Population Studies and Training Center (PSTC)
Sana'a University

Scientific Council of the PSTC
The PSTC Scientific Council was composed in accordance with the University’s Decision no. (813) dated on 22 September, 2007. It is formed of member professors specialized in demographic issues and representing a number of Faculty s in addition to representatives of national and international organizations and agencies active in demographic matters.
Studies and Research Department:
The Department of Studies and Research shall be entrusted with the following assignments and responsibilities:
1. To advertise the type researches and studies to be carried out at the Center in coordinating with CEO
2. To orient and guide student researchers to explore and surf authenticated E-references pages and websites and materials available at the University’s Central Library at the time of conducing their project graduation researchers;
3. To look for funding to finance researches and studies that the Center plans to conduct as per the Scientific Council’s suggestions forwarded to the Department and in coordination with the Center’s CEO;
4. To orient and guide students when they conduct field visits to collect data at the time of doing field researches and to supervise their graduation project researches;
5. To propose research tiles for students in order for them to do their researches accordingly in cordiniting with teaching staff
6. To take part in the Scientific Council’s meetings;
7. To set the dates for research discussions with respective students in coordinating with supervisors and CEO
8. To publish a refereed scientific periodical or journal on population studies in coordinating with CEO.
9. To develop the Center’s Manual in cooperartion with CEO and Scintific council
11. To approve MSc Thesis after supervisor approval and sugest the examination committee.
12. To examine documents submitted by teaching and researchers to work at the Center prior to their approval by the Center’s Scientific Council
13. To facilitate and prepare the holding of workshops at the Center’s premise in coordinating with CEO
17. To propose MSc thesis titles for students in order for them to do their dissertations accordingly in coordinating with CEO
18. To approve and select supervisors for MSc students and forward to scientific council
19. To propose and appoint MSc examiners panel from different public universities and forward it to scientific council
20.To prepare a list of the teaching staff; name of professors and associate professors, their major, and name of universities they graduated from in order to appoint them to supervise and orally examine Msc theses;
21. To contact the professors selected by the Scientific Council for the Department in order for them to evaluate the researches submitted by researchers applying for scientific and academic promotion in coordinating wit CEO
22. Oversee all field visits for data collection and supervise all scientific researches and the process of researching; this shall be done in coordination with the Center’s CEO when the Department conducts any field study in coordinating with CEO.
PTSC Organizational structure

PTSC Organizational structure
The PSTC CEO shall be entrusted with the following assignment, responsibilities and powers:
To devise the annual plan, forward it to the Scientific Council for discussion and approval;
To draft annual reports, forward them to the Scientific Council for discussion and approval;
To carry out day-to-day management of the Center’s activities as well as external dealings;
To participate in local, regional and international activities and functions such as seminars and scientific conferences along with exchanging of information with other local and foreign agencies and centers to strengthen the role of the Center and benefit from such activities;
To devise and lay down the specifications and particulars of equipment and devices needed by the Center and follow up the process of purchasing them in coordination with the Center’s concerned personnel ( Center’s Trustee; finance and administrative staff);
To specify the assignments, responsibilities and authorities conferred on each of the on PSTC staff member in accordance with its organizational structure and the governing bylaw and regulations;
To develop PSTC bylaws, forward them to the Scientific Council for revision and approval;.
To represent the Center at the University Council, and before any agency or entity locally or abroad;
To be authorized to negotiate and discuss any matters before official bodies; to conclude and sign research and training program/ project contracts; and exchange scientific visits as required by PSTC activities. All of that shall be in accordance with the Center’s mission, assignment and objectives and pursuant to finance regulations and laws applied by the State or adopted by donors of such researches, studies and activities.
To forward a complete report on the Center to the University Rector in order to present it to the Scientific Council at the end of the fiscal year; the report shall incorporate all activities implemented including research and training programs; administrative and financial matters; and any other works done by the Center.
To be conferred with the right to propose any amendments/ changes at the administrative level and/ or reconsideration of the existing organizational structure—provided that such amendments be discussed and approved by the Scientific Council of the Centre and then endorsed by the University Rector. The CEO shall have the right to propose any amendments or additions to the qualification and training programs and courses on demographic and social matters and issues which are incorporated in the Center’s overall Plan. Such suggestions should be in view of any developments and/ changes to be made on the overall Plan and/ or dictated by general conditions. Such matters should be presented to the Scientific Council for approval.
Deputy CEO Role:
A deputy CEO shall act on behalf of the CEO in his/her absence. S/he shall assist the CEO in managing the operations and work of the Center; drafting and designing plans, training, scientific and academic programs and courses. S/he shall undertake to perform any other assignments entrusted to him/her by CEO within the scope of his/her responsibilities and powers.
PSTC Trustee:
A PSTC trustee shall undertake to:
Follow-up the performance the PSTC financial and administrative work and assignments in coordination with the PSTC CEO on one hand and with the administrative and financial officers/directors, on the other;
To implement laws, bylaws, and regulations in force; decisions issued by either the University Council and/or the Scientific Council for the Center within the limits of his powers;
To oversee the Center’s budgeting and its activities in coordination with the CEO, finance and administrative officers /directors and in cooperation with the relevant personnel of the University; and
To undertake any other assignments stipulated by relevant laws and the Center’s bylaw or conferred upon him/her by Center’s CEO.
Administrative Affairs Department:
The administrative affairs department shall be committed to perform the following assignment, responsibilities and powers:
To propose the recruitment of staff to the Center under the supervision and direction of Center’s CEO and Trustee and determine relevant posts’ job descriptions;
To determine all of sorts of mechanisms to control and improve the level of work performance and the implementation of Center’s occupational activities;
To monitor the Center’s staff attendance, absence and punctuality and discipline and prepare relevant records and maintain and keep employee documents and profiles; all tasks and work shall be carried out in accordance with followed laws and systems; and
To manage the affairs of students enrolled in the High Diploma Programs at the Center.
Finance Affairs Department:
It shall undertake to:
Draft and prepare the Center’s annual budging and that of its activities.
Draft and prepare payment, and disbursement forms and annual and final accounts;
Look for funding and in-kind support for the Center;
Determine the specifications of needed equipment and devices to be purchased for the Center;
Do the matching of the specifications of purchased equipment and devices (when delivered to the Center).
Along with the CEO and Trustee, prepare and finalize any tenders and bidding processes and documents for the Center in accordance with rules and regulations followed by the University.
Control the process of warehousing and giving out stock or inventory in accordance with effective rules and regulations in this regard;
Contact financiers and supporters with regards to financial matters.
Prepare and draft application forms and release forms of any financial commitments; carry out any disbursement and payment dealings; prepare financial reports for projects and programs financially supported by foreign organizations/ donors.
Take part in the committees and meetings requiring its participation; and
Undertake and perform any assigned tasks by the Center’s CEO.
Public Relations Department:
It shall undertake to:
Follow up internal and external activities carried out by the Center.
Deliver and receive any memos and correspondences incoming and outgoing from and to the Center and the University.
Follow-up the assignments and commitments to be done by the Center’s respective management departments.
Part take in all the assignments and tasks entrusted to the Center or those associated with the High Diploma or MA population studies programs.
Receive visitors and/ or guests coming to the Center and coordinate with the University’s respective entities responsible for providing accommodation for PTSC visitors or guests.
Take part in invigilating examinations at the Center.
Partake in the preparation of scientific weeks; that is, the time of discussing scientific researches submitted by High Diploma and/or MA students and the facilitation of seminars and workshops held at the Center as well as MA viva-voce examinations.
Introduce and promote the Center’s activities, services and works outside the University, especially relevant agencies and stakeholders.
Participate and assist in drafting and preparing lists of refereed scientific journals, periodicals for the Center library or purchase such materials from book fairs.
Take part in contacting similar centers in order to work together with the Center, exchange information and relevant literatures, books and brochures, newspapers and other relevant materials published by such centers and accordingly, equip the Center’s with such publications.
Do its best to present the Center’s PR with a positive image and deal with others in a sound and positive manner by doing its work and fulfilling its assignments in the most outstanding manner.
Undertake and perform any assigned tasks and work by the Center’s CEO.
Youth Care Unit:
Via coordinating with the Training Department and the relevant agencies of the Center, it shall undertake to:
Provide information on reproductive health issues;
Offer training to young people in order for them to adopt and acquire life skills to help them in their daily lives;
Train individuals on information provision and delivery;
Preparation of qualified personnel to deal with youth issues.
Link youth needs of public health and reproductive health with existing health system;
Involve young people in the development of plans and strategies that address their expectations;
Make the youth realize the importance of positively dealing with gender in different walks of life;
Conduct studies and research on revealing and displaying the impact of malpractices on the health of young people.
Raise the awareness of the youth at universities on public health issues in general and reproductive health matters, in particular; this is through the implementation of a number of activities targeting young people;
Offer health education and counseling on RH issues, primary health care, family planning and on how to deal with such issues;
Publish and issue periodicals for awareness and education purposes; such materials should be of the Youth-Youth writings and by them to address their concerns and aspirations;
Educate young people and make them aware of the importance of benefiting from specialized health services;
Make information available youth health issues and concerns;
Offer the youth with counseling on RH issues, primary health and population issues;
Clarify any malpractices that may affect the health of the community in general and that of the youth in particular.
Introduce family planning services to the youth (methods, types, side-effects, etc.);
Prepare and facilitate the holding of religious lectures clarifying and highlighting opinion of Islam on FP methods.
Educate young people on the importance of antenatal and post-natal care (Safe Motherhood);
Introduce and explicate the advantages of breastfeeding newborns.
Request professionals and experts to give lectures on mental health;
Discuss and explain how to tackle social problems faced by young people and how to avoid them.
Organize and facilitate lectures on sexually transmitted infection (STIs) and AIDS to be offered by specialists and experts in this area;
Organize and facilitate lectures on breast cancer and how to prevent it;
Provide youth health counseling (in areas such nutrition, physical fitness, personal hygiene, and general appearance).
Develop an annual plan for the Unit’s activities;
Have a convenient and suitable space or location for offering its operational services.
Request the Ministry of Health to provide the Unit with the necessary support such as office equipment; audio-visual aids; first aid toolkits; awareness materials; brochures; posters; booklets; health messages and manuals; various drugs and other needed materials for youth trainees education and awareness raising;
supervise the Youth Care Unit by establishing a steering committee to be formed of the following members: Center’s CEO; the health deputy minister of the Population Sector; representative of the supporting agency; and the Center’s Trustee as its rapporteur;
Define a vocal point from the staff of the Population Sector of the Health Ministry in order to coordinate the relevant activities implemented the Youth Care Unit;
Prepare an annual report on the Unit’s financial and administrative matters to be submitted to the Steering Committee.
Do an annual review of the Unit’s accomplishments; and
32. Appoint an accountant for the Youth Care Unit.
PSTC Library:
The library shall be entrusted to:
Purchase books and scientific journals specialized population issues and other appertaining arenas from local, regional, and international book fairs;
offer books as gifts to stakeholders and sharing with them books at the local and international levels;
Make all sorts of printed and hard and soft copies of materials accessible and available for library frequenters, especially sources appertaining to population issues;
Automate all library manual tasks such as indexing, classification, etc., along with automating its technical procedures;
Provide all sorts of library-oriented services whether electronically or conventionally; such services should be provided to students enrolled in the Center’s High Diploma Program of Population Studies and its MA students as well in addition to those frequenting the library and coming from various universities, research centers, and state-owned agencies and institutions;
Provide various references, sources and periodicals on different population disciplines and issues to benefit library users;
Provide an automated search engine to look for references and sources by the use and application of computer facilities in the Center’s library;
Respond to any inquiries raised by the Center’s students and library frequenters and visitors.
The Center's library contains three types of sources and references as follows:
Books, totaling to (1042) divided and classified into the following sections:
– Population, Development and Human Resources Section;
– General Geography and History Section;
– General Knowledge Section.
– Foreign Languages Section;
– Philosophy and Psychology Section;
– Religions Section;
– Arts Section;
– Literature Section;
– Applied Science Section;
– Social Sciences Section;
Scientific Theses, accounting for (88) dissertations in the field of population;
Periodicals, amounting to (256).
Library Borrowing System:
The library has a closed shelf system; that is, libertarians meet the needs of students for books and periodicals.
Borrowing books and/or periodicals require that a borrower must have a library card as there are three types of cards:
– The yellow cards are allocated for doctors and allow borrowed materials to be returned within a month time;
– The green cards are allocated for staff and employees and allow borrowed materials to be returned within three weeks’ time;
– The white cards are allocated for students and allow borrowed materials to be returned within a week time.
At the Center’s library, there is a catalog for registering all borrowed and returned materials internally or externally; there is also a catalog for visitors and frequenters who use the library reading hall.
Students Affairs Department:
In coordination with other units and departments, the students affairs department is conferred with the following assignments and tasks:
To prepare and supervise entrance exams for new applicants to join the High Diploma program (population studies).
To prepare all supplies, documents, and needed materials for the teaching staff and students during the course of the educational process;
To prepare and supervise mid-term examinations;
To prepare timetables for both first and second semesters;
to coordinate and follow-up with teaching staff regarding student punctuality and attendance and the course of lecture delivery;
Maintain and archive all papers and documents of quarterly examination results for all courses taken by students and input such data into the computer system;
To prepare and supervise final-term examinations and record exams grades obtained by Diploma students;
Coordinate, facilitate and prepare for the holding and organization of the scientific conference for graduation research projects conducted by Diploma students; prepare and draft the necessary documents; divide scientific committees to discuss such projects; and record the grades obtained by students on their graduation research projects;
To prepare the final sheets for the final results obtained by each student;
To provide the Department of Population Research and Studies and the Center’s Scientific Council with the papers and documents needed for the meetings of the Scientific Council of the Department of Research and Studies and Population and the Center’s Scientific Council in order to endorse the general result sheets for Diploma and MA students.
To coordinate with the University’s Postgraduate Studies and follow up the papers and documents for Diploma and MA students and provide the Postgraduate Studies with the results of the entrance and final examinations;
To coordinate with and follow up MA candidates who were enrolled into the MA Program; prepare and supervise MA seminars in order to approve MA thesis proposals and endorse final oral examinations of such dissertations.
To announce all decisions taken by the Scientific Council of the Department of Population Research and Studies or those arrived at by the Center’s Scientific Council with reference to Diploma and MA students.