Scientific seminar was held at the Faculty of Media, Sana’a University to discuss the doctoral thesis of researcher Latifa Al-Faqih on Video Graph Journalism

Scientific seminar was held at the Faculty of Media, Sana’a University to discuss the doctoral thesis of researcher Latifa Al-Faqih on Video Graph Journalism
Today, a scientific seminar was held at the Radio and Television Department, Faculty of Media, Sana’a University, to discuss the plan of the doctoral thesis submitted by researcher Latifa Mohammed Ahmed Al-Faqih, entitled Employing Video Graph Journalism in news satellite channel websites and the attitudes of Yemeni media professionals towards it, a survey study.
The researcher addressed in her doctoral thesis plan the topic of video graph journalism and its employment in television channels, especially recently, as a new and innovative technology in presenting media content, and as a reality imposed by modern technology on media institutions to pay attention to using multimedia in presenting their content, in order to preserve the quality of the media message and the credibility of the medium, in addition to the fact that its survival and continuity depend on adapting to new technologies. Many satellite channels, especially news channels, have resorted to employing this technology in presenting their content to the public, whether in presenting news or various events, especially current ones.
During the discussion session, the researcher and her supervisor, Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Ajl, Associate Professor in the Department of Radio and Television, listened to the comments and instructions of the faculty members of the college on her plan, methodological procedures and theoretical frameworks followed, which contributes to enriching, improving and evaluating the plan to produce it well, and which enriches scientific research as a new scientific knowledge addition to the field of media in Yemen.
The discussion session was attended by department heads and a group of academics and professors of the college, from all three departments, in addition to the researcher’s colleagues in the field of scientific research