Sultan Mohsen Sallam Almadhajy.

Sultan Mohsen Sallam Almadhajy


Personal Information:

Dr. Sultan Mohsen Sallam Almadhajy.

A member of teaching council at Faculty of Architecture University of Sana’a.

Year of appointment: 1989

Date of birth: 1953

Place of birth: Taiz


Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the faculty member at least 3 lines)

Had been appointed by the University Rectorate under the reference of a teaching member, and been later nominated unanimously to be honored by the faculty.



-Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Architecture, Faculty of Art, Hilwan University 1982, Project : Excellent. Average very good.

– Master Degree in Islamic Traditional Crafts of Architecture in Yemen, Faculty of Art. 1986.

– Doctorate Degree in The Effect of Modern Building Technologies on Yemeni Traditional Architecture ( Study of Alternatives Suitability). 1996



Local and abroad Exhibitions of his  work of fine arts and Yemeni Traditional Architecture.

Teached in several universities.

Conferences and Workshops:

Participated paper in Sana’a the Capital of Culture Conference 2004

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