CAQA Receives Final Report for External Reviewers’ Field Visit for Institutional Accreditation of Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Sanaa University

Thursday, January 9, 2025
Following the completion of their field visit for the institutional accreditation of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Sanaa University, which lasted for four consecutive days during which the evidence and documentation were verified in accordance with the facultys academic standards, the external reviewers team, led by Prof. Abdulrahman Yahya Ahmed Al-Haifi along with Prof. Mohammed Qasim Ghanem Al-Shormani, Dr. Mohammed Ali Ali Al-Khulaidi, and Dr. Hisham Abdullah Al-Mikhlafi, submitted the final report to the councils leadership, represented by Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Shuaibi, Vice Chairman of the Council, in the presence of Dr. Huda Al-Sanhani, General Director of Accreditation.
The report was finalized after the team confirmed the accuracy of the evidence and documentation and thoroughly reviewed the facultys facilities, equipment, and program content during the field visit.
Source: CAQA website.