dr . Eibrahim Albaltah
Ibrahim Ahmed Ahmed Al-Baltah
Gender: Male
Birth date: 1/1/1980
Nationality: Yemen
Phone number: 777084911
2010 – 2014 University of Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia, PhD.
Major: Software engineering
Advisor: Abdul Azem Ghani, Ph.D.
2008 – 2010 University of Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia MSc
Major: Software engineering
Advisor: Abu baker, Ph.D.
2003 – 2007 | University of Gezira, Sudan, BSs Major: Statistics and Computer Science |
2021 – Now Associated Professor in Computer Science (Software
Engineering), Faculty of computer science and information
technology, Sana’a university.
2019- Now Head of information technology department, Faculty of
computer science and information technology, Sana’a university.
2016- 2018 Head of computer science department, Faculty of computer
science and information technology, Sana’a university.
2016 Assistant Professor, Faculty of computer science and information
technology, Sana’a university.
2017 | Outstanding contribution in reviewing Awarded by Knowledge-Base Systems journal, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
2011 | Scholarship Awarded a full scholarship for PhD degree from the ministry of the higher education of Yemen from January 2011 until January 2015. |
2008 | Scholarship Awarded a full scholarship for Master degree from the ministry of the higher education of Yemen from January 2008 until January 2010. |
2005 | Honor board Awarded the honor board for scoring the highest CGPA for three sequential semesters during the Bachelor degree. |
2002 | Scholarship Awarded a full scholarship for Bachelor degree from the ministry of the higher education of Yemen from January 2002 until July 2007. |
Project consultations
– Establish an electronic information system for project number: 200-29090, SFD, 2015
– A consultant and supervisor for establishing and developing an electronic system for employees monitoring, Ministry of Civil Services and Insurance, Office of Honesty, Sana’a.
Resource project
– I involved as a researcher in project No. 5450589, supported by MOSTI Fund, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia; 2013.
Company Founder Founder of ItganSoft for software development and consultations (www.itgansoft.com)
– Knowledge-Based Systems -Journal – Elsevier
– Network and Computer Applications-Journal – Elsevier
– Saba Journal of information Technology and Networking (SJITN)-ISSN: 2312-4989. Ibrahim A. Al-Baltah C.V
Academic Programs Involvement
I have involved in the preparation of different computer science programs including the following:
2020 | PhD program PhD of Computing, faculty of computer science and information technology, Sana’a university, Sana’a, Yemen. |
2015-2020 | Master programs 1. Master of Information Technology, faculty of computer science and information technology, Sana’a university, Sana’a, Yemen. 2. Master of Information Technology, Yemen Academic for Postgraduate Studies. |
2015-2020 | Bachelor programs 1. Bachelor of Information Technology, faculty of computer science and information technology, Sana’a university, Sana’a, Yemen. 2. Bachelor of Information Technology, faculty of computer and information technology, Saba university, Sana’a, Yemen. 3. Bachelor of Software Engineering, faculty of computer and information technology, Saba university, Sana’a, Yemen. 4. Bachelor of Software Engineering, faculty of engineering and information technology, Alnokhbah international university for science and technology, Sana’a, Yemen. 5. Bachelor of Information Technology, faculty of engineering and information technology, Emirates international university, Sana’a, Yemen. 6. Bachelor of Software Engineering, faculty of computer and information systems, Thamar university, Thamar, Yemen. |
Quality Assurance
2018 | I involved as a team member for preparing the “National Academic Reference Standards (NARS)” for undergraduate computing programs, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance, May 2018. |
2018-2021 | I involved as a team member for evaluating some academic programs, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Council for Accreditation & Quality Assurance. |
2015-2021 | Bachelor Projects I have supervised a number of graduation projects in some universities including: 1. Sana’a university 2. Saba university 3. Emirates international university 4. Al-Hikma university |
2017-2021 | Master Theses I have supervised a number of master theses in some universities including: 1. Sana’a university 2. University of Sciences and Technology 3. Yemen Academic for Postgraduate Studies |
– Systematic mapping study, Science and Technology university, 2017.
– Green software engineering, Thamar university, 2017.
– Writing Good Scientific Research Articles, Thamar university, 2016.
– Technique and skill improvement in using the “integrated’ SAS and excel
packages in data handling, statistical and analysis, and the analysis outputs
and representation workshop”, UPM University on 1st – 2nd June 2011.
– Exploring Statistic Using SPSS workshop, UPM University on 8th – 9th
December 2010.
– Refwork software seminar, UPM University on 26th October 2010.
– Scientific writing seminar, UPM university on 4th August 2010
1. I Al-Surmi, B Raddwan and I. A. Al-Baltah, “Next Generation Mobile Core Resource Orchestration: Comprehensive Survey, Challenges and Perspectives” Wireless Personal Communications. 2021.
2. R. H. Salman I. A. Al-Baltah “Survey of IoT in Teaching process: Techniques, tools, benefits and Challenges”, Saba Journal of Information Technology and Networking. In press.
3. I. A. Al-Baltah “BScrum: An Agile Development Method for Blockchain Software Development”, Saba Journal of Information Technology and Networking. Vol 8, pp:7-13, 2020.
4. I. A. Al-Baltah, A. A. A. Ghani, G. M. Al-Gomaei, H. A. Fuaad, A. A. Al Kharusi “A Scalable Semantic Data Fusion Framework for Heterogeneous Sensors Data” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020.
5. A. A. Alhaddad, I. A. Al-Baltah, A. Z. Abualkishik, A. A. Al Kharusi, A. A. A. Ghani, M. Abdellatief “A Systematic Mapping Study on Software Effort Estimation”
6. H. ALMarwi, M. Ghurab, I. A. Al-Baltah “A hybrid semantic query expansion approach for Arabic information retrieval” Journal of Big Data, 2020
7. S. Moogab; A. Al-Shalabi; I. A. Albalatah “A Survey of Knowledge Representation in Quranic Ontologies” IJCSN Journal. Vol 9,2020. Ibrahim A. Al-
8. B. Raddwan, K. AL-Wagih, I. A. Al-Baltah, M. A. Alrshah, M. A. Al-Maqr “Path Mapping Approach for Network Function Virtualization Resource Allocation with Network Function Decomposition Support” Symmetry, 2019.
9. M. A. Mohammed, A. M. Talib, I. A. Al-Baltah “Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality of ERP Software: Systematic Mapping Review” in Metrics and Models for Evaluating the Quality and Effectiveness of ERP Software, pp: 1-27, IGI Global,
10. M. A. Mohammed, A. M. Talib, I. A. Al-Baltah “A Survey on Distributed Databases Fragmentation, Allocation and Replication Algorithms,” Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. vol 2 , pp: 1-12, 2018
11. H. A. Fuaad, I. A. Al-Baltah, A. Majed and A. Asem, “A Survey on Distributed Databases Fragmentation, Allocation and Replication Algorithms,” Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. vol 2, pp: 1-12, 2018
12. Sultan Y. As-Sultan, I. A. Al-Baltah and H. A. Fuaad, “A Survey on Mobile Banking Applications and the Adopted Models,” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol 7, pp: 7-11, 2017.
13. E. A. AIselwi and I. A. Al-Baltah, “Towards a Renewable Energy Management and Protection Algorithm for Smart Home,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 212-218, 2017.
14. S. Al-Haj and I. A. Al-Baltah, “A Hybrid Master-Slave Model for Distributed Denial of Service Attacks,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 234-246, 2017.
15. G. A. Al-Duba’I and I. A. Al-Baltah, “Towards a Hybrid Trust Management Model based on Reputation for P2P,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 219-233, 2017.
16. M. A. Alkhawlani and I. A. Al-Baltah, “Two-Phase Scheduling Algorithm for RealTime Applications in Distributed Systems,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 247-254, 2017.
17. M. Q. AL_shamiry and I. A. Al-Baltah, “Towards SAES Model for Enhancing Cloud Computing Security,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 255-265, 2017.
18. M. H. Nagi and I. A. Al-Baltah, “Improving the Protection of Sensitive Data in Distributed Databases,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 266-274, 2017.
19. R. Al-shami and I. A. Al-Baltah, “A Trust Self-managed Virtual Machine Placement Scheduling Model in Cloud Computing,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 275-283,2017.
20. Z. A. Ashabi and I. A. Al-Baltah, “An enhanced Reinforcement learning Model for Resource Management in Distributed Systems,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, 296-302, 2017.
21. J. A. Al-Sharjabi and I. A. Al-Baltah, “QoS-Aware Two-Phase Scheduling Model for Cloud Computing Systems Tasks,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 121-131, 2017.
22. R. H. Salman and I. A. Al-Baltah, “Towards a Hybrid Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Energy Utilization in Wireless Sensor Network,” in proceedings of 2nd scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp.139-152, 2017.
23. I. A. Al-Baltah, A. A. A. Ghani, W. N. W. A. Rahman, and R. Atan,” A classification of semantic conflicts in heterogeneous web services at messagelevel,” Turk. J. Elec. Eng. & Comp. Sci. vol 24, pp:1099-1116, 2016
24. S. Y. As-Sultan, I. A. Al-Baltah, F. H. Abdulrazak, “TIU: A hybrid model for the adoption of mobile banking application,” in proceedings of 1st scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 209-219, 2016.
25. G. M. Al-Gomai, I. A. Al-Baltah, F. H. Abdulrazak, “Towards a data fusion framework for heterogeneous sensors in semantic web of things,” in proceedings of 1st scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 209-219,
26. B. Azman, I. A. Al-Baltah, “An ontology-based automatic text summarization: survey,” in proceedings of 1st scientific conference on information technology,Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 209-219, 2016.
27. N. A. Bin-Dahan, F. M. Ba-Alwi, I. A. Al-Baltah, G, H, Al-gapheri, “Towards an Arabic-English machine-translation based on semantic web,” in proceedings of 1st scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 209-219, 2016.
28. M. Al-hadi, F. M. Ba-Alwi, I. A. Al-Baltah, G, H, Al-gapheri, “survey of semantic annotation of Arabic text ,” in proceedings of 1st scientific conference on information technology, Sana’a, Yemen, pp. 209-219, 2016.
29. I. A. Al-Baltah, A. A. A. Ghani, W. N. W. A. Rahman, and R. Atan,” Semantic Conflicts Detection of Heterogeneous Messages of Web Services: Challenges and Solution,” Journal of Computer Science, vol.10, pp. 1428-1439, 2014.
30. I. A. Al-Baltah, A. A. A. Ghani, W. N. W. A. Rahman, and R. Atan, “Towards a systematic approach for solving semantic conflicts in heterogeneous
Web service messages,” in Second international joint conference on advances in signal processing and information technology, Dubai,UAE, pp. 51-56, 2014.
31. I. A. Al-Baltah, A. A. A. Ghani, W. N. W. A. Rahman, and R. Atan,” A Comparative Study on Ontology Development Methodologies towards Building Semantic Conflicts Detection Ontology for Heterogeneous Web Services,” Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, vol. 7, pp. 2674-2679,2014.
32. I. A. Al-Baltah and A. A. A. Ghani, “Towards Ontology Driven Semantic Conflicts Detection in Web services at Message Level,” International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP), vol. 5, pp. 71-80, 2013.
33. O. L. Barakat, S. J. Hashim, I. A. Al-Baltah, “SCARECROW: Towards scalable automatic malware detection and reporting system utilizing crowd- sourcing,” in ISSDM2013: 2013 7th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science, Service Science and Data Mining (NISS, ICMIA), June 18-20, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 2013.
34. O. L. Barakat, S. J. Hashim, R. A. R. Ramli, F. Hashim, K. Samsudin, I. A. AlBaltah, M. M. Al-Habshi, “SCARECROW: Scalable Malware Reporting, Detection and Analysis,” Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 8(September),pp.1–12, 2013.2012
35. I. A. Al-Baltah, A. A. A. Ghani, W. N. W. A. Rahman, and R. Atan, “An Analysis on SAWSDL and its Implementation Tools,” International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP), vol. 4, pp. 42-53, 2012.
I have taught some courses since 2014 until now in different universities TEACHING EXPERIENCE IN POSTGRADUATE
Master courses
– Advanced analysis and design of algorithms: Yemeni academy from 2014-2020
– Advanced database systems
– Advanced distributed databases: Yemeni academy from 2014-2020
– Service oriented-architecture: University of Science and Technology 2015-2020
– Advanced software engineering: University of Science and Technology and Yemeni academy from 2015-2020
– Advanced distributed systems Sana’a University and University of Modern Science
from 2016-2017
– PhD courses |
Semantic Web: Sana’a University from 2016-2019 |
– Advanced software analysis and design: University of Science and Technology in