training Course in qualitative research techniques and skills” for data collectors of the research conducted for CARPO, March,2019
– Training course in “The Academic Teaching, methods, approaches, technical education at Sana’a University”, 52 hours,2007.
– Qualitative Research Techniques & Skills in Prospective of Gender. Nov.2007,(intensive course).
– “Economic & Social effects of Developmental Projects”, Woman National Committee. September 2010.
– “Development of Woman Leadership Skills” Sana’a University, July 2010.
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Teach courses in the area of Social Sciences and Gender & Development
2. Contribute to various committees at the Program, College, and University level
3. Contribute to the research profile of College through research publications
4. Serve as student advisor
5. Other responsibilities as assigned by the Head of Department
1.Ph. D. in Social Sciences
2. Fluent in both Arabic and English
3.Strong peer reviewed publication record
4.Teaching experience at tertiary level
5.Familiar with Educational technologies used in higher education sector
6.Willingness to work with teams
7.Awareness of working with people from diverse backgrounds
8.Excellent written and oral communication skills