Fadhl Mohamed Ali Al waraqi

Dr. Fadhl Mohamed Ali Al waraqi

• Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering Department of Architecture Engineering .

• Graduate program Coordinator in the Department of Architecture.
• Representative of the Associate professors in the College of Engineering.

• Head of the Ph.D. Program specification Preparation Team for Architecture Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University.
• Head of the master’s Program specification Preparation Team for Architecture Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University.
• Member of the Yemeni Engineers Syndicate.
• Head of the Scientific Committee of the Yemeni Architects society.
• Consultant to the Capital Municipality for prepare the master plan for the city of Sana’a.
• Consultant to the General Authority of Land, Survey and Urban Planning.

• BSc degree from the Faculty of Engineering, Sana,a University – Yemen in 1984.
• Master’s degree in Architectural Engineering (Urban Planning) from the Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University , Yemen in 2001.
• Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering (Urban Planning) from the Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University , Yemen in 2010.

• Teaching various specialized subjects for BSc and MSc as well as supervising undergraduate projects at the of Architecture Engineering Department.
• Supervising several master’s theses in the Department of Architecture.
• External and internal arbitrator on many master’s theses.
• Team leader for preparing the PhD and master programs at the Department of Architecture, Sana’a University.
• Supervising and implementing several training courses in the field of Urban Planning and Preliminary studies for graduation projects.
• Participation in the evaluation of programs at private universities in the Department of Architecture Engineering, commissioned and under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

• Attending workshops in academic accreditation.
• Member of the jury for a number of architectural competitions and projects.
• Designing and implementing many architectural and engineering projects as well as supervising them.
• Participation in many international and local architectural competitions.

Conferences and Workshops:
• Participation in the field of quality assurance and academic accreditation.
• Participation in several workshops with the Capital Municipality and General Authority of Lands and Survey and urban planning to prepare the master plan for the city of Sana’a.
• Member of a team to prescribe a number of specialized courses in the Bachelor’s Program in Architectural Engineering, Sana’a University

Research and Scientific Papers:
• Published many research papers at different conferences, symposia, and at local and Arabic journals in the field of architecture and urban planning and design.

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