
Abdulkareem Yahya Ahmed Al-Khattabi


Personal Information:

Abdulkareem Yahya Ahmed Al-Khattabi

Date of birth: 18/2/1970

Head of Civil Engineering Department

Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)

Administrative, academic, research and teaching work in the General Electricity Corporation, Sana’a University and some private universities in Sana’a


PhD in Structural Engineering from Cairo University on 1/10/2010


  1. Administrative Work
    1. Head of the Civil Engineering Department at Sana’a University from 27/7/2020 until now.
    2. Dean of the faculty of Engineering at Iqra University
    3. Head of Civil Engineering Department at Iqra University
    4. Head of Civil Engineering Department at Andalus University
    5. Dean of the College of Engineering at Queen Arwa University
  2. Academic works

Teaching many courses at Sana’a University and some private universities in the Civil Engineering Department and the Architectural Engineering Department, including: descriptive engineering, engineering drawing, engineering mechanics, building materials, construction and installation of buildings, construction theory, material resistance, construction analysis, concrete technologies, reinforced concrete, Metal structures, engineering economics, engineering project management.

Conferences and Workshops:

  1. “Behavior of Vented Reinforced Concrete Beams in Shear Zone”, 1st Conference on Concrete Technology, Tabriz, Islamic Republic of Iran.

Research and scientific papers:

  1. “Development of computer programs in the field of structural engineering, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.
  2. “Structural Analysis Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using (ANSYS)”, Journal of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Arab Republic of Egypt.