
About Faculty

Faculty of Mass Communication, Sana'a University

Faculty Foundation:
The Department of Mass Communication was first established as part of the Faculty of Arts, Sana’a University, headed by Prof. Raoufa Hassan for one year. After that, Prof. Mohammed Abdul Jabbar Sallam took over the position of the Department head from 1992 until 1996. In the academic year (1996/1997), the Faculty of Mass Communication was established at Sana’a University as a specialized Faculty in media with three departments (Public Relations & Advertising, Broadcasting & Television, and Journalism & Publishing). The Faculty’s capacity is estimated at about 250 seats for the Regular System and approximately 150 seats for the Parallel System. Moreover, the Faculty has also graduated twenty-four batches until 2018.

Faculty Majors:

  • Department of Broadcasting & Television.
  • Department of Journalism & Electronic Publishing.
  • Department of Public Relations & Advertising.


  • Having a pioneering role in achieving an advanced competitive position compared to other faculties;
  • Excellence in producing quality outcomes;


The Faculty of Mass Communication seeks to provide an educational environment that meets quality standards in preparing media cadres who adhere to professional and ethical standards and meet the needs of the labor market and development requirements.


The Faculty aspires to excel in producing media professionals and researchers as well as to maintain a leading position as one of the most prominent media colleges in the Arab world.
Administrative staff
Academic staff


    1. Providing an educational environment in the field of media and communication in accordance with quality standards and academic accreditation.
    2. Developing high-quality academic programs in the fields of media and mass communication that meet the needs of the labor market.
    3. Improving the Faculty’s human and material resources to achieve the University’s goals.
    4. Promoting scientific research in the fields of media and mass communication.
    5. Strengthening the Faculty’s partnership with the community to meet the development requirements.
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