Dr.Sulaiman Ismail Haider Al-Safi
Date of Birth : 20/10/1964
Place of Birth : Bait-Al-Faqih town, Hodaida Governorate, Republic of Yemen
Nationality : Yemeni
Education and Academic Qualifications:
• The University of Manchester, formally UMIST (PhD in Structural Engineering), Manchester, UK, 1999-2004.
• UMIST (MSc. in Structural Engineering), Manchester, UK 1996-1997
• King Abdul-Aziz University (BSc 1st class honors, Civil Engineering), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1984-89.
Research Interest
• Behavior of Masonry Structures in Compression and Bending,
• Seismic Evaluation of Structural Steel and RC Frames,
• Study of the effect of altering concrete ingredients properties and using cement-replacement additives on mechanical properties of concrete.
Profession: Consultant in Structural Engineering.
Present Employer: Associate Prof., Civil Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University
Professional Experience:-
1.Augest 1989-September 1990
I worked for Aazal Company for Construction, as Site Engineer, and Manger of the Company branch in Harad Town, Hajjah Governorate, Yemen. (Executing Reinforced Concrete and Structural Masonry Elements, that included RC Bridges and, Single and Multi-Cells RC and Masonry Box-Culverts for Harad–Houth Road )
2. October 1990- Now, Present. Employer: Sana’a University
Main Duties:
Lecturer of the following courses (February 2005-Now )
o Advanced Structural Steel Design for Post-Graduate MSc. program
o Structural Steel Design I and II
o Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 3
o Theory of Structures
o Strength of Materials
o Project management
o Building materials
Vice Dean for students affairs (August 2013-Janury 2018)
Head of the Civil Engineering Department (August 2012- August 2013)
Vice Dean for student’s affairs (October 2008-September 2009)
Executive Manger of Engineering Consultancy Centre (December 2007-September 2009)
Assistance to the head of Civil Engineering Department for Laboratory affairs and Supervisor of the material lab (September 2007-Ougest 2008)
Head of Academic Affairs in the Faculty (June 2005-September 2008)
Head of the Faculty Examination Committee (2005-2008)
Supervisor of MSc Students in the field of Concrete Technology and Historical Masonry Structures in Yemen, (7 students , 5 completed, 1 is about to stand for exam and 2 in writing up stage)
Supervisor of Diploma Projects for MSc Students in the field of Structural Masonry and Earthquake Engineering, (7 students)
Supervision of final year B.Sc. projects (Steel, Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures),
Member of Evaluation Committee for final year Graduation projects in Civil Engineering Department.
Member of Structural Engineering group in the Engineering Consultancy Center, Faculty of Engineering. (1990-1996)
Teaching Assistance in Structural Division (October 1990-July 1996)
3- September 1993 – Sep1996 (Private Business)
(Architectural Corner, Sana’a, Yemen)
Main Duties:
Structural design – (Many structures have been design and revised)
Design of underground masonry tanks
Design of over head reinforced concrete tanks
Site engineer (approval of execution of construction process)
Preparation of bidding documents and tender analysis.
4- Privet Education Institutions- Part time Lecturer)
Yemen College of Society, Sana’a (March 2005- July 2008)
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Sana’a, (Sep 2005-Feb. 2015),
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Yemen-Jordan University, Sana’a, (Sep 2013-Feb. 2015),
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Computer, Queen ARWA University QAU, (Feb. 2015-Now),
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, International University of Emerits, (Feb. 2015-Sep. 2019, Resume Feb. 2021-Now),
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, International University of Technology Twintech, IUTT, (Feb. 2015-Dec. 2020),
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hekma, (Sep 2018-Nov- Now),
In all above listed institutions, and over a period of more than 15 years, I supervised and examined PG student’s dissertations and UG final year graduation projects. In addition to that, I was given full or part time job contracts to teach 1 to 2 courses per semester per institution. The following is the list of Civil Engineering PG and UG courses which I taught in all above educational institutions over the time I have been teaching:-
o Advanced Concrete design.
o Prestressed Concrete Design,
o Advanced Steel Structures.
o Tall Buildings,
o Bridge Engineering,
o Design of Reinforced Concrete Tanks and Special Structures
o Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 1 and 2,
o Structural Steel Design 1,
o Structural Steel Design 2,
o Foundation Engineering,
o Structural Analysis,
o Strength of Materials,
o Theory of Structures,
o Building materials,
o Civil Engineering Drawings,
o Engineering Mechanics–Statics and Dynamics
o Specifications and Cost Estimate,
o Construction Project Management,
o Engineering Economy.
5- Recent Distinguished Consultancy Works
Structural Assessment, Strengthening and Retrofitting of Communication Control Building of the General Corporation of Telecommunication, Sana’a, Yemen, (June 2021),
Structural Steel Dome and Steel Roof System on Stone Masonry Walls of Alawlia’a Project in Wadi Dhahar for Holy Al-Daiee Corporation, (2019),
Column Removal from Ground Floor only (4 story Villa) For Extension of Men Sitting Room of Mr. Fahd Mahmood’ Villa (March 2019)
Head of Structural Design team and main Designer of AL-HOWBAN TOWER (9 stories) Owned by Al-Tadamon Real-estate company (Feb-June2012).
Head of Structural Design team and main Designer of Al-Tadamon Towers (14 story), Sanaa City, Yemen, Owned by Al-Tadamon Real-estate company. (July 2010-July 2012),
Main Reviewer and Head of Review Committee for Structural Design of Some Building of the University of Amran (Head Office, Medical Faculty, Students Affairs, Library, Guest House and Mosque), Amran, Yemen ( Jan.2008-Sep. 2010),
Head of design team of Structural Design of the compound of Centre of Archive, Yemen Government, (Jan.2009-October 2010).
Reviewer of Design Check Lists based on Arabic Codes for Design and Construction of Buildings – as part of a Project for the Ministry of Public Work, Yemen, to Enhance the process issuing Building Permits (October 2008-May 2009)
Structural Designer of Al-Zubairi Tower in Sana’a, Yemen (16 stories tower) (December 2008-July 2009)
Designer of Steel Fire Escape Staircases for Yemen Liquefied Natural Gas (YLNG) company (December 2008)
Inspection and evaluation of steel work of Canteen Building for Yemen Liquefied Natural Gas (YLNG) company (October 2008)
Structural Evaluator of Nurses Buildings in Police Hospital-Sana’a, Yemen (July 2008)
Organizer and main Trainer of the program of Maintenance of School Structures for the Engineers of the Ministry of Education, Sana’a University, Yemen, (7-12 June 2008),
Structural Evaluation and Design of Maintenance Program of the Historical School and Mosque of Al-Aameria in Joban- Al-Dhalee Gov, Yemen, (May 2008),
Evaluation of Multi-story Commercial and Residential buildings, Aden City, Yemen, (October 2007),
Evaluation and design of repair program of reinforced concrete slabs of Buqshan tourist hotel, Ibb City, Yemen, (September 2007),
Preparation of a Manual for Construction Supervision for Educational Building for the Ministry of Education, /Project, Design and Implementation Department, Sponsored by Basic Education Project, Yemen, (March 2007-Feb 2008)
Organizer and main Trainer of the program of Maintenance of School Structures for the Engineers of the Ministry of Education, Yemen carried out at Sana’a University (30 July-4Augest 2005),
Revising of Final design drawings for Basic Education Standard School; prepared by the Ministry of Education / Project, Design and Implementation Department for Standard school design, sponsored by World Bank, Sana’a, (September, 2005).
• Ibrahim Alameri, Sulaiman Al-Safi, Saad Abdo Noaman Ezzedine, Muaadh Qaid Alwalidi, Performance Based Seismic Design of Steel Frames with Different Bracing Systems, International journal of steel structure, springer, (under review), Korean society of steel construction.
• Mohammed A. Alrubaidi and Sulaiman I. Al-Safi, Investigation of different steel simple connections under column-loss scenario: considering the effects of a transverse beam, International Symposium on Applied Sciences and Engineering (ISASE2021), 07-09 April 2021, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey.
• Sulaiman Al-Safi, Ibrahim Alameri1, Waleed Abdullah Wasel1 , Amjad Basheer Al-kadasi, Linear and Nonlinear Behavior of Steel Buildings with Different Bracing Systems, International Journal of Steel Structures, Springer , Online ISSN 2093-6311, ©Korean Society of Steel Construction https://doi.org/10.1007/s13296-020-00450-1 , 2020.
• Sulaiman Al-Safi, Ibrahim A. Alameri , Rushdi A. M. Badhib , Mahmoud Kulaib, Evaluation of performance-based earthquake engineering in Yemen, Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics, ISSN: 2149-8024 / DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjsmec.2020.01.002 ,6 (1) (2020) 10–22.
• Abdulmalek Al-Jolahy, Suliman Al-Safi and Munaf Hasson, Structural Performance of Clay Brick Masonry Walls Under Compressive Loading, Journal of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Sanaa University, Yemen , Vol. (5),No. (2) Dec. 2017.
• تأثير الماء المعرض للمجال المغناطيسي على بعض خواص الخرسانة، علي محسن زياد، سليمان إسماعيل الصافي، محمدقاسم المتوكل The Effect of Water Exposed to Magnetic Field on Some properties of Concrete, Journal of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology, Yemen, Vol. (20), No. 1, 2014.
• Sulaiman Al-Safi and Mahmood Kulaib, Efficiency of Traditional Structural Systems and Building Materials in Yemen and Gulf States, Symposium of Educational Buildings Authorities for Member States of Arab Educational Office of Gulf States, Sana’a, Yemen, 10-11 Nov, 2009.
• تأثير الطين المحروق على مقاومة ومتانة الخرسانة، محمد احمد المطار، حسان سعد عبدالمغني، سليمان إسماعيل الصافي
Effect of Metakaolin on Strength and Durability of Concrete, Journal of Engineering Sciences, Assiut University, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp.1389-1405, November 2009.
• Sulaiman Al-Safi, Manual of Construction, Execution, Inspection, and Supervision for Educational Buildings, Ministry of Education – Project, Design and Implementation Department, Basic Education Project, MoE, Sana’a, Yemen, (200 pages), 2008.
• M. E. Phipps and S. Al-Safi, Post-tensioned Prestressed Masonry Columns, Proceedings of the 2001 Structures Congress and Exposition, ASCE, Washington DC, USA, May. 2001.
Professional Affiliations:
• Member of Yemeni Engineering Syndicate.
• Member of Sana’a University Staff Members Syndicate.
Command of Languages;
Language Arabic English
Speaking Excellent Very Good
Writing Excellent Very Good
Reading Excellent Excellent
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