Dr. Adel Mohamed Ahmed Al-Kdasi
Personal Data:
Ph.D. Engineer (Technical Science)
Assistant Professor
Date and Place of Birth: 14th November, 1969, Taiz, Yemen
Marital Status: Married, 6 Children
May, 2007 – up to date Assistant Professor
Agricultural Engineering Department
Faculty of Agriculture
Sana’a University
Republic of Yemen
February, 2017 up to date Dean of Student Affairs and Graduate Studies
British University in Yemen
Republic of Yemen Sana’a
November, 2008 – 2015 Dean of Faculty of Engineering
Yemeni Jordanian University
Repblic of Yemen Sana’a
Agricultural Engineering Department
Faculty of Agriculture
Sana’a University
Republic of Yemen
Academic Qualification
Ph.D., 2007
Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Engineering
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
University Putra Malaysia
Color and Organic Removals from Textile Wastewater Using Integrated Biological and Advanced Oxidation Process
Master, 1996 Master with Honors
Machinery Design
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Sana’a University,
Design, Manufacturing and Testing of Wheat Planters for Terraces, and Small Holdings
Bachelor, 1991
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Baghdad University,
High school, 1987
Omar Bin Abdulaziz
Arabic, and
Training courses
- English Language, 13-23 may1999
Faculty of Language
Sana’a University
English as a Foreign Language, 26th day of may 2000
International Language Institute (ILI),
Nova Scotia,
English as a Second Language, 25th may 2001
Metro-region immigrant language services (MILS)
Halifax regional school board
Nova Scotia,
Scholarships/ Award
2003 – 2007 Awarded, a Scholarship from Sana’a University Yemen
1999 Hayel Saeed Ana’am Award (incentive).
Al- Saeed Foundation for Science and Culture
1987 – 1991 Awarded, a Scholarship from Ministry of Education.
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Baghdad University, Iraq
Professional Experiences
- Farm Machinery (Sana’a University and Sana’a Community College)
- Mechanics for Engineering (Statics and Dynamics) in Sana’a University and several private universities)
- Engineering Drawing (Sana’a university and several private universities)
- Strength of Materials (can be teached)
- Descriptive Geometry (private university)
- Engines (Sana’a university and Sana’a Community College)
- Environmental Engineering (graduate students in Sana’a university and several private universities)
- Water Treatment (graduate students)
- AutoCAD (Sana’a University and several private university)
- Surveying 1and 2 (Sana’a University and private university)
May, 2007 – up to date Assistant Professor
Agricultural Engineering Department
Faculty of Agriculture
Sana’a University
Republic of Yemen
- Teaching several courses
- Engaged in the following administrative activities:
- Department’s Reporter
- Member, Department council.
- Member, Faculty service society
- Supervisor, Agricultural engineering undergraduate Students.
February, 2017 up to date Dean of Student Affairs and Graduate Studies
British University in Yemen
Republic of Yemen
With the Following Responsibilities:
- Participating designs and implementation the academic plans
- Development, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum.
- Teaching several courses for undergraduate students
Community Service and Consultancies:
- Participated in the preparation of the Academic Affairs Regulations.
- Participated in the preparation of the University’s Student guide.
- Participated in the Preparation of the Administrative Regulations.
- Participated in the Preparation of the Student Affairs Regulations.
- Participated in the preparation of equipment and laboratories specification .
- Participated in the preparation of different academic programs specification
- Participated in the preparation of self evaluation of academic programs, level 1
2008 – November 2014 Dean Faculty of Engineering
Yemeni Jordanian University
Republic of Yemen
With the Following Responsibilities:
- Participating designs and implementation the academic plans
- Development, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum.
- Teaching several courses for undergraduate students
Community Service and Consultancies:
- Participated in the preparation of the University’s Student guide
- Participated in the preparation of the Academic Affairs Regulations
- Participated in the Preparation of the Administrative Regulations
- Participated in the Preparation of the Student Affairs Regulations
2008 – 2009 Assistant Professor
Sana’a Community College,
Ministry of technical Education and vocational training,
- Internal Combustion Engine
- Research methods
2001 -2002 Research Assistant
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering,
Dalhousie University,
Nova Scotia,
1997- 1999 Research Assistant
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Sana’a University,
Teaching :
- Technical Drawing
- Surveying
- Internal Combustion Engine
1993 -1997 Instructor
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Sana’a University,
- Technical Drawing
- Surveying
- Math
Community Service and Consultancies in Al-Saeed University, (October, 2012).
- Participated in the preparation of the Academic Affairs Regulations for the Al-Saeed University, (October, 2012).
- Participated in the preparation of the University’s Student guide, of the Al-Saeed University, (October, 2012).
- Participated in the Preparation of the Administrative Regulations for the Al-Saeed University, (October, 2012).
- Participated in the Preparation of the Student Affairs Regulations, for the Al-Saeed University, (October, 2012).
Participation in Conferences and Work Shops
5– 8 November 2014 ورشة العمل الأولى (توصيف البرامج الأكاديمية و المقررات
الجامعة الإماراتية الدولية
الجمهورية اليمنية
2– 6 March 2014 ورشة عمل في ضمان الجودة
مركز التطوير الأكاديمي وضمان الجودة
جامعة صنعاء
الجمهورية اليمنية
First of December , 2013 Important of Fog Harvesting National Foundation for Watershed Management and Services (WAM)
Republic of Yemen
19– 21 November, 2013 The First National Workshop on the Use of Biogas as A Source of Energy to Reduce Poverty and Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation,
20 – 21 May, 2009 Yemeni International Conference on Quality.
7 – 9 June, 2008 Training Workshop for Higher Technical Education Programs BLOCK4.
Sana’a Community College,
17 March, 2008 Workshop on “Preparation of Administrators” for the Higher Technical Education Programs.
Sana’a Community College,
12 March, 2008 Second Conference of the Higher Education” The Output of Higher Education and the Labor Market”.
14th July, 2004 Workshop on Plagiarism Detection
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
University Putra Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur,
23-25th March, 2004 Workshop on Developing Writing and Publication Skills for Scientific Research
University Putra Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur,
11-12th December, 2003 Workshop on Sustainable Sanitation for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse.
Institute of Environmental &Water Resource Management (IPASA),
University Technology Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur,
13-17th December, 2002 4-day Professional Development Course on Fundamentals of off-Road Vehicle Mobility.
University Putra Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur,
Software Development for Textile Factories
Textile Wastewater Treatment (TexTreat):
Decision Support Software for Textile Wastewater Treatment.
Being Implemented at the Following Factories:
- Kim Fashion Knitwear (M) Sdn Bhd
- Pacific Peninsula Textile Sdn Bhd
Tampoi Industrial Estate,
Johor Bahru,
- Ramatex textile industrial (Batu Pahat, Johour Bahru )
Sri Gading Industrial Estate,
Batu Pahat,
Journals and Books Publications Journals Publications
- Bashir Abbas Samakha, Adel Mohamed Al-Kdasi, Korenevsky N.A., Milostnaya N.A.(2013). The Distributed Automated System of Support of Carrying out Researches for Management of Control of Pollution of The Environment in the Industrial Cluster. Proceedings of The South West State University, № 4., 2013, ISSN 2223-1536, pp. 84-89,
- Awadh Ali Mohammed1, O. V. Shatalova, Adel Mohamed AlKdasi, and V. N. Snopkov (2013). Simulation of the Effect of Electrocardiosignal on Evaluation of the Dynamic Component of Bioimpedance. Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 4, November, 2013, pp. 205_208, Russia.
- Adel Al-Kdasi, Azni Idris, Luqman Chuah Abdullahm Mohanad El-Harbawi, Mogeeb Alzokry (2009). Development of a software to simulate effluent characteristics of textile wastewater treatment J. Process Systems Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1,82-99, 2009, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, UK.
- Al-Kdasi, A. Idris, L.C. Abdullah, K. Saed (2007). Formulations of Process Treatment Options for Textile Wastewater. Malaysian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol.1, 11-28.
- Luqman Chuah Abdullah, Adel Al-Kdasi, Azni Idris and Katayon Saed (2006). Oxidation of Real Biotreated Textile Wastewater Using Advanced Oxidation Process. Journal of Applied Technology. 4 (1), 29-39.
- Adel AL-kdasi, Azni Idris, Katayon Saed and Chuah Guan. Treatment of Textile Wastewater by Advanced Oxidation Processes–A Review. Global Nest: The Int. J. Vol 6, No 3, pp 222-230, 2004, Greece.
- Hazza’a A. A. and Al-Kadasi A.M. Proper Planting Techniques and its Role in Improving the Field Production. A study Report Presented for Competition on Hayel Saeed An’am Award for Science and Culture. Al-Saeed Foundation- Taiz, Republic of Yemen.
Book Publications
Treatment System for Textile Wastewater. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany.
Computer Skills
- Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft FrontPage.
- AutoCAD
- Adobe Photoshop