
Dr. Abdussalam Ibrahim Ali Tayeb

Assist. Prof., Genetics, and Biotechnology,

Department of Agronomy, Fac., Agric., Sana’a Univ.

Date of Birth: 12/11/1963

Familial Situation: Married


  • D. Agric. Science (Genetics), Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ. Cairo Egypt, 2003.

The Ph.D. Thesis objectives were to isolate a chitinase gene from the bacterium Serratia marescens, to construct the isolated gene in a suitable vector to be expressed in transformed maize plants and to insert this gene into the immature embryos and plant recovery via tissue culture.

The final results proved successfully obtaining of transformed maize plants.


  • (DEA). Genetics, Adaptation and Plant breeding RENNES-II Univ. & ENSAR, France, 1996.


  • , Agric. Sci., (Agronomy), Fac. Agric. King Saoud Univ. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1989.



  • Assistant Prof., Genetics, Department of Agronomy, Fac., Agric., Sana’a Univ.
  • Chairman of Tihama Development Authority (TDA), December, 2010 to July, 2019.
  • The National Manager of the “Higher Professional Education” project, a Dutch financed and implemented Project 2007- 2010.
  • Demonstrator at the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy. 1990-1993.
  • Agricultural Engineer in Sana’a, Saada, Hajja Rural and Agricultural Development Authority “SSHARDA”. 1989-1990.


  • Dealing with Rural development during all the professional duties since 1989, as an agricultural engineer at the SSHARDA, and also as TDA chairman.

During the last position, contacted many rural communities along the Tihama plane and planned to develop them through the activities of TDA. Many projects have been planned, developed and implemented with the help of some donor organizations, such as:

  • Providing some rural poor families with “Home gardens” to supply the target families with their needs of vegetables and fruits.
  • Providing some rural families with “Biogas units” to provide them with their need of free and sustainable energy source.

These activities were two separate projects financed by the GIZ, and proved high successful and useful to those families.

  • Carrying out many training workshops to the rural women in the field of “Food conservation and tomato paste preparation & Jam preparation” from fruits such as water melon, papaya and other locally available fruits.
  • Preparation of project Proposals for Tihama Rural and Agricultural Development presented and discussed to be financed through the British Aid and other organizations.




Arabic, French, and English.


Scientific Activities


  • Thesis Supervision:
  • Master Degree thesis entitled: Biotechnological studies on some Yemeni coffee varieties. (Defended, 2007).
  • Master Degree thesis entitled: Morphological and Genetic studies on some Yemeni Castor Oil plant genotypes.



  • Scientific participation and studies:
    • Evaluation of Genetically Modified plants Risks, a work sheet Submitted to the Biosafety Program, Environment Protection Authority, Ministry of Water and Environment, December, 2004.


  • Genetic Modification, Its Scope and Horizon, a work sheet Submitted to the Biosafety Program, Environment Protection Authority, Ministry of Water and Environment, 27th February, 2005.


  • Genetic Modification and GM foods, a work sheet Submitted to the consultant meeting about identification of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the parliament competent committees about the GM Biosafety Program, Environment Protection Authority, Ministry of Water and Environment, 21th April, 2005.


  • Participated in the National Work Shop on the requirements for the execution of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Sana’a, 13th September, 2006.


  • Genetically Modified foods, Scope and Horizon, a work sheet Submitted to the National Health Laboratory. Sana’a, Novomber, 2006.


  • Biotechnology and Plant breeding, a work sheet Submitted to the Agricultural Research and Extension Authority staff training program. Dhamar, December, 2006.



  • Publications:
  1. Hassanien, S.H., M.S. Abdel-Hady, F.M. El-Domyati and I. Tayeb. (2000). Wheat pedicle as an alternative source for plant regeneration. Arab J. Biotechn. vol. 3, No.(2): 209-216.


  1. A paper entitled “Evaluation of Genetically Modified Plants Risks”. Submitted to the Biosafety Program, Environmental Protection Authority, Ministry of Water & Environment. Sana’a, 13 December, 2004.


  1. Hassanien S.H., A. Bahieldin, F.M. El-Domyati, and I. Tayeb. Molecular studies on maize resistance to the corn borer Sesamia cretica Led. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol., (Submitted).


  1. AlKadi H.; Noman M.; Nouman A.; Tayeb A. I.; AlSolwi A.; Zawia N. and AlHakami A. (2007). Randamization Bioequivalence Study of Oral Single Dose Amoxicillin Trihydrate Capsule Formulations (Shamoxil® and Amoxil®) in Healthy Volunteers. Yemeni J. Pharm. Biol. Sci. Vol. 1 No. (1): 1-13.


  1. عبدالله ناشر، عبدالسلام الطيب، عبدالله محمد غالب. (2007) تأثير مواعيد الزراعة لمحصول القطن على الكثافة العددية للذبابة البيضاء Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Aleurodidae: Homoptera) وجاسد القطن Jacobiasca lybica (Berg.) (Cicadellidae: Homoptera) في سهل تهامة. مجلة علوم الحياة اليمنية 3 : 93-104.

  1. حسين القاضي، ماجد نعمان، عبدالقوي نعمان، عبدالسلام الطيب، عبدالله فيد السوالي، ناصر زوايا وعبدالمنعم الحكمي. (2008) دراسة التكافؤ البيولوجي عشوائيا لجرعة مفردة فموية لكبسولات تركيبتين من ثلاثي هيدرات الأموكسيسيلين (شاموكسيل وأموكسيل) لدى متطوعين أسوياء. المجلة العربية للعلوم الصيدلية – مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية- جامعة دمشق. المجلد الثالث العدد السادس، محرم 1429 –شباط (فبراير) 2008 : 21-30.

  1. Mansour, A. A.; Tayeb A. I.; Eissa E. A.; and Sallam M. A. (2009). GENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF SOME EGYPTIAN AND YEMENI WHEAT VARIETIES DETECTED BY RAPD AND ISSR MARKERS. J. Plant Breed. 13: 11 – 23.


  1. I. A. Tayeb and J.H.M. Al-Shabi (2014). Biochemical genetic markers analysis of some Yemeni sorghum cultivars under iron deficiency stress using proteins and isozymes electrophoresis. Univ. Aden J. Nat. and Appl. Sc. Vol 18 No. (3): 635-649.

Society Services

  • Foundation and Management of the first Yemeni Tissue Culture Laboratory, General Corporation of Agricultural Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.


  • Member of AlHodiedah Social, Developmental Society.


  • Member of Yemeni Biological Sciences Society.



Laboratory Tools Skills



  • Genetic engineering: Gene isolation via PCR amplification, Vectors construction, E coli transformation and plant transformation by using Biolistic “Gene Gun”.
  • Tissue culture experience: could obtain whole plants from maize immature embryos via Tissue culture. Worked on wheat tissue culture and published a paper about using shoot-tip of wheat as a source of explants. Working on tissue culture in Yemeni Coffee.
  • Microbial experience: Isolated and maintained some serovars of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis from Egyptian soils.
  • Molecular Biology: using of DNA fingerprint in plant. Using of RAPD-PCR, Proteins and Isoenzymes as molecular markers.
  • HPLC: Used HPLC to determine some compounds existing in the plant sap.