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Sabria Mohammed Abdullah Al-Thawr
Personal information
Name: Sabria Mohammed Abdullah Al-Thawr
Nationality: Yemeni
Current post
Lecturer in linguistics & measurements of Development, Research Methodology and Gender and Culture in the Master of International Development and Gender Program, Gender and Development research and Studies Centre, Sana’a University in collaboration with Roskilde University , Denmark since 2011.
Freelance consultant/ trainer / facilitator and researcher on gender, education, conflict resolution, and poverty issues
Volunteer in many relief and Aid community-based initiatives
e-mail: Sabrian2011@gmail.com or S_althawr@yahoo.com
Present: Working on Ph.D. in the field of International Development with the title: Citizenship in transition: issues of gender, class and ethnicity in Roskilde University, Denmark.
July 1997: M.Ed. degree in Curriculum and Teaching Methodology with a distinction “Excellent”. Sana’a University, Faculty of Education, English Department
March 1992: Post graduate Diploma in English language studies. Sana’a University. With cooperation with the British Council
June 1989: Bachelor of Arts and Education with a distinction “very good”. Helwan University, Faculty of Education, English Department Egypt.
Additional Training
September 2010
Capacity building workshop II for teachers of the Master program in International Gender and Development at GDRSC, Sana’a University in partnership with CIDeS, Roskilde University- Denmark and IGWS, American University in Cairo
February 2009
Training on Human Rights Based Approach to Development Cooperation, UNICEF
August 2008
Training Workshop on Gender and Work in the MENA Region, Population Council, Cairo and International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
May 2008
Training on developing Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans (EPRP), UNICEF.
August-Sept. 2005
Attending preparatory courses for a Master program on International Development & Administration Sciences including research methodology, Anthropology and Basics of Development. St. Andrews University
March 2003
Training on Appreciative Inquiry methods and facilitation skills, ADRA, Yemen
Feb -March 1999
Course on “Work and Care (gender division of labour), and Introduction to Gender Studies”, the Netherlands. Utrecht University
Experience Record Date from – Date to /Position /Description
Feb-Oct 2019
Team leader/GBV advisor
Working with GIZ/Good Governance Program and the National Women Committee to produce a study and training manuals under a six-month project “Enhancing participation and accountability in humanitarian policies and programs on gender issues in Yemen”
March-May 2019
Senior researcher
Conducting a Mid-Term Review for the Strategic Plan for Yemen Red Crescent Society supported by IFRC
Jan 2019
Co-author an academic paper, “Muhamesheen activism: enacting citizenship during Yemen’s transition”, Citizenship Studies Journal, Volume 23, 2019 – Issue 2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13621025.2019.1583725
September 2018
Conducting a series of trainings on conflict resolution, conflict sensitivity programing and interventions, and peace building for a group go local council members in Sana’a city. CARE &Youth Leadership Development Foundation
September 2018
Conducting a series of trainings on gender norms for a group of activists and CSOs. CARE &Youth Leadership Development Foundation
July-September 2018
Trainer & Facilitator
Facilitating consultative meetings with the Training Sector and the Girls Education Sector at the Ministry of Education, supported by the (QEIP II) in Yemen-GIZ
May 2018
Senior researchers
Co-conducting a project evaluation exercise for DEC Supported Emergency Response Project in Amran and Abyan Governorates, Yemen supported by CARE International. http://www.careevaluations.org/wp-content/uploads/DEC-Supported.pdf
04 – 19 Apr 2018
Trainer & Facilitator
Conduct a series of planning workshops within the project of “Away Forward” Enhancement Partnership between CSOs and Local Councils in Capital Secretariat of Sana’a City”. GIZ & Youth Leadership Development Foundation
Dec.2017-Feb 2018
Senior researcher
Conducting Mapping Assessment on civil society organizations in Yemen, for the World Bank.
May –Sept.2017
Senior researcher
Conduction evaluation for Psychosocial and Educational Support (PSES) program, Quality of Education Improvement Programme in its second phase (QEIP II) in Yemen-GIZ
April-June 2017
GBV advisor
Working with the UNFPA gender team to develop Gender –Based Violence Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) for actors in the GBV and emergency field.
October- Dec.2016
Senior researcher
Conducting a KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices) survey on early marriage issue in six governorates, Youth Leadership Development Foundation & UNICEF. http://www.yldf.org/uploads/publications/Child%20Marriage%20Survey%20-final%20draft%20May%202017.pdf
May-June 2016
Senior researcher
Working with an external team to evaluate the Quality of Education Improvement Programme, GIZ-Yemen
March–May 2016
Senior researcher
Working with UN Women Yemen & Women National Committee to analyse, draft a survey report on GBV monitoring survey, and conflict related incidents/cases in nine governorates.
Jan-March 2016
Team Leader
Conducting Damage Assessment Survey to assess the crisis effects on vocational and training institutions in Yemen, ILO and MoTEVT
Oct-Dec 2015
Senior researcher
Conducting “Partners Mapping Study” that focused on identifying partner NGOS in five governorates for Oxfam Novib.
August 2015
Senior researcher
Conducting an assessment of the needs of the IDPs in Amanat Al-Asimah, NFDHR – ZOA. https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/yemen/assessment/needs-assessment-idps-amanat-al-asimah-nfdhr-zoa-august-2015
Experience :
Dec 2012- Feb 2014
Team leader
Conducting a national KAP survey around issues of gender based violence and early marriage in 5 governorates with Yemeni Women’s’ Union and UNFPA and UNICEF
Jan-Nov 2013
Socio-economic consultant
Work within the World Bank SABER- Early Childhood Development team to conduct System Assessment and Benchmarking for Education Results (SABER)
Dec 2012- Dec 2013
Socio-economic consultant
Participating in preparing the Work Force Development country report within the System Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) Initiative,
World Bank’s Human Development Network (HDN). https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/21512
March-June 2012
Socio-economic & Gender consultant
A consultancy with the World Bank, MENA region of contributing to drafting a gender policy note for Yemen based on the qualitative assessment on gender economic choices conducted in 2011
January 2012
Civic engagement specialist & trainer
Work with the UNDP as a civic engagement specialist in the “Early Presidential Elections Program in Yemen” supported by UNDP and EU. This involved participating in preparing for civic education training activities and social awareness camping, in addition to initiating dialogue with youth during the preparations for early presidential elections.
September 2011
Researcher & Analyst
Participating in a gender-writing workshop in a process to produce a publication on “Defining Gender in the XXI Century”. Bellagio Centre of the Rockefeller Foundation in Bellagio, Italy. Organized by the World Bank.
Feb-May 2011
Team leader of Yemen Case
Participating in the preparation of the World Development Report by the World Bank entitled” Gender Equality and Development ” as being responsible for Yemen country case. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/%20338381468279877854/pdf/751810PUB0EPI002060130Opening0doors.pdf
August 2011-May 2013
Working as a co-author in preparing a book “Arab Human Development in the 21st Century”. My contribution is a chapter under the title ” Ending Persistent Poverty: Pathways to Reform and Empowerment” The book was published by the American University Press in Cairo in November 2014.
April-2010-December 2011
Co-author & writer of Yemen case
Working as a core team member in preparations for the second “Arab Knowledge Report 2010 (AKRII) supported by UNDP, and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation. This was launched in Dubai in March 2012. http://arab-hdr.org/akr/index.aspx
March-May 2010
Socio-economic Researcher
Working as the lead author for “Voice of the Poor: Assessing the Impact of Fourth Development Plan as perceived by the poor”. The assessment is supported by the Ministry of Planning as an input for the Five Year-Development Plan of the country (2011-2015)
January-March 2009
Consultancy to conduct situation analysis for local councils contribution and support to education in Mareb and Hajja Governorates, GIZ Education Program
December 2008
Training of Two NGOs and activists on research methods in conflict resolution in Al-Jawf, Mareb and Shabwa governorates
Oct-Nov 2008
Gender consultant /facilitator
Working as a national gender consultant in a nation-wide study” Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT).
July-August 2008
Conducting research to assess the impact of ongoing conflict on education process in Al-Jawf, Mareb and Shanbwa governorates for NDI.
June-August 2008
Gender consultant
Working as a gender expert in conducting impact assessment for Rural Women’s Empowerment Project, CARE International
May 2008
Translating two regional manuals for World Health Organization (WHO). Gender Mainstreaming for Health Managers: A Practical Approach Facilitator Manual & Trainees Manual.
Jan- Feb 2008
Working as a national core sociologist in a national assessment study ” School Construction Costs in Yemen: Cross-Sector and Multi-Institutional Assessment Study”.
March, 2006 to September 2009
Consultant/ facilitator/ Trainer
Working with the UNICEF, responsible for the United Nations Girls Education Initiative ( UNGEI), gender issues and as a UNICEF focal point for the emergency and relief activities in Sa’ada governorate
December 2005
Producing a nation- wide study titled ” the voices of the poor: Assessing the Impact of the Poverty Reduction Strategy as perceived by the poor” with the Ministry of Planning as an input for the country Five Year-Development Plan (2000-2010). A summary of the study: http://www.sfd-yemen.org/ar/uploads/issues/%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A9%20%D8%A3%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1%202010-20121001-130739.pdf
Education Advisor
Working as an Education Advisor for a USAID program , ADRA Agency for Development and Relief “ The Basic Health and Education Program” being responsible for 4 year for an extended education component in Sa’ada and Al-Jawf governorates focusing on education and gender issues
February-June 2002
Working in a team producing “the Voices of the Poor” in the process of PRSP preparation (including the analysis and writing up processes) MOPIC
May 2002
Trainer/ Facilitator
Working as a trainer on «Gender Sensitive Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop”. Royal Tropical Institute KIT and Rural women Development. General Directorate, MAI, Yemen
Includes translating the training manual and workshop materials.
June 2001-March 2002
Gender consultant/
Researcher/ Gender trainer
Working in a team as a gender consultant and a senior researcher for OXFAM carrying out a national strategic review for the community-based participation experiences in Yemen.
Working Papers:
Co-author of “National Review of Program Experiences in Support of Girls’ Education in Yemen, GTZ, MoE, UNICEF. 2008
The author of a study: “The voices of the Poor: Phase II” as a step in preparing the Country Third Development plan for 2006-2010, Ministry of Planning and International cooperation. (2006)
Writing two entries to the Encyclopaedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (EWIC) on: Women, Gender and Community-Based Organizations and Women, Gender and Women’s Education. Early Through Late Modern: Yemen. Koninklijke Brill, Brill Academic Publishers, the Netherlands. (2005). https://archive.org/images/glogo.jpg”
Presenting a paper on “Poverty and Poor Access to Basic Services in Yemen” DED Conference (October 2002)
Presenting a paper on “Feminization of poverty” in a workshop to raise the awareness of local council members with poverty and gender issues organized by the Social Welfare Fund (October 2002)
Co-author of the “The Voices of the Poor” study, Ministry of development and Planning in cooperation with Oxfam (August 2002).
A presentation on “the institutionalization of participation at the decentral level”, in “the Beyond the Review: Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and PRSP” conference held in Berlin, Germany (May, 2002)
A background paper on “Women and Poverty”, presented to the Ministry of Planning, within the preparation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (December, 2001
A paper presented in the first National Human Rights seminar, Yemen about Women’s Human Rights in Yemen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs &UNDP. “Analysis of Yemeni Women’s Situation from a Human Rights perspective” (May 2001). The paper reviewed women’s educational, economic, health and legal situations and it will be published soon by UNDP
May 2006: Participating in the initial workshop of German-Arab Universities Dialogue project “Politics and Gender — A Transnational Research and Teaching Network” at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany
March 2006: Participating in an international colloquium on “Architectural Quality in School Buildings: School Building Design and its Relevance to Students’ Learning Performance with a Specific Focus on the Planning and Design of Schools in Developing Countries” Switzerland, Ascona
May 2002: Participating in “the Beyond the Review: Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and PRSP” held in Berlin, Germany
Volunteer work
Working as a volunteer in a number of relief and community-based initiatives and nascent CSOs. This involves being engaged in humanitarian assistance distribution, training, supporting these initiatives and CSOs in planning activities, writing project proposals, etc. At the university, helping in building the capacity of young women to qualify themselves in working as junior researchers, translators, and as postgraduate students (application writing, research orientation and mentoring).
Language skills:
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Arabic Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
IT skills Excellent experience in working with Microsoft Excel, Microsoft word, Power Point and SPSS
Key qualifications:
Wide range contact in different networks including governmental bodies (mainly Ministries of Education, Planning and Social Affairs, universities, research centres), national and international NGOs working in Yemen and activists in human rights, development and gender fields.
Good command of communication skills
Professional facilitation skills as well as a team player
Excellent researching skills conducting various research, assessments and surveys
Solid experience as a trainer especially in areas of research methods and techniques, gender sensitivity, gender analysis, community participation work and gender mainstreaming and other strategic skills such as lobbying, advocacy and networking
Solid knowledge and background on various Development issues such as poverty, educational, economic and gender issues in Yemen and in the region
Long research experience on n Yemen
Developed skills working in emergencies and crises
Profound research skills on both quantitative and qualitative approaches in development filed (holding a certificate as a master trainer)
Excellent Interpretation skills (from English into Arabic and vice versa). This includes interpretation in workshops, training and translation various range of documents, training manuals, etc.
Good Facilitation skills; workshops and trainings.