Mohammed Mohammed Al-Aqeeli
Personal Information:
Mohammed Mohammed Al-Aqeeli: General Director of the Computer Centre and the Assistant Professor of Machine translation and the Head of the Translation Department – Faculty of Languages Sana’a University. The former Head of the Translation Unit and the controller of the Languages Teaching Unit in the Community center for Translation and Teaching Languages CTLT.
- Bachelor &Master in English
- Master (MBA) Business Administration, HR
- PhD in Machine Translation
Experience In the Field of Training, Translation&Teaching
International Symposiums and Participations:
- Re- Approaching Reality – The Perception of the Other in the Relations between Western and Islamic World” organized by Germany Embassy Sana’a, the Free University Berlin, Sana’a University and Friedrich January 2009 Sana’a.
- National Seminar on translation and culture studies, 13-15 June 2013 Pune, India.
- Summer school2010 in Berlin Germany, organized by Germany Embassy Sana’a, the Free University Berlin, Sana’a University and (DAAD) in July 2010.
International Seminars and conferences:
- A Presenter participant in the National Conference on Research Methodology in Language and Literature 18-19 January 2013, Udgir- 413517 Dist. India. UGC & SRTM University Nanded Sponsored.
- A participant in the National seminar of Globalization and Language Planning in India: Perspectives and Challenges 4-5 March 2013.
- A participant in The 3rd International Conference on English Language Teacher Education in a Diverse Environment. Hyderabad, India 16-17-18 march 2013.
- National Seminar on Research for Development, Maharashtra, India 30th March 2013.
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