dr. Naji Alshibany
Personal Information:
- Name: Nagi Ali Al-shaibany
- Date of Birth: October, 1973
- Nationality: Yemeni
- Martial Status: Married
- Mobile Phone: +967-777182910
- Email Address: shaibany@su.edu.ye
Assistance Professor in Informatics and computing. More than 20 years of experience in education and management of the academic institutions. Research interests includes networks, security and IT management. Fluent in Arabic, English and some Korean.
- [ February, 2008] Seoul National University, South Korea
PhD degree in Engineering major in IT policy program (ITPP).
- ITPP program is a multidisciplinary program that concerns about IT and policy issues of IT usage. It is divided into two parts: Course work and thesis. Course work total Grade [95%]. Thesis title “Online communities and its role in enhancing the social capital”.
- [ 2002] Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) certified based on Windows 2000.
- [ 2002 ] ExecuTrain Certified Instructor. This is a certificate given to instructors who passed teaching training course based on ExecuTrain international standard.
- [ May, 2001 ] New Mexico State University, USA
Master degree in Art. Major in Education and minor in computer Engineering. Total GPA [3.63]
- [ July, 1997] Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen.
Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering major in Computer Engineering. Total Grade [82.88%]
[2001 – Now] Total of more than more than 20 years in teaching and management.
[June 2019 – Now] Dean of faculty of computer and Information Technology – Sana’a University.
[March 2016 – September 2018] Head of Information Technology department in Computer and IT college in Sana’a University.
[2012-2015] Part time Assistant professor in College of computer and IT, Sana’a University.
[April 2009 – April 2012] Dean’s Assistance for Students affairs and Full Time Instructor at Sana’a Community College.
Major classes for bachelors or master students including:
- Computer Networks.
- Network Operating systems.
- Network Security.
- Web design and development.
- Visual programming (using Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic 2015).
- Human computer Interaction
- Computer Ethics and laws.
- Research Methods ….. and more
[Summer 2008 – Now] Part Time Instructor at Lebanese International University. Teaching various computer and Math courses.
[ 2004] Head of Engineering department in SCC, Sana’a, Yemen.
[ 2001-2004] An Instructor in SCC, Sana’a, Yemen
[ 2004] Training Manager in ExecuTrain, Sana’a, Yemen
[ 2001-2004] IT courses Instructor, ExecuTrain, Sana’a, Yemen
Conferences and Workshops:
- Mangeing and preparing the opening workshop of IEEE – Yemen in FCIT.
- Quality assurance tanning and certification based on building and reviewing colleges, programs, and courses requirements to meet International Standards as IEEE or ACM. Participating on different workshops on QA and being a member of the team of NARS of Information Technology in Yemen.
- [October 2009] Preparing a workshop for the Arab union of vocational training. The workshop focused on “Computer Applications – MATLAB”
- [October 2008] Preparing and presenting a workshop for the Arab union of vocational training. The workshop focused on “Wireless Networks”
- [2016- Now] Consultant with Prosite Yemen (prositeyemen.com) company for hosting and building websites based in Yemen.
- [2010-2011] working with ( http://www.silatech.org/( which is Qatari organization helping to provide assistance and support in education and training field for unemployed people. I was the dean assistance for students’ affair in Sana’a community college. The focus of Silatech project was to train as many workers as possible in order to be able to work in a safe environment [Health and safety project]. The program was held at Sana’a Community college with Yemeni teachers who get trained and certified from foreigner instructors. At the end of the project more than 1024 workers get certified on health and safety program. That was the first stage which was having big impact that even the prime minister at that time attended the certificate distributing and graduation ceremony (http://www.scc.edu.ye/ar-news.aspx?id=11). The second stage was to start training program for unemployed workers in different areas like constructions, pluming, electricians, and many more. Unfortunately, the second stage stopped due the situation in Yemen in 2011.
- [2011] working with American community colleges in Iowa and Oklahoma states to build a partnership between their respectful colleges and Sana’a Community College (http://scc.edu.ye/ar-news.aspx?id=17) . The program started by us, dean, and me as vice dean for student’s affairs visiting the USA and see what are the things we can work together to accomplish. The program was to build a common academic program for entrepreneurship which will be designed to help in improving the economic situation in Yemen by helping students to start their own business projects. This will be through taking different courses in Yemen and USA. Unfortunately, the project stopped due the situation in Yemen in 2011
- [2011] Working with Community Livelihoods Project (CLP) through the American Embassy in Sana’a. We submitted a request asking the CLP to provide us with hardware and software needed to extend the work of Sana’a community college and upgrade its infrastructure to help more students. CLP provided us with many computers and network hardware as routers, switches and even swing machine for fashion design department.
Research and scientific papers: These includes papers on google scholar but it is not comprehensive list.
Critical success factors (CSFs) of ERP in higher education institutions
MA Al-Hadi, NA Al-Shaibany International Journal 7 (4), 92-95 |
An extended ERP model for Yemeni universities using TAM model
MA Al-hadi, NA Al-Shaibany International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science 6 (7), 22084-22096 |
Ethical network surveillance using packet sniffing tools: A comparative study
IAI Diyeb, A Saif, NA Al-Shaibany International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 11 (7), 12 |
TAB Al-sofi, NA Al-Shaibany, AA Al-Khulaidi, YM Almekhlafi |