
Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Electronic Publishing

Journalism and Electronic Publishing Program, Faculty of Mass Communication, Sana’a University

Aspiring to be a pioneer in teaching journalism and electronic publishing, both locally and regionally.


Striving to qualify and prepare distinguished journalists who are professionally and ethically competent, in accordance with academic quality standards, and capable of competing both locally and regionally.


Aspiring to be a pioneer in teaching journalism and electronic publishing, both locally and regionally.

Aims of the Department of Journalism and Electronic Publishing:

  • 1.      Equipping students with knowledge of modern journalistic concepts and theories that keep pace with scientific and technological advancements in the field of journalism, media, and communication.
    2.      Producing highly professional journalists comparable to those of local and regional journalism programs.
    3.      Equipping students with media critique skills, enabling them to analyze the problems they face and devise innovative solutions.
    4.      Empowering students to conduct journalistic and media research.
    5.      Establishing partnerships with various media institutions in society, allowing students to apply and practice journalism.
    6.      Contributing to the comprehensive development by providing local and regional communities with competent journalists.

The Journalism and Electronic Publishing Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) A. Knowledge and Understanding: