
Scientific research

Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources at Sana'a University

م اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة العلمية/ الدورية المجلد العدد عام النشر البلد مواقع النشر المعتمدة / أخرى اذكرها هنا
1 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly Influence of Corrective and Additive Raw Materials on Clinker Composition and Cement Properties: A Case Study from Yemen Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering 47 1 2023 ايران
2 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly Geological Complications and Environmental Hazards of the Cement Raw Materials Quarry Sites in Yemen “Sultan Qaboos University
Journal for Science ” 28 1 2023 عمان
3 Khaled Khanbari, Adnan Barahim, Ziad Almadhaji, Sami Moheb Al-Deen Landslide Susceptibility Map Production of Aden Peninsula – South West of Yemen Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022, Applications of Remote Sensing on the Natural Hazards in the MENA Region Special issue 2022 بريطانيا
4 Maram Sadeq Al-Nabhani , Khaled Mohammed Khanbari, Mohammed Ibrahim El-Anbaawy, Said Mohammed Said AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO EVALUATE GEOHAZARD POTENTIALITY IN THE DAMT HOT SPRINGS AREA, WESTERN VOLCANIC PLATEAU, YEMEN Annals Geol. Surv., Egypt 202 2022 مصر
5 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Orthopyroxene-magnetite symplectites in gabbro of Gabal Taftafan, western Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia” Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 6 2022 السعودية
6 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Engineering Properties of Umm er Radhuma Limestone, Southeast Ataq, Yemen″ “Sultan Qaboos University
Journal for Science” 27 1 2022 عمان
7 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Characterization and quality evaluation of cement raw materials and their possible substitutes in Yemen″ Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 14 2022 السعودية
8 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Implications of mantle xenoliths in the Pliocene-Quaternary basalts from the Shawran Crater, Bir Ali area, Yemen″ Electronic Journal of University of Aden for Basic and Applied Sciences 3 3 2022 اليمن
9 عدنان عبد العزيز محمد بارحيم Chapter 21 Landslide Susceptibility Map Production of Aden Peninsula – South West of Yemen Applications of­ Space Techniques on ­the ­Natural Hazards in the ­MENA Region. Springer Chapter 21 2022 المملكة العربية السعودية ISBN 978-3-030-88873-2 ISBN 978-3-030-88874-9 (eBook)
10 Ahmed Saif Al-Mikhlafi, Mohammed Abdullah Al-Wosabi, Ahmed Ali Alaydrus Lithology Characteristics and Diagenesis of Late Pleistocene-Holocene Coastal Terraces of the Yemeni Red Sea: Implication for Paleoclimatic Records “SQU Journal For Science,
© 2006 Sultan Qaboos University” 26 2 2021 Oman Researchgate
11 Khirbash1, Salah, Heikal, M.Th.S., Whitehouse, J.M., Windley, B.F., Al Selwi, Kh. AlEvolution and Mineralization of the Precambrian Basement of Yemen. The Geology of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (Springer) Chapter 24 Special issue Special issue 2021 Switzerland “
Scholar. Google .Com
12 Ibrahim Al-Samawi, Abdullah Noman, Khaled Khanbari, Hadi Quriaa, Nabil Al-Areeq, and Musaed Aklan The Impacts of Land-Use Change on the Runoff Characteristics Using HEC-HMS Model: A Case Study in Wadi Al-Mulaikhy Sub-Watershed in Sana’a Basin, Yemen Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, A. Al-Maktoumi et al. (eds.), Water Resources in Arid Lands: Management and Sustainability, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Special issue 2021 بريطانيا
13 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “The International Geomagnetic Reference Field in Yemen at the Beginning of 2020 and The Secular Variations during the Period from 1900 to 2020″ Sebha University Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences 20 1 2021 ليبيا
14 Ahmed -Aydrus and Others Distribution of polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Surface Sediments from Red Sea Coast of Yemen Journal of Immunology Research and Report Vol.1 2021
15 Ahmed -Aydrus and Others Lithology characteristics and diagenesis of late Pleistocene-Holocene coastal terraces of the Yemeni Red Sea SQUJ Journal for science 26 Vol.2 2021 Sultanate of Oman
16 “Bassim Shaif Al Khirbash
and others” Management of populated Islands of Yemen Case study of Kamaran Islands Tehama Journal 13(1) 42370 2021 Yemen “
– Researchgate

17 Ahmed Saif Al-Mikhlafi and Others. Holocene relative sea-level changes and coastal evolution along the coastlines of Kamaran and As-Salif Peninsula, Yemen, southern Red Sea. Quaternary Science Review 252 106719 2021 Elsevier Publishing Company
18 Ahmed Saif Al-Mikhlafi and Others Lithology characteristics and diagenesis of late Pleistocene-Holocene coastal terraces of the Yemeni Red Sea: implication for paleoclimatic records. SQU Journal for Science, 26 (2), 32-51 26 (2) -2 2021 Sultanate of Oman DOI:10.53539/squjs.vol26iss2pp32-51
19 Nagi, H. M.; Al Khirbash, B. S.; Taher, M. A. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. Management of Populated Islands of Yemen (Case Study of Kamaran Island) Tehama Journal 13(1) 2021 42370
20 Nagi, H. M. Delineating and Calculating the Length of Yemen’s Mainland Shoreline Journal of Alternative Fuels and Energy 5(1) 2021 45170 نافذة Google-
21 Munef Mohammed and.Dietmar Keyser Freshwater Ostracoda from the wetland mid-Holocene sediments, Dhamar highlands, Yemen. in: Jawad Laith (Ed.), The Arabian Seas: Biodiversity, Environmental Challenges and Conservation Measures 1st ed. 2020 Edition. (Book) The Arabian Seas: Biodiversity, Environmental Challenges and Conservation Measures 1st ed. 2020 Edition. (Book) 2021 New Zealand Springer – – Research Gate – Orcid – Semanticscholar
22 Dietmar Keyser and Munef Mohammed Taxonomy of Recent shallow marine Ostracods from Al- Hudeida City-Yemen. Marine Micropaleontology 164 2021 Netherlands Elsevier – – Research Gate – Orcid – Sciencedirect – –
23 ناجي، هشام محمد كتاب أساسيات علم البيئة. الخليج العربي للطباعة والنشر؛ صنعاء 2020
24 Abdelfattah A. Zalat1 & Mohammed A. AL-Wosabi2 & Mostafa M. El-Sheekh3 & Abdel Kareem A. Al-Subbary2 “New Record of Charophytes (Characeae, Charophyta) from Socotra
Island, Indian Ocean, Yemen” “Springer Nature Switzerland, Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences″ 2020 International Researchgate
25 Khaled Khanbari, Sylvie Leroy, Ahmad Adris, Sami Moheb-Al-Deen and Waheed Al-Sarari Study of Fractures Network in the Basement of Socotra Island—Yemen by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, Space Fostering African Societies, Southern Space Studies Special issue 2020 بريطانيا
26 Khaled Khanbari Seismotectonic Provinces of Yemen, Journal of Science and Space Technologies, CRTEAN 6 2020 تونس
27 “Abdelfatta A. Zalat1, Mohammed A. AL-Wosabi Mostafa M. El-Sheekh &
Abdul Kareem A. Al-Subbary; ” New Record of Charophytes (Characeae, Charophyta) from Socotra Island, Indian Ocean, Yemen Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences Vol. 36, 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland
28 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Geochemical Assessment of Middle Eocene Limestone Deposits in Wadi Tanhalin, Eastern Yemen, for Industrial Uses” International Journal of Environmental Sciences 1 1 2020 الهند LinkedIn.
29 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Distribution of Nutrient Salts and Chlorophyll-a in Surface Water along the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea Coast, Yemen″ “Sultan Qaboos University
Journal for Science” 25 1 2020 عمان Academia.
30 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Application of Vertical Electrical Sounding for Study the Proposed dam site at Wadi Ma’doo, Shabwah Governorate, Yemen″ . Earth and Environmental Science Research and Reviews 3 2 2020 امريكا
31 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Study on Hydrographical Properties in the Surface Coastal Waters along the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea, Yemen″ Advances in Oceanography and Marine Biology 2 2 2020 امريكا
32 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Petrography and Geochemistry of the Intraplate Kaab Al Aswed Volcano, East Ataq, Southeast Yemen″ Journal of Earth Science and Climatic Change 2020 امريكا
33 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Assessment of Engineering Properties of Al-Haweri Scoria, NW Sana’a, Yemen″ . Journal of Geological Engineering 44 1 2020 تركيا
34 Ah Ahmed -Aydrus and Others Estimation of Curie point depth in southwestern Yemen from spectral analysis of aeromagnetic data Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2020
35 MH Hakimi, AM Al-Matary, O El-Mahdy, BA Hatem, AY Kahal, A Lashin Organic geochemistry characterization of Late Jurassic bituminous shales and their organofacies and oil generation potential in the Shabwah depression, southeast Sabatayn, Yemen Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 188, 106951 188 188 2020 Elseiver, “
Google Scholar”
36 MH Hakimi, AM Al-Matary, WH Abdullah, A Ahmed, AA Lashin, SBA Shah, Oil source rock characteristics of the pelagic carbonates in the Shabwah depression, southeastern Sabatayn Basin, Yemen Carbonates and Evaporites 35 (2), 1-17 35 2 2020 Elseiver “
Google Scholar”
37 Ibrahim A.Al-Akhaly; Nabil A.Al-Shwafi and Shehab A.Al-Kabsh Distribution of Nutrient Salts and Chlorophyll-a in Surface water along the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea Coast SQU Journal for Science 25 (1) 17-24 2020
38 Abrahim A.Al-Alkaly; Nbil A. Al-Shwafi and Mohummed A. Al-Safany ” Study on Hydrographical Properties in the Surface Coastal Waters along the Gulf
of Aden and Arabian Sea – Yemen)” “Journal of Advances in Oceanography and
Marine Biology” 2- No. (2) 45139 2020
39 Maryem A.Taher ; Nabil, A.Sl-Shwafi ; Hisham M.Nagi ; Bassim S. Al-Khirbash and Rashad Al- Jabri Role of education of Environment Protection Kamaran Island, Yemen) Journal of high Education – Sana’a University 2020
40 AL-AKAD Sultan1, AKENSOUS Youness , HAKDAOUI Mustapha, AL-NAHMI Fuad, MAHYOUB Sulaiman, KHANBARI Khaled, SWADI Hassan MAPPING OF LAND-COVER CHANGE ANALYSIS IN MA’RIB AT YEMEN USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS TECHNIQUES The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 42 2019 المغرب
41 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Petroleum Hydrocarbons Residual in Surficial Sediment Samples from Aden City Coasts, Yemen” “Sultan Qaboos University
Journal for Science” 24 1 2019 عمان Google Scholar –
42 Bassim Shaif Al Khirbash and others Using Remote Sensing To Study the Land Use / Land Cover of Kamaran Island, Yemen The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) 8 12 2019 India “
– Researchgate”
43 Al Khirbash, B. S.; Taher, M. A.; Nagi, H. M.; Al Shwafi, N. A. and Al Sameh, A. Using Remote Sensing to Study the Land Use / Land Cover of Kamaran Island, Yemen. The International Journal of Engineering and Science 8(1) 2019 21-27
44 Arafat Thabit Amer,Abdulhakim Mohsen Al-Aloy ; Fatma Shdeewah; Abdul-Rahman Bin Yahya and Nabil Al-Shwafi An Assessment Heavy Metals Pollution in Tissues of Some bivalves in Aden Coast- Yemen University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Science 23, Issue 1 2019
45 Mustafa, M.A. Jibreel and Nabil, A.A. Al-Shwafi (KAP) Survey on the usage of Plastic bags, their disposal and impacts on the environment: A case study in the Capital , Sana’a, Yemen International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 10, Issue 4 291- 309 2019
46 Bassim, S. Alkhirbash; Maryam, A. Taher; Hisham; M. Nagi; Nabil; A. Alshwafi and Ameen Al Sameh (Using Remote Sensing Sensing to study the land use \ land cover of Kamaran Island, Yemen) The International Journal of Engineering and Science 8, Issue 12 21-27 2019
47 Nada Mol Aldwila1, Mohammed Al Wosabi, Hisham Nagi and Nabil Al Shwafi Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Sediments of Hadhramout Coast, Yemen Medwin Publisher, Advances in Clinical Toxicology 3 1 2018 International
48 عدنان عبدالعزيز بارحيم , خالد احمد السباعي و عبدالكريم سيف البريهي الوصف الجيولوجي الهندسي للصخور المنكشفة في وادي دوعن , محافظة حضرموت , الجمهورية اليمنية . مجلة جامعة عدن في للعلوم الطبيعية والتطبيقية 22 1 2018 عدن-اليمن
49 Al-Selwi, Kh. M. and Al-Hawbani, A. M. Petrography and Geochemistry of Scoria in Al Haikl Cone ”Thamar-Rada’ Volcanic Field”, Yemen. Scientific and Engineering Research (JSAER) 5 12 2018 India “Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2018, 5(12):9-20”
50 Al-Hawbani, A. M.; Al-Badani, M.A.; Qaid, A. M.; Al-Selwi, Kh. M. and Alnuaimi, M. The Characteristics and Possibility of using Al-Lisi (Yemen) Pumice Rocks as Abrasives and Polishing Material in Dental Laboratories Instead of Imported Pumice Geo-informatics and Geological Science (SSRG-IJGGS) 5 1 2018 India
51 Al-Hagibi, H. A.; Al-Selwi, Kh. M.; Nagi, H. M. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. Study of Heavy Metals contamination in Mangrove Sediments of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen from Al-Salif to Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR) 2 1 2018 U.S.A “”
52 Al-Hagibi H. A.; Nagi, H. M.; Al-Selwi, Kh. M. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Mangroves Leaves of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR) 2 1 2018 U.S.A “”
53 Alkhateeb Yahya AL-KEBSI Study of water issues in Taiz city and it’s the best solutions- Yemen journal of Scientific and engineering research 5 12 2018
54 Adnan A. Barahim, Khaled M. Khanbari, Amal F. Algodami, Ziad A. Almadhaji and Ahmed M. Adris Slope Stability Assessment and Landslide Susceptibility Map Production of Wadi Dhahr Area, Northwest of Sana’a, Yemen Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science 23 2018 سلطنة عمان
55 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Concentrations of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Residual in Seawater of Aden Coasts, Yemen ” Journal of Marine Science: Research and development 8 5 2018 امريكا “”
56 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Preliminary Assessment of Utilization of Al-Jaif Scoria (NW Sana’a, Yemen) for Cement Production” “Sultan Qaboos University
Journal for Science ” 23 2 2018 عمان
57 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Engineering Properties of Basalt Coarse Aggregates in Hamdan Area, NW Sana’a, Yemen” . Journal of Geological Engineering 42 2 2018 تركيا
58 MH Hakimi, AM Al-Matary, OS Hersi Burial and thermal history reconstruction of the Mukalla-Sayhut Basin in the Gulf of Aden, Yemen: Implications for hydrocarbon generation from Paleocene potential source rock Journal of African Earth Sciences 144, 59-75 144 144 2018 Elseiver “
Google Scholar”
59 MH Hakimi, AM Al-Matary, OS Hersi Late Jurassic bituminous shales from Marib oilfields in the Sabatayn Basin (NW Yemen): Geochemical and petrological analyses reveal oil-shale resource Fuel 232, 530-542 232 232 2018 Elseiver “
Google Scholar”
60 MH Hakimi, AM Al-Matary, AF Ahmed Bulk geochemical characteristics and carbon isotope composition of oils from the Sayhut sub-basin in the Gulf of Aden with emphasis on organic matter input, age and maturity Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 27 (3), 361-370 27 3 2018 Elseiver “
Google Scholar”
61 AM Al-Matary, MH Hakimi, S Al Sofi, YA Al-Nehmi, MA Al-Haj, Preliminary source rock evaluation and hydrocarbon generation potential of the early Cretaceous subsurface shales from Shabwah sub-basin in the Sabatayn Basin, Western Yemen Journal of African Earth Sciences 142, 12-21 142 142 2018 Elseiver “
Google Scholar i”
62 Ahmed Saif Al-Mikhlafi and Others Sea-level history and tectonic uplift during the last-interglacial period (LIG) inferred from the Bab al-Mandab coral reef terraces, Yemen. Journal of African Earth Science, 133-148. 138 2018 Elsevier Publishing Company
63 Mol-Aldwila, N.; Al-Wosabi, M. A.; Nagi, H. M. and Al Shwafi, N. A. Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Sediments of Hadhramout Coast, Yemen. Advances in Clinical Toxicology 3(1) 2018
64 Al Hagibi, H. A.; Al-Selwi, K. M.; Nagi, H. M. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. Study of Heavy Metals Concentration in Mangrove Sediments of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen from Al-Salif to Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources 2(1) 2018 121
65 Al Hagibi, H. A.; Nagi, H. M.; Al-Selwi, K. M. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. Study of Heavy Metals Concentration in Mangroves Leaves of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen; Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources 2(1) 2018 120
66 Munef Mohammed, Peter Frenzel, Dietmar Keyser, Fadhl Hussain, Abood, Abdulkareem, Abdulmajid Sha’af, Sadham Alzara’e, and Alammari, Sakher. A humid early Holocene in Yemen interpreted from palaeoecology and taxonomy of ostracods Journal of Micropalaeontology 37 2018 England Copernicus Publications on behalf of The Micropalaeontological Society – – – – – Research Gate – Orcid – – (NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
67 Nada Mol Aldwila, Mohammed Alwosabi, Hisham Nagi and Nabil Al-Shwafi Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution in the Surface Sediments of Hadhramout Coast, Yemen Journal of Advance clinical Toxicology 3 Issue 1:000123 2018
68 Al-Hagib.H.A. ; Al-Selwi, K.M.;Nagi,H.M and Al-Shwafi, N.A. Study of Heavy metals Concentration in Mangrove Sediments of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen From Al-salif to Bab-el-Mandab 2 Issue 1: 121 2018 U.S.A.
69 Al-Hagib, H.A.; Nagi,H.M.; Al-Selwi and Al-Shwafi, N.A. Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Mangroves Leaves of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen. 2 Issue 1: 120 2018 U.S.A.
70 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly, Basem Al-Matari, Nabil Al-Shwafi and Eman Siam Concentrations of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Residual in Seawater of Aden Coast- Yemen Journal marine Science : research & Development 8, Issue 4 , 1000259 2018
71 Shaif M.K.Saleh , Arafat thabit Amer,Fatma Shdeewah , Abdul-Rahman bin Yahya, Nabil Al-Shwafi Spatial Distribution Seasonal ( Summer and Winter Seasons), and Pollution Assessment of Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments from Aden Coast, Gulf of Aden, Yemen Journal of Science and Engraining Research 5, Issue 11 pp. 314 -332 2018
72 Ibrahin A. Al-Akhaly, Nabil, A.Al-Shwafi, Basem Y. Al-Matri and Eman I.Siam Petroleum Hydrocarbons Residual in Surficial Sediment Samples from Aden City Coasts, Yemen SQU Journal for Science 24, Issue1 pp. 34 -43 2018
73 Abdul-hakim, M.A.AL-Alawi; Arafat Thabit Ameri; Fatma, M.Shediwah and Nabil,A.Al-Shwafi,Volmes Marine Molluscs of Bioindicator for Heavy Metals in the Coast of Aden – Yemen IJRAR – International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 5, Issue 4, 537-544 2018
74 عدنان عبد العزيز محمد بارحيم Slope Stability Assessment and Landslide Susceptibility Map Production of Wadi Dhahr Area, Northwest of Sana’a, Yemen SQU Journal for Science, 23(2), 120-136 2018 سلطنة عمان DOI :
75 Nada Mol-Aldwila, Hisham Nagi, Mohammed Al-Wosabi and Nabil Al Shwafi Assessment of Some Heavy Metals Pollution in Mollusca from Hadramout Coast, Yemen International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research 5 3 2017 International Researchgate
76 Mohammed Al-Wosabi1, Mohammed El-Anbaawy & Khalid Al-Thour Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous foraminiferal biozonation of the Amran Group, eastern Sana’a Basin, Yemen “Geologos
doi: 10.1515/logos-2017-0010″ 23 2 2017 Poland Researchgate
77 Al-Shwafi, N., Al-Wosabi M. A., Nagi, H. and Mol Al-Dwila, N. Study on hydrographic properties in the coastal waters along Hadhramout coast of Yemen Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Aden Journal 21 1 2017 Yemen
78 Mohammed Al-Wosabi1, Munef Mohammed, Fahad Basardah “Taxonomy and Distribution of Recent Benthic Foraminifera from Bir Ali Beach, Shabwah
Governorate, Arabian Sea, Yemen” “Geological Bulletin of Turkey.
doi:10.25288/tjb.327047″ 60 2017 Turkey ORCID Researchgate
79 Nada Mol Aldwila, Nabil Al- Shwafi, Mohammed Al- Wosabi & Hisham Nagi Assessment of some heavy metals in water and sediments from the Hadramout coast, Yemen “EWASH & TI Journal,
Environmental and Water Sciences, Public Health & Territorial Intelligence Env.Wat. Sci. pub. H. Ter. Int. J.” 1 3 2017 International
80 Al-Shwafi, N., Al-Wosabi M. A., Nagi, H. and Mol Al-Dwila, N. Assessment of heavy mineral polution in the seawater of Hadhramout coastal area Yemen. Hadhramout University of Natural & Applied Sciences 14 1 2017 Yemen
81 Al-Selwi, Kh. M. Occurrences of Perlite Deposits in Yemen. “Thamar University Journal of
Natural & Applied Sciences
(TUJNAS)” A 7 2017 Yemen
82 Al-Hawbani, A. M.; Al-Selwi, Kh. M.; Qaid, A. M. and Albani, S. S. Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Metallogenesis of the Wadi Qutabah Gabbroic Intrusion and Associated Ni-Cu Deposits, North West Yemen. International Journal of Current Research 9 3 2017 India “Available online at

International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 9, Issue, 03, pp.47654-47665, March, 2017″
83 Al-Nahmi F., Saddiqi O., Hilali A., Rhinane H., Baidder L., El arabi H., Khanbari K Application of Remote Sensing in Geological Mapping case study Al Mahabishah area -Hajjah region, Yemen ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 4 2017 تركيا
84 Chloé Nonn, Sylvie Leroy, Khaled Khanbari and Abdulhakim Ahmed Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden conjugate passive margins: Narrowness and asymmetry in oblique rifting context Tectonophysics 721 2017 هولندا
85 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Spatial distribution of shallow earthquake epicenters in Ibb Governorate, Republic of Yemen” University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 21 1 2017 اليمن
86 Ibrahim Al-Akhaly “Engineering Properties of Volcanic Tuff from the Western Part of Yemen” “Sultan Qaboos University
Journal for Science” 22 2 2017 عمان
87 Ahmed -Aydrus and Others Spatial distribution of shallow earthquake epicenters in Ibb Governorate ,Republic of Yemen University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Vol.21 2017 Yemen
88 Al-Wabr, G.M., Al-Mikhlafi, A.S., Al-Hakimi, S.A., Dughish, M.A., 2017 Risk Assessment of the Current Handling of Medical Waste in Hospitals of Sana’a City, Yemen ·         MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology 3(1):01-09 3 1 2017 India DOI:10.20319/Mijst.2017.31.0109
89 Mol-Aldwila, N.; Nagi, H. M.; Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Al Shwafi, N. A. Assessment of some Heavy Metal Pollution in Mollusca from Hadhramout Coast, Yemen. International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research 5(3) 2017 41-52 Google Scholar –
90 Al Shwafi, N. A.; Al-Wosabi, M. A.; Nagi, H. M. and Mol-Aldwila, N. Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Seawater of Hadhramout Coastal Area, Yemen Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences 14(1) 2017 59-69 LinkedIn.
91 Mol-Aldwila, N.; Al Shwafi, N. A.; Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Nagi, H. M. Assessment of some Heavy Metals in Water and Sediments from the Hadramout Coast, Yemen; Environmental and Water Sciences. Public Health & Territorial Intelligence Journal 1(3) 2017 29-43 Academia.
92 Mohammed Al-Wosabi, Munef Mohammed, and Fahd Basardah Taxonomy and Distribution of Recent Benthic Foraminifera from Bir Ali Beach, Shabwah Governorate, Arabian Sea, Yemen Geological Bulletin of Turkey 60 2017 Turkey “Geological Bulletin of Turkey

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93 Saad Al -Sheikhly, Wajih Al-Jumaily, Fouad Al – Ka’abi, Zaid Al-Shehmany, and Munef Owen Late Pleistocene – Holocene Paleoecology of Southern Mesopotamia, Iraq. “Iraqi Journal of Science″ 4A 58 2017 Iraq “University of Baghdad

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– Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals
94 Nabil AL-Shwafi; Mohammed Al-Wasabi; Hisham Nagi; and Nada Mol-Aldwida Study on Hydrographic Properties in the Coastal Waters along Hadramout Coast of Yemen University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Science 21 (1) 2017
95 Nabil AL-Shwafi; Mohammed Al-Wasabi; Hisham Nagi; and Nada Mol- Aldwida Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution in the Sea Water of Hadhramout Coastal Area , Yemen Hadhramout University of Natural and Applied Science 14 (1) pp.59-69 2017
96 Nada Mol Aldwila ,Nabil Al-shwafi ,Mohammed Alwosabi and Hisham Nagi Assessment of some Heavy Metals in Water and Sediments from the Hadramout Coast ,Yemen Environmental and Water Science 1, Issue 3 p. 29-34 2017 Moraco
97 Nada Mol Aldwila , Hisham Nagi, Mohamed Alwosabi and Nabil Al-Shwafi Assessment of some Heavy Metals Pollution in Mollusca Hadramout Coast , Yemen International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research 5 (3) pp. 41-52 2017 England
98 عدنان عبد العزيز محمد بارحيم Engineering Properties of Volcanic Tuff from the Western Part of Yemen SQU Journal for Science, 22(2), 81-88 2017 سلطنة عمان DOI:
99 Alkhateeb Yahya AL-KEBSI Management of water issues in Taiz basin, Yemen Thamar University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 6 2016 اليمن
100 Alkhateeb Yahya AL-KEBSI Role of Local Communities And Decision-Makers In Resolving The Water Issues In Taiz Basin Hadhramout University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 13 2016 اليمن
101 Abdulhakim Ahmed, Cecile Doubre, Sylvie Leroy, Mohammed. Kassim, Derek Keir, A. Abayazid, Julie Perrot, Laurence Audin, Jerome Vergne, Alexandre Nercessian, Eric Jacques, Khaled Khanbari, Jamal Sholan, Frédérique Rolandone, Ismail Al-Ganad Seafloor spreading event in western Gulf of Aden during the November 2010 – March 2011 period captured by regional seismic networks: Evidence for diking events and interactions with a nascent transform zone International Geophysical Journal 205 2016 بريطانيا
102 Al-Nahmi F., Alami O. B., Baidder L., Khanbari K., , Rhinane H., Hilali A. Using Remote Sensing for Lineament Extraction in Al Maghrabah area – Hajjah, Yemen The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 42 2016 تركيا
103 Adel Al-Matary Geohistory and Petroleum Assesment of the Sabatayn Basin, Yemen Amazon 2016 Amazon LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
104 Al-Wabr, G.M., Al-Mikhlafi, A.S., Al-Hakmi, S.A; Dughish, M.A. 2016 Determination of medical waste composition in hospitals of Sana’a city, Yemen Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management 20 2 2016 University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
105 Al-Wabr, G.M., Al-Mikhlafi, A.S., Al-Hakimi, S.A., Dughish, M.A., 2016 Identification of bacteria and fungi in the solid waste generated in hospitals of Sana’a city, Yemen Current Life Sciences 2 2016 Poland DOI:
106 Hassan,A.Nada; Dobian,S.Aziz ,Elham,Al-Shaibani and Al-Shwafi,A.Nabil Effect of Marb Crude Oil, dispersed oil and dispersant (OSD) on filtration rates of the clams (Tivele Ponderosa) European Journal of Biological Research 6 (1) 42-49 2016
107 Eman Ibrahim Siam, Basem Yahya AL-matary and Nabil AL-Shwafi Distribution of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sea-Water from Aden Area along the Gulf of Aden Coast of Yemen ,University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Science 20 (1) pp. 151-158 2016
108 M. Al-Wosabi and A.A. Al-Aydrus “Dinosaur Footprint Sites in Arhab Area:
An Aspiring Geopark in Yemen” “Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-10708-0_12″ 2015 International Researchgate
109 Ezzoura Errami, …., Moammed Al-Wosabi and others (25 others) “Geoheritage and Geoparks in Africa
and the Middle-East: Challenges
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