D/Sabah Abdo Hadi AL_Khaishani
Curriculum vitae
Name: Sabah Abdo Hadi AL_Khaishani
Date of Birth: 11/12/1974 In Sana’a
Function: Associate Professor, Department of Journalism/ FACULTY of MASS COMMUNICATION /Sana’a University
TEL: 777391880 Whats App: 734040802
Emil: s.alkhaishani@su.edu.ye
Academic qualifications:
PhD in Journalism/Faculty of Mass Communication/Cairo University 2011.
Master of Media/Journalism/Ain Shams University 2005.
Bachelor of Journalism / Faculty of Mass of Communication / Sana’a University 1998.
- Frames of news processing for the spread of the Corona virus in the Arab websites of international news agencies : a case study of French AFP and Chinese Xinhua. March 2023
- joint research: Daily newspapers in the Arab world. 2023 http://www.arabaacs.com/uploads/2/8/4/0/28402165/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%82%D9%8A%D8%A9_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9_%D9%81%D9%8A_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%84_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9__13_.pdf
- Attitudes of Yemeni journalists toward depending on citizen journalism as a source of information. 2022 https://www.misuratau.edu.ly/journal/media/upload/file/R-1963-.pdf
- The Use of Social Media in the 2011 Youth Revolution A Study of the Communication Scene. 2021 https://ojs.al-adab-journal.com/index.php/al-adab-journal/article/view/111
- Use of Social Media in Activating Student Participation at the Faculty of Mass Communication – Sana’a University: A Field Study. 2018 https://search.mandumah.com/Record/910489
- The role of social networking sites in promoting communication democracy in Yemen. 2014 https://www.areacore.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Tunis_2014_Arabic.pdf
- Working paper entitled: “Obstacles to the participation of women and youth in decision-making and political participation”. 2014, Workshop for Ministry of Civil Services
- Working paper entitled: Determinants of drawing up policies and future plans for women and youth to ensure the implementation of the outcomes of the national dialogue. 2014, Workshop for Ministry of Civil Services.
- Working paper entitled: Challenges facing working women in Yemen, in a workshop for the Ministry of Civil Service, 2013.
- 2004, A field study on readers’ interests in the Yemeni press.
Scientific Participations and Training
- Virtual participation in the first scientific conference of the Faculty of Media and Arts at Misurata University in Libya entitled (Digital Media: Requirements and Prospects for Change) October 2022.
- • Attending the activities of the Arab Forum for Social Responsibility Trainers virtually, implemented by the Regional Network for Social Responsibility in June 2022.
- Participation in a training course on teaching strategy, evaluation and test construction for academic programs at Sana’a University, August 2021.
- Participation in a workshop on curriculum description and quality assurance at the University of Science and Technology, April 2021.
- Attending a Zoom workshop on (Information Security and Digital Media) with the Authenticity and Innovation Forum in Media Research, Digital Media Division, May 2021.
- Virtual attendance of the “Basics of Digital Marketing” course, February 2021.
- • Attending a virtual workshop on “Data Journalism: From the Authority of Text to the Authority of Statistics and Infographics” with the Authenticity and Innovation Forum in Media Research, Digital Media Division, October 2020.
- • Attending a virtual workshop on: “Positive Thinking: Towards a Conceptual Model and Its Organizational Applications.. The Media Institution as a Model” for the Authenticity and Renewal Forum in Media Research, Media Psychology Division, September 2020.
- Virtual attendance of a lecture entitled: Semiotic Foundations in the Subject of Media and Communication “Instrumental Construction as a Model” for the Forum for Authenticity and Renewal in Media Research, Department of Semiological and Interpretive Studies, August 2020.
- Virtual attendance at the symposium: Rumors and Fake News.. Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Public Opinion Research Center and Communication Technology – South Valley University, October 2020.
- Participation in the University of Manouba conference in Tunisia on social networking sites with a research paper on: “The role of social networking sites in promoting communication democracy in Yemen” September 2014.
- Participation in an academic training program in preparing the media education curriculum at the American University of Beirut for two weeks, August 2014.
- Presenting a program on journalistic investigations and how to implement them within the Diploma in Journalism Skills for Media Professionals at the New Media Center, Sana’a, March 2014.
- Organizing and participating in the “Photojournalism” course in the Journalism Department, Faculty of Media, April 2014.
- Participation in the Academic Development and Quality Assurance Program at Sana’a University, February 2014.
- Training in the timetable of the workshop on the role of national legislation in caring for and developing working women, held in Sana’a on September 23-24, 2013.
- Training in the “Final Reports on the Outcomes of the National Dialogue Regarding Enhancing the Political Participation of Women and Youth” program held in Sana’a in April 2014.
- Participation with a working paper on “The Role of Social and Unofficial Communication on the Internet” in the symposium held by the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate on the Future of Media in Yemen, in cooperation with Radio Netherlands Worldwide and the official Al-Thawra newspaper, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, May 2014.
- Participation in a workshop on preparing an investigative reporting curriculum for university professors within the ARIJ network program, Amman/Jordan, May 2013.
- Participation in a training workshop on “Political Empowerment of Women” June 2012 / Nodes Organization / Sana’a.
- Participation in a training workshop on “Freedom of Expression and the Right to Access Information” May 2009 / Hood Organization / Sana’a.
- Participation in a training workshop on “Legal Protection for Media Professionals” October 2008, Investment in the Future Organization/Sana’a.
Supervision of scientific theses:
- Main supervisor of a master’s thesis entitled: The Role of the Virtual Public Sphere in Shaping Political Awareness Among Yemeni Youth (A Survey study) . For the researcher: Amjed Ahmed Ali Khoshafa. 2023
- Co-supervisor of a master’s thesis entitled: Factors Influencing The News Production on Yemeni News Websites (A Study on Content and Communicator). For the researcher: Mohammed Nasser Ahmed AL_Tawail. 2019
- Journalistic investigations and addressing community issues. 2010, University Publishing House, Sana’a
- Gender from freedom and equality to homosexuality and perversion. 2000, Sana’a.
- Member of the Faculty Members Syndicate at Sana’a University 1999-present.
- Member of the International Federation of Arab Academics since 2017.
– Member of The Arab-European Association for Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE) since 2014.
- Member of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate 1999-present.
- Member of the Arab Journalists Union 1999-present.
- Member of the International Federation of Journalists 1999-present.
- Member of the Yemeni Students Association in Cairo 2004.
- Supervisor of the Human Development Forum at Ibn Al-Yaman website/Cairo previously http://ebnalyaman.com 2008-2009.
Experience and activity:
- Head of the Control and Grading Department, Faculty of Media, Sana’a University.
- (Teaching assistant, then teacher, then assistant professor) in the Department of Journalism/College of Media/Sana’a University from 1999 until now.
- Trainer and lecturer in human development, media and political communication.
- Designing research and training courses, and providing media consultations.
Courses I have taught:
- Advanced Journalism Editing (MA) Sana’a University.
- Multimedia Journalism (MA) Sana’a University.
- Digital Journalism (Diploma) Sana’a University.
- Electronic Journalism (Diploma) Sana’a University.
Journalism Directing (Journalism Diploma) Sana’a University
Introduction to Journalism (Diploma) Sana’a University
- Journalistic investigations (specialized diploma in media) New Media Center.
- Television Investigations (Bachelor) University of Science and Technology
- Media Psychology (Bachelor’s) Sana’a University
- Introduction to Journalism (Bachelor’s) Sana’a University
- Digital Photojournalism (Bachelor)
- Journalism Directing (Bachelor)
Press Advertising (Bachelor)
- Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising (Bachelor)
Journalistic story (Feature news) Bachelor