
Dean's message

Faculty of Mass Communication

Praise be to Allah, and peace be upon Prophet Mohammed,Greetings,

 The importance of media for people and nations all over the world has held a special position today, as media has become the lifeline of the world, especially after its growing importance and impact on society. It is also important to shed light on the significant role that the audio-visual and print media play in shaping public awareness and directing thoughts toward the complex issues of society. 

 Hence, a specialized faculty for media has been established with a view to teaching students various media arts and providing the Yemeni society and media institutions with well-qualified journalists, broadcasters, and public relations specialists who are trained in mass communication media and techniques. Accordingly, in the academic year 1996/1997, three departments were established in the Faculty, namely (Journalism & Publishing, Radio & Television, and Public Relations & Advertising). Moreover, a Quality Assurance Unit has been established, which intends mainly to develop an academic and administrative system that ensures the achievement of academic and administrative quality for all University units and their academic and administrative activities.          

 The Faculty of Mass Communication has endeavored to attract specialists and experts in the academic and professional fields who are able to prepare well-qualified graduates from its various departments. The Faculty has also developed its curricula and updated its academic programs through several stages, the most important of which was the development of academic programs in the three departments in the academic year 2019/2020 under the supervision and special attention of the University Rector, Prof. Al-Qassem Mohammed Abass. As a result, the Faculty of Mass Communication ranked first among the other faculties of the university in the specification of academic programs and study courses.

 The Faculty has also made many achievements, including, but not limited to, the following:

1.     Developing the BA Degree programs and curricula specifications in the three departments (Broadcasting & Television, Public Relations & Advertising, and Journalism & Electronic Publishing)

2.     Opening Master’s Degree programs in (Broadcasting & Television, Public Relations & Advertising, and Journalism & Electronic Publishing).

3.     Opening PhD Degree programs in the three departments (Broadcasting & Television, Public Relations & Advertising, and Journalism & Electronic Publishing)

.4.     Specification of the Master’s Degree programs in the three departments of the Faculty.

5.     Launching Sana’a University Radio from the Faculty of Mass Communication.

Finally, the Faculty is working hard to update the equipment and tools needed for operating media laboratories, including a television studio, a radio broadcasting studio, a multimedia unit, and a marketing unit.  These equipment and tools will be used for training and qualifying the Faculty students professionally, as well as conducting professional and qualifying courses for students from outside the Faculty.

Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication

 Dr. Omar Ahmed Daaer

Dean of the Faculty of Mass Communication

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