High Diploma Program
Population Studies and Training Center (PSTC)

Registration and Admission:
In addition to admission conditions and requirements, the Center’s capacity determines the number of applicant students to join its programs. Thus, the Center announces every academic year the names of pre-admitted candidate students based on those two factors. Following that, a decision issued by the Center’s Scientific Council in this regard and then registered students’ files are forwarded to the University Higher Studies to finalize and complete relevant pre-admission procedures. Then, files and documents are sent back to the Center to examine, match and verify that each candidate’s file fulfills the admission requirements approved by the Center’s Scientific Council. The Center starts to implement the scientific differentiation process to select the qualified students. It announces internally the date of the entrance examination. Based on its results, a short list of admitted and accepted students is announced, based on the highest grade obtained by students. The final short list result is approved The Scientific Council of the Department of Population Researches and Studies. This result is then forwarded to the Center’s Scientific Council for approval. Following its approval it is forwarded to the Higher Studies for approval as well.

High Diploma Program Courses
s.n | First semester | s.n | Second semester |
1. | Introduction to Population Studies | 1. | Human Rights |
2. | Population Geography, Resources, Migration and Urbanization | 2. | Basics of Statistics |
3. | Demographic Education and Interaction | 3. | Demographic change |
4. | Population and Development | 4. | Research Methodology |
5. | Demographic Sociology | 5. | Demographic Models and Projections |
6. | Fertility and Mortality, Morbidity and Reproductive Health | 6. | Demographic Analysis and Life Tables Using Ready-made Software |
PSTC High Diploma Properties:
1. The High Diploma in Population Studies awarded by PSTC is a specialized qualification degree which lasts for one whole academic year. |
2. The Center is on a course system. |
3. Each course has a final term examinations and class work and participation (attendance, participation, other term papers or assessments assigned by instructors to students). Class work and assignments are allocated 30% out of the total grade. |
4. Students must do research projects for each course under the supervision of a course instructor. Each research is graded out of 20%. |
5. A student absenting him/herself from three courses shall not be allowed to sit for the final examination; thus, s/he must repeat the whole academic year if absence is supported by legitimate justification. If a repeater student reiterates his/her absenting, then s/he shall be dismissed for good from the Diploma Program. |
This provision shall be applicable upon any student who flunks three course out of the required Diploma courses. |
6. If a student flunks in two courses, s/he must take re-sit examinations those courses at the outset of the following academic year. If s/he flunks any or both of the repeated courses, s/he must repeat all of the required courses just like any new admitted students; along with regularly attend classes, s/he must sit for term examinations and final ones; do all assignments, etc. If s/he fails for the second, s/he is dismissed for good from the Diploma Program. |
7. Students must sit for final course examinations to be graded out of 50. |
8. Grading is out of 100 for any course by following the grading system below: |
• Excellent: 90 and above. |
• Very good: Ranging between 80-89. |
• Good: Ranging between 75-79. |
• Pass; Ranging between 65-74. |
• Fail: Less than 65 |
Documents required to join the program:
An student file applying for joining the High Diploma Program in Population Studies must have the following papers and documents:
A Copy of his/her BA Certificate with a grade not less good; such certificate must be authenticated and endorsed by respective Yemeni university authorities and any other competent agencies.
His/ Her Academic Record.
Copy of his/her ID card.
Certificate of Proficiency in English.
Certificate of Proficiency in Computer Application.
Teaching methods:
Giving lectures.
Assigning students to present some articles and researches that the subject teacher specifies for them and presenting summaries of them in the lectures.
Discussions and interventions on the population issue and the impact of population growth on comprehensive development and various aspects of life.
Assigning students to search the Internet to find out anything new in the field of demography, migration, resources and urbanization.
Grading Evaluation System:
s.n | Evaluation method | Mark |
1. | Attendance and Active Participation | 10 |
2. | Reports on Assignments | 10 |
3. | Course Exam | 10 |
4. | Total Class Work (year) | 30 |
5. | Research Graduation Project | 20 |
6. | Final Exam | 50 |
7. | Total | 100 |
Student Evaluation:
Student evaluation is based on their regular attendance of classes; interactive discussions and participations on topics relevant to the course contents offered by the Center’s High Diploma Program in Population Studies along with library-based hours.
A mid-term examination.
Students are assigned during the academic year to submit summaries of articles and studies proposed by the teachers of the Diploma in Population Studies subjects and other subjects relevant to the population issue.
Number of hours for higher diploma courses:
Number of teaching hours: 40 x 12 = 480 hours.
Number of graduation research hours: 240 hours.
Total hours = 720 hours.
Expected Learning Outcomes of the High Diploma Program in Population Studies:
First: Knowledge and Uderstanding:
It is anticipated that students following their completion of the High Diploma Program in Population Studies have gained sufficient knowledge on the basics of demography and its relation with different walks of life of the whole Yemeni society.
It is assumed that students should be able to know the effects of natural, economic, historic and environmental factors on the demographic distribution.
It is likely that students should be able to analyze and explicate man’s role in in actively contributing to the achievement of an overall development and explain the impact of internal migration from rural areas to main and secondary cities; from major cities to secondary ones; and from secondary cities to major ones. They also would be able to explain the impact of migrating abroad, that is, from Yemen to other countries, whether being Arab or foreign ones as well as migrations to Yemen. The impact of all that on the economic and social aspects in the Republic of Yemen.
It is presumed that students would be capable of analyzing the impact of age and sex-based structure of the Yemeni population and its relation of such impact on the generation of job opportunities for the youth. They would be able to examine the impact of demographic structure on the economic, social and political development plans adopted by the Government.
It is likely that students would acquire the knowledge on the differences among demographic phenomena and their impacts on various human activities, whether being agricultural, industrial, environmental, educational, or health, etc.
Second: High Diploma Program In Population Studies Educational Strategy and Teaching Methods: :
To deliver high quality education, the Center would follow and bank on a full set of modern educational strategies and teaching methods for population studies; most include the followings:
Teaching based on Performing relevant tasks.
Teaching based on Data Collection.
Teaching based on Problem Solving.
Independent and Self-Learning.
Third: Learning Opportunities for Students Affiliated to the High Diploma Program in Population Studies::
Students Affiliated to the High Diploma Program in Population Studies will have plenty of opportunities to learn and convey what they acquired to others ; most include the followings:
اActive Participatory Learning.
Classroom and Non-classroom learning.
Fourth: Intellectual Skills:
Students will be able to examine and understand to what extent population growth could have different and various impacts on the economic, social, educational and environmental development in the Republic of Yemen.
Students will have knowledge on to what extent population growth could influence and impact employment and per capita income and the relation of such effects on the standard of living.
Students would be able to understand the positive and/or negative impacts of human behavior on the environment and on other vital fields. They would know how the difference of population density from one governorate to another has various impacts.
Students would be enabled to draw comparisons between the results of the first census and followings in the southern and northern governorates after the Unification of Yemen.
Students would be oriented and guided to know and analyze the different causes of population density per square kilometer between one governorate and another, whether such causes are natural, human-made or environmental.
Students would be skilled in writing well-designed and meaningful reports highlighting the demographic phenomena and the differences of such phenomena from one governorate to another in the Republic of Yemen along with highlighting the impacts of such factors on government policies designed mainly for achieving comprehensive and sustainable development.
Students would be able to deal with and analyze data and information and other statistical particulars produced by official authorities and agencies appertaining to multi-facet demographic matters and to what extend such agencies use such statistics in preparing and developing various plans and programming.
Fifth: Professional and Practical Skills:
Students would learn report writing skills and skills of preparing and doing studies on any demographic phenomenon in Yemen and its impact on people’s lives.
Students will be able to acquire the skill of knowing how to understand population distribution among various governorates of the Republic of Yemen and to how to link such distribution to natural and human phenomena.
Sixth: General and Transferable Skills:
By studying the courses offered by the High Diploma Program in Population Studies, students would be able to transfer and convey different acquired and learnt information on population subject-matters; such population concentration, distribution, major structure and their relation with natural resources.
Students would be capable of clearly presenting accounts on demography to those interested in such subject. They could explain the impacts of population growth, distribution, density, age-sex structure and the relation of these factors with the phenomenon of internal and external migration and their relation to human fertility.
Students would be able to analyze the information and statistics collected on population; the cause behind increasing growth rates; their economic, social and political participation in government policies geared for bettering and improving the people’s living standard.
Students studying the courses offered by the High Diploma Program in Population Studies would be able to discuss with any person curious to know about human life developments, their education and health and advances in various walks of life.