Mutahar Yahya Ahmed Alshaer
Associate Professor
Personal Information:
Name: Mutahar Yahya Ahmed Alshaer
Email: m.alshaer@su.edu.ye
M.B.BCH(1993-1994) Sana’a University Medical School , Very good with honor degree.
Diploma in Ophthalmology (1997), Ministry of Health, Sana’a, Yemen.
Teaching Assistant in Ophthalmic Department, Sana’a University Medical School, (1996-1999), Alkwuait Hospital.
Clinical M.D,1ST Part(1999), Khartum University, Sudan.
Clinical M.D, Final(2002), Khartum University, Sudan.
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Sana’a University Medical School, (2003)
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, Sana’a University Medical School, (2010)
Professor of ophthalmology,Sana’a University Medical School,(2020)
The coordinator of ophthalmic Department at Al-Gumhory Hospital (2003-2017)
The coordinator of ophthalmic Department at Al-Gumhory Hospital (2003-2017)
Senior Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmic Department, All-Gumhory Hospital, Sana’a, Yemen(2003-till now)
Conferences and Workshops:
Attend many local and international ophthalmic conferences last conference was the 5th ophthamlic conference ,Sana’a.2021
Research and scientific papers:
Prevalence of Trachoma among third year Primary school pupils in Al-Mahweet town and Governorate. M AlShaeer, M Hassen, T Haider, Y Raja’a, Mahfouth Bamashmus. Revenue internationale du Trachome, 2005;193-205.
Anterior Lenticonus, Sensorineural Deafness and Nephritis in Alport’s Syndrome (Case Report). Mutahar Al-Shaer, Mahfouth Bamashmus, Abdulmoghni Al-Barrag. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 2008;22(3):193-196.
Oral versus topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in ocular hypertension after scleral tunnel cataract surgery. Abdulmoghni Al-Barrag, Motaher Al-Shaer, Nabil Al-Matary, Mahfoud Bamashmous. Clinical Ophthalmology 2009;3:357-362.
Point prevalence of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in patients scheduled for cataract surgery in Eye camps in Yemen. Mutahar Al-Shaer, Mahfouth Bamashmus, Abdulmoghni Al-Barrag. Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 2010; 17(1):74-77.
Trends in refractive surgery in Yemen: Consecutive Review of 1933 Cases from a Single Centre. Mahfouth Bamashmus, Saleh Al-Akily, Mutahar Al-Shaer, Hisham Al-Akhlee. Ophthalmology Research 2016;6(3):1-7.
Cataract Surgical Rate in Yemen: 2012 Saleh Al-Akily, Mutahar Al-Shaer, Mahfouth Bamashmus, Abdulmoghni AlBarrag, Tawfik Alkhatib, Hisham Al-Akhlee. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 2017;31:25-29.
Analysis of Eye Care Services in Yemen. Saleh Al-Akily, Mutahar Al-Shaer, Mahfouth Bamashmus, Abdulmoghni Al-Barrag, Tawfik Alkhatib, Hisham Al-Akhlee. Ophthalmology Research 2017;7(1):1-7.
Why is Cataract Surgery Cancelled in Eye Camps? A Prospective Evaluation. Mutahar Al-Shaer, Saleh Al-Akily, Mahfouth Bamashmus, Hisham Al-Akhlee, Nabil Ziad. Sudanese J Ophthalmol 2017;9(2):62-6.
Factors that Enforced Patients to Attend a Free Cataract Surgery Eye Camp in Yemen. Mutahar Al-Shaer, Saleh Al-Akily, Mahfouth Bamashmus, Khaled Al-Shajara, Hisham Al-Akhlee. EC Ophthalmology 2018;9(2):35-41.